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Greetings! I've put together another LGR retrospective video thing, this time focused on Broderbund's Print Shop Deluxe for Windows 3.1 – mostly, heh. It's less about detailed facts and product history and more about my own experiences with it growing up with a PC in the 90s. Hopefully it strikes a nostalgic chord with folks. And if nothing else, Cool Crab.™

So! Quick announcement in case you haven't seen it elsewhere: I'll be setting up the first ever LGR exhibit at the upcoming Vintage Computer Festival Midwest, along with dozens of other retro tech geeks. Assuming things continue as planned (who knows in 2021) I will be at the show in Elmhurst, Illinois from September 11-12, with a table full of LGR Things you've seen on YouTube. Including a Print Shop Deluxe dot matrix setup! Also gonna have some merch I haven't yet sold anywhere yet. Check out the exhibitor list here: http://vcfmw.org/ex.html

Anyway, I hope your week has been a decent one! It hasn't been the smoothest of sailing over here unfortunately, due to prepping for the event and some unforeseen stuff going on. I'd hoped to have this Print Shop video finished on Monday, and a simple unboxing video done as well by now, but obviously that didn't happen. My grandfather unexpectedly passed away earlier in the week after a rapid decline in health, so that's been weighing on me and my family, with trips across the state to see him in his final days. And now there's an upcoming funeral to attend just before driving to Chicago. Yeah, we'll see how things go, I'm trying not to stress out too much and just focus on what's most important before the trip.

Definitely leave your Print Shop-related memories and anecdotes in the comments below! I'd honestly welcome the distraction :)


Print Shop Deluxe for Windows 3.1 – An LGR Retrospective

Looking back at Broderbund's The Print Shop Deluxe from 1993/94! Growing up in the 90s, I had an oddly fun time playing around with the program making up all kinds of random signs, banners, cards, and calendars, for no other reason than because I could.. And if nothing else, Cool Crab™ ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● All background music licensed from: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Computers



That's right!! That's right!! Only one of the BEST PUBLISHING SUITES EVER DEVISED!!! Go LGR!!! PS My condolences on your grandpa's passing. Great product to review though.


Sorry for your loss bud. Family comes first so don't sweat the production stress. Thinking of you, your family and picturing all the cool hardware your grandpa is playing with up there right now! Thanks for sharing with us as always.


So I have to start watching, but it's a funny coincidence you feature some Broderbund software, a day after I see Gaming Historian do a video on the U-Force. One of those coincidences that happen all the time, I'm sure. I wish you well, man. Hell, your videos are exactly the kind of distraction I need. I hope you know you bring lots of joy into this world and I hope you feel that as well, especially now you need it so.


Yeah it's not entirely coincedental, heh. I've had this video outlined for years honestly, but seeing his video recently inspired me to finally finish the script and make it happen :)

Jason Wellband

It's always rough losing someone close. I'm sending some good vibes your way. Your videos are always awesome and I can tell you put a lot of work into them. My second Tandy had The New Print Shop for DOS on it. I remember the directory name was C:\NEWPS and I remember wondering what newps was :-D Stay safe on your trip - avoid the human malware by taking along a copy of Norton Antivirus for DOS! :P

Rick Green

The website for the event feels like it fits in with some of the late 90's computers for the show. Perfect. Sorry for your loss of your grandfather. Did he influence you at all? At least he lived quite a successful and long life. May he rest in peace along with Geocites and CompUSA.


Thanks, we'll be taking precautions as needed. Myself and everyone I know attending is vaxxed and masks are required at the venue, so that's at least something. Playing it by ear though as things can always change.


My most sincere condolences Clint! We just lost our grandmother a few months ago. It’s never easy, but they will always be with you. I really adored this video. Print Shop Deluxe is a must-have on my vintage Macs and my family always gets dot matrix printed cards for every occasion. (Much to their dismay) I recently found the non-deluxe Mac version of Print Shop, which brought back a flood of memories that I had long forgotten! This was the version I had used first, and even with its limitations - it was charming as heck! It’s been a tradition on my YT channel to print out a lllooonng dot matrix banner using PSD for every subscriber milestone… since I just passed 7K, I think it’s time for the color ribbon! Stay dithered my friend! See you at VCF!


He was certainly an influence in my childhood years, one of those classic southern grandpas who always took me out fishing and on tractor rides around the family farm. Definitely some fond memories there.


I love print shop videos, so many hilarious memes. Also cool crab of course


Sorry about your loss, Clint. Thank you so much for your always entertaining and educational content, and congratulations on the showcase at VCF. Big mix of emotions generated by this post, have a safe trip and a great weekend.


I had that same version of Print Shop Deluxe, except mine was the DOS version. So many good memories using it back in the day to make everything from greeting cards to banners.


Heh, I love that you still send dot matrix cards. I need to do that again. So sorry to hear about your grandmother too. And yes, looking forward to some hangin' at VCF if things pan out :)


Oh man, so sorry to hear about your grandfather, Clint. Take your time to do whatever you feel you need and/or want to do. I'm sure VCFMW will be a good distraction for you :) hope you can make it!

Joon Choi

My sincere condolences Clint - I also lost my grandfather this past summer following a rapid decline in health (cancer), so I can appreciate how tough it must have been for you and your family. I'm sure he's super proud of all that you've accomplished and all the joy you bring to millions throughout the world.

Michael Dragone

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, Clint. :(

Evan B

my condolences on your grandfather, Clint :-( So sorry to hear that... Very cool about the expo though -- wish I could attend


Somehow I'm 41 years old and never realized that "clip art" was designed to be clipped out of a book.


I'm really sorry to hear about that, Joon. Cancer is truly awful. My grandfather was actually in decent health up until a couple weeks ago. A random bacterial infection resulted in bloodstream infection, which led to sepsis and so on. Life sure is unpredictable.


Heh, indeed. A graphical style so innocuous and common that it doesn't really need defining, you just innately know what it is!


Every greeting card given out in my family from ~96 to 98 was made in Print Shop 5.0

Matthew Taylor

Very sorry Clint to here about your grandfather. Tough to lose family. So many unexpected in times like these. Being in Winston, even a child’s loss hits close to home. Be safe and have a great expo.


Clint, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, you have my sincere condolences. My own grandfather passed away late last year, after a few years of declining mental health. Through the grief, I also found bittersweet moments of happiness in reflecting on my fond memories of him and sharing stories with loved ones, looking at old photo books. I hope you are able to find the same sense of peace over the coming weeks and months. On a different note, I have a lot of nostalgia for Print Shop Deluxe, I found it installed on an old computer my parents gave me as a kid and I loved making all sorts of flyers and birthday cards for friends. Looking forward to hearing you talk about them!

Brett Walton

When I was a kid my dad got a Tandy 1000 from my uncle and sure enough Print Shop was installed on it. I use to love pausing the dot matrix printer and swapping out the color ink ribbons when making a banner. I also have a copy of Print Shop 12 that actually runs on Windows 10.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Clint. Mine passed away earlier this year too. I hope you are doing okay. Btw, I liked the old DOS games you showed in the last Creative video. I had that Peter Pan + Eagle Eye disc as a kid! There was also a second Eagle Eye Mysteries set in London.


Clip art was something you actually cut out yourself? I never knew that. I did play around with something similar. Some cut out angel creatures and stuff. I don't remember what it was called. But making calendars and grating cars and stuff was very cool back in the day :) Anyway I am sorry about your loss. Honor his life by having lots of fun :)


I'm so sorry about your loss. My father passed away because of cancer just 4 weeks ago. It's horrible to loose someone you like. :-(


Damn, I'm sorry, for your loss. As a kid I thought cancer something very rare. It's not. So many I know / knew, have or had cancer.

Headset Guy

I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm looking forward to seeing you at VCF! I never used Print Shop as a kid; it was all about the competing Print Artist from Sierra for me and my sister.


Oof, sorry for your loss. I haven't seen any of the new print shop versions, are any of them nearly as good? I just assume it's adware now.


Sorry for your loss, if you need to take some time I for one wouldn't mind


Sorry for your loss, Clint.

Abraham Hunt

Condolences. Print Shop was one of my favorite applications so much of your intro resonated with me.


Sorry to hear of your gradfathers passing :-( take your time and my condolences. I have very fond memories of print shop (c64) and I recently found a photo of me sitting cross legged up on the table in about 1988-9, staring into the printer as tractor feed banner spat out of the 9-pin Star.


Broderbund Software will, to me, be always associated with the original Prince of Persia on the PC and NES' Lode Runner. That logo made me think of a clown's face even though I guess it's supposed to be a bunch of crowns. I don't think I ever used this software. I distinctly remember having been very surprised years later when I found out Broderbund made actual software outside of games, so if I had used this software earlier I would have noticed. I would have been addicted to it had I gotten hold of it, though, because I loved that sort of thing.


For me Broderbund is probably mostly associated with... shufflepuck cafe for mac 😂 https://imgur.com/a/akz0hSc


Reminds me of the Word Art package, which I spend countless of hours with, especially in powerpoint, making small movies or spending all my parents ink on printing them out ^^*

Steve Skafte

Lovely video! I had a similar connection to random childhood clip art programs. I remember putting together clip art of continents, then drawing each country in by hand. Why? Don't know! It was just a thing to do! Countless hours making games out of programs designed for adults. I always greatly enjoy your videos that remind me of what sparked my creativity early on in life. By the way, very sorry to hear about your grandfather. My grandmother died quite recently as well, on August 20. Rough time all around, and very quickly in her case too. Hold fast.