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LGR - RollerCoaster Tycoon World Is Sad [A Review]

Welp. After twelve years of anticipation waiting for another mainline Roller Coaster Tycoon game on the PC, this is the result. And yeah, it is a bit of a downer for long-time fans.



"Technically not bored" I think you can sum up the entire review like that. 10/10


This is quite depressing from someone who played the original RCT games to death (and still plays them, thanks GoG). The lack of polish makes the game feel like a beta. And why can't you customize other park features like signs, resturants, and ride color schemes. The original RCT had customization in spades and that's over 15 years old. I have to think Atari has had some hand in this, considering a lot of their published titles lately have either been cash grabs aiming at nostalgia, or just plain crap overall. Looks like if you want a modern RCT game, stick with Planet Coaster or Parkitect


I played the crap out of the older games and this makes me sad. I don't know if they thought they could just half ass it to rush it out knowing it could be fixed later or what the deal is but it is a slap in the face.

Lindsay Michelle

This reminds me of SimCity 2013... except sadder. These are not even funny glitches, either! They're just WTF and frustrating; that is pretty sad in itself.

Kris Asick

The fact that clone titles are blowing past fails such as Simcity and now RCTW kinda puts in perspective the kind of shape the game industry is in and also helps to exemplify why I tend to avoid games released by big-name companies now in favour of indie titles.


This game is the Simcity reboot all over again! An inferior reboot of a beloved franchise, that's outdone by a clone of a different name.

Michael Matzat

I am so sad i bought this when they went in early access...


The almost impossibility of failure - that just kills games for me. Which sucks because I loved Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 so much :(


I suppose it was either release it now or start from the ground up. Bringing back the old guard in an era blooming with an indie scene and big budget titles is going to be rough. Flops will happen as that portion of the industry attempts to find it's feet in a world of rabid expectation. Sim City went too big. This clearly suffered being bounced around in the middle; arguably a worse fate. It probably would have been better served as a purely creative coaster design simulation at a budget cost, with later expansions. I'm perfectly happy to pay full AAA prices for a game, but sometimes... Sometimes things need to be smaller to grow bigger. Imagine the budget and resulting developer freedom they'd have accumulated with an addictive, cheap "why not buy it?" title.


This really sucks. God only knows how many hours I have invested in RCT3, and I was looking forward to this game ever since I first heard about it. Maybe they'll fix most of the issues in patches and drop the price?

Deryn L.

Great review, it's a shame you had to waste your editing talents on such a hunk of crap. Btw, what was the song playing in the intro? I'm building a smooth jazz playlist and would love to add that!


Indeed, the lack of customization just blew my mind when I noticed it was gone. I thought I *had* to be missing something, but nope. :/


There's lots of speculation as to why they rushed it, especially since they tossed it onto the market just ONE DAY before Planet Coaster... shady stuff. <a href="https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/11/11/rollercoaster-tycoon-world-release-date/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/11/11/rollercoaster-tycoon-world-release-date/</a>


It's much sadder, yeah. At least SimCity 2013 had quite a few merits alongside its disappointments. This one is almost pure, high-octane sadness.


Agreed, it's quite telling of where things are at the moment. This type of game especially is something the big publishers seem to have seriously lost sight of in terms of what made them awesome.


Aw man, my condolences. I avoid early access as a general rule, but I'm doubly glad that I didn't bother in this case :/


Yep, it really kills the staying power of a game when that happens. Even Planet Coaster, which is a lot better than this one, lacks a hearty challenge.


Maybe they will, but I honestly don't have much hope that it'd make enough of a difference to be worth it. At least there's this instead :) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lgr-planet-7286890">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lgr-planet-7286890</a>


Heh, a shame perhaps, but I also feel like it was worth it to prevent some people wasting their money. As for the songs, those are listed in the YouTube video description as always. They're just stock tracks from Epidemic though.


Such a shame. I really enjoyed the original RCT. I still play it every once and a while. Are the other games in the series worth getting? I never picked up 2 because it looked pretty much the same as the original.


RCT2 easily gets the popular vote in terms of being the best in the series by fans. I really enjoyed RCT3 for what it was though, and it did some super cool stuff for its time. In fact, it's still better than RCTW here. As for a modern 3D coaster game, Planet Coaster is where it's at, or Parkitect if you want to stick with isometric-style gameplay.

Eric Christopher

Thanks for this, Clint! I have been on a classic RCT 1 and 2 kick lately and had wondered about the two new choices at hand, I think I will pick up planet coaster when a little more managerial experience is added but I have every intention to stay away from this garbage mistakenly named Rollercoaster Tycoon. Great review, keep up the good work bud!


I'm split between feeling sorry for people who loved the series, while also being giddy at how comically absurd the bugs in the art direction &amp; animations turned out. Watching cavemen-like people moping around a supposedly happy theme park, all the while dredging through ankle high moats of water... It almost makes me want to play it. Not that I'd want to spend any money on it, but it looks like it would be good for a quick laugh. Just unfortunate that it has the Rollercoaster Tycoon name on it. At least people can turn to Planet Coaster.


Atari's "Power Without the Price" comes to roost here. Looks like they mismanaged this management sim into a pathetic mess. Too bad!


I'm more in the direction of just laughing at it, especially since the developers seem to be ignoring people entirely on the forums, and/or outright dismissing claims of bugs and such. What a sad state of affairs.


On a positive note, Humble Bundle has a Tycoon Simulator ... er, bundle ... up now that includes the superior Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe and several others. Sweet?