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Greetings, $5+ patrons! Back again with another patron-exclusive LGR Wrap Up episode. Now in a new location with more echo! Free reverb effects, yaaaay.

So! The general question topic for next month is: I dunno. Just ask whatever you feel like, it's a free-for-all month because why not. I'm feeling scattered, so let's scatter the questions as well and I'll try and answer them within reason. Take care out there and have a lovely May! 👍


LGR Wrap Up - April 2022




(Patreon won't let me change my name etc, so heads up I prefer Micah and use they/them) Question: I feel like the youtubers you interact most with these days are different from those some years ago, for example these days techmoan gets a lot of mentions (especially as you get more into audio related projects) and before you would do a lot of little projects with Pushing up roses (who has now focused less on games and more on art and her awesome TV show retrospectives). Is it at all awkward when you work less with people or is it all mutual and understood as part of the work regarding the direction people are taking there content.


Hi Clint, Congrats with the new house. I hope it will be the home you want it to be and keep it like that. I really enjoy watching your content and I don't mind you taking time for yourself. Moving houses has a big impact mentally, I had the same experienxe previous year when I finally managed to buy a house for myself. I would love to see some updates regarding your moving, but please keep your personal living areas for yourself, that will probably help having a good work life balance. Not sure how much effort it is, but would love to see a new fancy sandwich on LGRfoods :-). Random question for next month: have you ever visited Europe and in particular The Netherlands? If so, what did you like or not like about it? Keep up the great work, cheers from a fellow vinyl collector. Joerie

Alyxx the Rat

I love how LGR (Lazy Game Reviews) has evolved into a full on tech show and is ANYTHING but lazy anymore lol

Alyxx the Rat

As someone who moved recently I can truly relate to that "stranger in your own house" feeling. It's weird.

Alyxx the Rat

Jealous you got to see NIN live. Still on my bucketlist.


Question (kinda): I'm playing The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition and they often mention the Caribbean and this reminded me that you mentioned once or twice that you lived in the Caribbean for a while. Tell us about it, please! Did you wanted to be a Mighty Pirate?


There seems to be a lot more electronic items being sold online by goodwill on eBay and other sites. I guess they make more for the cause but it sucks for ppl trying to find a good deal! :) I just moved into a two story house for the first time in my life last year. Can confirm the two levels have a very different feel. It's strange... I also moved into a more densely populated area. I was trying to make a video today and had like 5 trains go by, loud cars / sound systems and I'm pretty sure there was a guy that just got his pilots license... You've been a major influence / inspiration to me for almost a decade, never change and dab on the haters... or whatever the kids are saying these days...


Hey Clint. Long time viewer. Decided to sign up because good creators deserve support for their long hours. Also, just to hear you say "fuck" makes it worth it. Congrats on the new house!


I see a t-shirt. Clint standing in the broken doorway of his murder-shed, looking over his sholder, with a stern look. Holding "wirldy stained" cutters saying: "Doing yardwork and shit"


Great update. You could always record the next one from the murder shack 👀


Beyond having the peace of mind of having your collection nearby again, how is it going to work out financially having everything under one roof, or at least on the same piece of land? You've said previously that it's a huge house. Will you be saving money, or at least breaking even, with just having a mortgage, instead of paying rent to several places? Congratulations on the purchase, and screw the haters! Looking forward to more LGR Foods, too, as the inspiration hits.


Hey Clint! Do you play guitar or any other instruments? I share your love for effects modules, but in the form of foot pedals :) What are your favorite modules you own? Looking to add a few things to my collection to run my Sega Genesis' as a synthesizer through them