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In which I come to the slow realization that The Sims 4 is just not going to turn into the game I hoped it would. 


LGR - The Sims 4: Two Years of Meh

Rambling about the current state of The Sims 4, after having just passed the two year anniversary of the game's release. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews Music used is from The Sims 1,2,3,4 OSTs


Lik Chan

Developers are too busy making those overpriced stuff packs. The only thing I enjoy about the The Sims are your reviews.


Agree with Lik Chan below. :) I haven't touched the Sims 4 in two years. I found it so boring, repetitive, and full of immersion breakers. (The guys randomly dropping doing pushups on the street)....I still watch your videos hoping it would get better. Thanks for the update.


LGR = Long Gloomy Rant. you're spot on though, I just cant play this game for hours on end like I could the others in the series.


Sims 4 is the one game I really barely played much of in the two years time. Sims 1 through 3 are what I've played a lot of, and I have no issues going back to either one of them. They really have enjoyable content I like, that was officially made and community mod support both. I have been wondering why the heck there were only two expansion packs, but I guess I was hoping more too. I don't know. It really just seems Sims 4 is lacking and I think I will just continue to enjoy the previous games like I still do.

Lindsay Michelle

I played Sims 4 a grand total of one time. Nothing drew me in, and I had periods of months where I was obsessed with Sims 1-3 over the years. I wanted to like it but... nothing made me care more. I could tell from the tone of your reviews and with the whole introduction of Ralph you were not as enthusiastic about this game as the past Sims games, and I don't blame you for thinking that way because I fully understand where you're coming from, playing since the release of Sims 1. I agreed with pretty much everything you said in this video. It is sad, in a way. I don't know how they can revitalize or reboot the franchise to bring back the magic that once was there. Two expansion packs doesn't seem a lot for two years, for some reason, even if maybe to some people it is enough. PS: Did you get my Patreon PM? If you didn't get to it, that's okay, you probably have Labor Day weekend plans keeping you busy, so it's all good. :)


Aye, I think a proper reboot is really the way to go at this point. Either that, or it'll just keep going in a direction that pushes away certain players.


Yep, I'm glad the games in the past are as good as they are, and there's still a bunch of community-made content keeping those interesting!


Ugh, those pushups and random idle animations are really dumb. It's such a lazy way to show how "unique" each sim is with their traits...


Two years... I think it's dead on the vine. Maybe they'll sell it to another company and we can get a better game.


That'd never happen unless EA was super hard up for cash, but man, wouldn't that be awesome? I can imagine a passionate publisher getting hold of it and doing some great things. Paradox comes to mind, though they may not have the resources to take on The Sims.


All the Sims 4 wants me to do is play 2 again. I think there is a sharp lack of depth in this game which prevents me from enjoying it for too long. Like my family I realized I had no goals for any of them so I just gave up on the repetitive game play and lack of interesting places to go. I agree that it would be awesome if someone else made it, maybe someone can make a similar game, like Cities Skylines with a new idea to freshen up the life sim genre and make it feel like a better Sims game. At least I have mods for 3 to keep that game fresh.


I can't believe it's been two years. What a dissapointment. :( I've been a Sims fan since the first game and this one just doesn't cut it. I've had this thought in the back of my mind that it was me that was different, like you were saying; but it really isn't, it's just a very boring game. I'm hoping they can do something for Sims 5, maybe? But at this point, I'm just going to keep playing the old ones instead.


I pretty much dread playing the Sims 4. I've been playing the Sims since 2002, back then I got the game as the first version of the deluxe pack, from then on I always had the latested game: from the sims 2 to sims 3. When 4 came to the market and i bought it right after release, the dread feeling came to me right away. I can't play the game for long and i have to keep long pauses between game sessions, like many months apart. My first impression at the time really was that it made Sims 3 look like the better game, with 4 feeling also a bit like the Sims 1 with lots of content missing. I am mainly on mac, that's one thing i think EA and Sims Studio did great with Sims 4: a OSX port onpar with what Aspyr did in the past with Sims 1 & Sims 2. I also got those ports next to their PC counterparts. But yea, the port doesn't make the gameplay better in 4. I've been pretty much been playing Sims 1 and Sims 2 more then Sims 4.