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This is still one heck of a fun vehicular combat game.POETRY. 


LGR - Interstate '76 - PC Game Review

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-09-20.


Joseph Coco

Consider fixing the endcap before going prime time. Thanks for the new video though, it looks like a lot of fun.


The outro is exactly as it should be, it's using YouTube's new annotation system which adds elements after the video is processed. You'll see the final result later :)


Hmm... now that you've mentioned it you've never done a Mechwarrior video have you?


I still can't get over the villain is John DeLancie. I was heavy into TNG reruns at that time and was like "Is that Q?".


However, ADG made an episode about MechWarrior 2, if you're interested. :)


Thank you! This game is one of a kind. It's like was never seen before, and never again seen after. The music, the cars, the soul... I loved it. This is one game that begs for a play-by-play re-boot. The magic is still there.


A pity the sequel i82 was not as good. This game on 3dfx though, epic! I did see Heavy Gear and Dark Reign in there, both incredible games which would be great to see at some point.


Ohh, this game. One day maybe I'll get myself playing through this, but on modern computers...well, it is based off the MW2 engine, iirc, so what did I expect. Cars are slippery and don't handle properly at all. Probably have to get it on an old computer and/or throttle it (faster computers seem to make things even worse). The game's aged way better than the code has, go figure. Though, of all the things I'd been told about this game, no one told me there was a poetry button. Today I learned.


I remember the intro music for this game so vividly, it's pretty much burned into my memory forever. It was one of the first WAV 's I encoded into an MP3 file! It's almost just too damn funky. Not to mention I was blown away by how awesome the game looked for the time. Long live I76!


Didn't play this but I did play Interstate 82 mod for Battlefield 1942, played it a lot, very fun mod


Mechanic....Skeeter.........CATCH A RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE! OK. It's Scooter in Borderlands, but that was the first thing that popped into my mind. :P


Aww this is just one of those games that I had in my hands yet failed to get to work on my computer and now I have missed out on it and only have associations of loss and disappointment with it as a result. I'll give it a try again, one day..


SimEarth AND Interstate '76? You're spoiling us! (two games that people have been requesting for a while)


Oh man, I need to play this, somehow... I kinda wish I still had my old Win 95/98 machine...


Right on! Just a shame it's so darn fiddly to get working - seems a lot of early Win95 era stuff tends to be these days. I guess that's a bummer simply because this is such a unique driving experience (and I oddly *loved* driving from the interior view, but I guess I'm weird like that).


Yeah, I didn't even realize it was him for a while! Those trippy sequences with only his voice all reverb-y threw me off at first, but by the end it's obvious.


It really is a special thing, and is a real shame it hasn't been revisited. I mean, sequels and spin-offs sure, but this particular style of gameplay stands alone!


The code certainly does not hold up on modern machines, even trying all the fixes I've seen out there. It improves things when you limit cores and clock speed, but yeah, still not quite right!


I remember editing videos back in 1998 with music from this soundtrack :)


Heh, I thought of that myself while making this. "Sk--ter": the perfect mechanic name, just insert vowels.


Definitely worth a shot, but man it's a pain to get working on anything but the hardware it was designed for..


I'm normally not an interior view guy when it comes to car games, but this one is absolutely of them where it plays better that way.


Of course I used this music in my videos prior to the efficient auto-takedown system on YouTube :)


Oh man one of my all time favorite PC games. I remember having a weird modded/hacked version of this where you could play the campaign with Taurus' car. That was a lot of fun.


I love this game! Just scored a late 90s Packard bell(don't laugh) it's got the specs to run this perfect.


Just played this again last year. Was such a fun game - thanks for covering it! Now, that said, I saw the ads/covers for Heavy Gear and Dark Reign which were two great games. I was a Dark Reign fanatic (and fairly good). This reminded me to look up my game website from the time which I THINK was fairly popular. According to my "Dreambook" it was anyways. Are you ready for this? Some links and images are broken but it's mostly intact. New browsers won't play the embedded midi files that were all the rage back then so play it yourself in the background for full effect (it will prompt you to download). www.chadkeck.com/site-archives/dr/ P.S. Don't laugh now, this was 90's middle school era, hah!