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It's like LGR Tech Tales, but with aliens worlds of bird people! Sort of.


LGR - SimEarth

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-09-16.


Justin Dotson

RIP Bird people 2016-2016


That was more interesting than I had expected.. And I always have high hopes for your vids. Nice twist on the usual syle :)


That was great! I kinda miss thick manuals.


That was a cool story, but I was continuously distracted by that hideous Gaia face.


rip bird people 5:18-8:53


"...which then dropped bombs on that first city." IN BIRD CULTURE, THIS IS CONSIDERED A DICK MOVE.

Evan B

well now i'm depressed.. RIP birds


Let me tell you a story about a naive little kid. This kid, having played hundreds of hours of SimCity, saved up pennies over many months of hard work and odd jobs in anticipation of the next in the series. On release day, he somehow convinced his parents to drive him almost an hour away to the nearest Software Etc, and excitedly purchased SimEarth on the SNES for $70 ($138 in 2016). After arriving home, he ripped open the package and popped in the game cartridge. And then sat there confused for the next 3 hours. So he looked in the manual - a terse 40-page mini pamphlet describing Cloud Albedo and Prokaryotes. Frustrated, but determined to redeem some value in his purchase, he forced himself to play for another day or two. Until he could no longer. That experience changed him forever. Skeptical and cynical, he never purchased another video game on release day ever again. And then 26 years later he was able to make peace with that mistake while watching a 10 minute video of someone else playing SimEarth on Patreon.


If only the bird people knew player.additem 00069086 ∞


Those poor bird people. Nuclear material. Not worth it hassle. Perhaps a lesson for the rest of us. Lovely take on reviewing this one - especially because of that simulation model. Was a nice practical way to show it out in action. :D


As much as I've played SimCity original and 2000 over the years, I must admit I've not really ventured into many of the other Maxis games. Even when this video started I felt too intimidated by the SimEarth interface to give it a ago... but after watching the whole thing, I think I'll give it a shot :)


Definitely worth giving it a shot! Looks intimidating, but SC2k is far more involved than this believe it or not :)


I miss everything about thick manuals. The weight, the smell, the info, the having something to read while taking a dump


Thank you! I had put this one off for some time until I could figure out a fun way to present it :)