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And testing out my Sony FDR-AX53's 1080p60 mode, cuz why not :)



LGR - Unboxing Dec.

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-12-31.



Amazing how clean that mic is for a camcorder! I had a Roland CM-32L which was the non-display version of the MT-32. Paid a fortune for it and if memory serves I bought it directly from Sierra ! I think they had a version that was all contained on a single board.


Oh man, all that Roland stuff. <3 Living the dream, Clint. :)

Evan B

my buddy sent in the power mouse .. He'll be super psyched to see the video.. Thanks for sharing! :)


Happy New Year Clint. Thanks for being the only YouTuber where I can really say that I have enjoyed every single video from you that I've seen. Thanks for the hours of entertainment.


wtf, we could have sent you presents?! How did I not know this?


Glad you didn't mind the sound! It's not quite up to par for me, but it's not bad after editing :)


Ah the MT-32! My buddy and I played Doom music on one of those and it was the awesomest thing we'd ever heard. So realistic! Oh man. Good stuff.


URU can still be played. You got the single player version of the game. It is one of my favorite ones in the series. And if you want to play online, go to <a href="http://mystonline.com/en/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mystonline.com/en/</a> :)


Oh yes. First time I saw and heard Doom was on a system with an MT-32, everything else was spoiled after that.


I miss the days of heavy flight simulation competition. There was always something new around the corner, and now... Very little, if any at all. Older flight simulators are a prime reason to keep some vintage hardware around, but getting those flight sticks customized and configured properly really makes you appreciate modern utilities. ...and here I predicted that USB would never catch on. LOL


Yep, I'm still hanging onto the same old flight software and hardware I've had for the better part of a decade now. Although the upcoming new X-Plane looks sweet, so there's that!


Happy New Year, Clint ! Talking about presents, I saw a Blizzard 1260 IV on eBay the other day... Sadly, it was at a start price of $2000 ! :o Nowadays, cards like the ACA 1200 from Relech (from the second Amiga 1200) is more recent, so maybe it's better ? Still the Blizzard cards are what dreams are made of... Anyway, I'll try to get you Apidya in the coming year (I really had hoped to be able to send it to you for Christmas but it wasn't possible), and this time it won"t be in German (yeah, sorry about Bermuda Syndrome being in German. :( )

Justin Dotson

I like your socks. Looks like they came straight from the 80s.


All those CFS packs brought back memories - I miss that 90s era of flight sims so bad. Plus all that MT-32/MPU-401 goodness - looking forward to seeing whatever vid you put together on all of that. Hope you're having a Happy New Year as well!


Hmm, Mailbag Saturday with LGR? Should have done that on a Monday so that i can watch two Mailbag Mondays. ;)


Speaking of weird mice, I saw at my local thrift store once a mouse that was literally in the shape of a NASCAR car. No joke. And I think you had to click on the hood or something. I didn't grab it, but I couldn't help but think of LGR upon seeing it XP


Suffering through an apartment move right now I'm thinking ... I think I have it bad, OMG you must have a lot of stuff!


Heh, yeah there's a reason I store my collection in another location than my house. It'd drive me crazy otherwise!


I've seen a few of those, and I think I have one somewhere! I know I have one that's shaped like a huge Hot Wheels car.


Thanks Rob, I hope your new year is going nicely so far as well! Looking forward to making some videos on this stuff.


Wow, those cards just keep going up in price. And no worries about Bermuda Syndrome, being in German, I was able to source an English disc!


I sent you an email a few months back about a bunch of things I wanted to donate, but I never heard back from you. Is there a better way to get in touch with you?


Could've gotten flagged as spam somehow. But yeah, feel free to send a PM through Patreon if the normal email isn't working


I'm curious, do you have much UK stuff? I've seen an Amiga or two mentioned on your channel but not Spectrum iirc. Might have to send some things if not 😊


Plenty! Spectrum, C64, Dragon 32, Amstrad CPC, and on and on. I've reviewed most of those, too!

Ed D

Hell yes, Rocket Jockey!! Fantastically absurd network (serial?) play.