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First game review with footage recorded in my new office/studio/thing! It'll take a lot of tweaking to get it all looking how I want it in terms of lighting and background, but it's promising I think :)

Anyway, here's an interesting game! At least, it is to me. Kind of. Still sparks the imagination at least!

There are a few missing spots of footage and weird transitions, but I'll upload a fixed version soon!


LGR - Battleship - PC Game Review

Taking a look at the 1996 Windows PC game from Hasbro Interactive. It's no longer just traditional Battleship, now it's got a ton of FMV and extraneous game modes to pad things out!



If you ever get into collecting GameBoy games. Look out for Radar Mission. It has a really good Battle Ships like game in it that later on brings on new pieces like extra long battle ships and special one hit sink missiles and air strikes.


10/10, best Hardwood floors. :P


I remember having this game, I never tried the other modes either. Just the classic.


I've got that, actually! Never taken the time to sit down and play it, but I'm definitely intrigued now :)


says it's still processing. assuming I caught it as you were doing said fixes.


Yeah, there's 2 games on it. One is the Battle Ships like game. The other is a submarine shooting game where you switch between being submerged and emerged to shoot down enemy ships with torpedoes.


out of all those classic board games you showed, Life is one of the worst. sure, you get all sorts of crazy and wacky new mini-games and cut scenes, but the meat of the game is still Spin, Move, and Do whatever the board says. there's basically zero strategy involved. which may be some sort of deeper philosophical meaning into the true meaning of Life. do any of us have a choice or do we just drive down the path that the fates have determined for us? However, the 1995 Westwood Monopoly is one of the BEST versions of monopoly I have ever played. The music, the customization, the computer AI, and the best trading menu that blows other versions right out of the water.


Classic Mode is really the only way to go by the looks of things. I guess those extra modes were them trying to cash in on the popularity of RTS's by that point - but as you showed, it really is a little too clunky to feel fun to play… alas.


I had Battleship on the ol' family Atari 520 STF computer. The music, battle animation, and succesful game over screen are forever ingrained in my brain since childhood. A lot of fun from time to time. Here's a video of it : <a href="https://youtu.be/18fAeuNeHhE?t=1m34s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/18fAeuNeHhE?t=1m34s</a>

Lindsay Michelle

First off... dat carpet. Yes, I will keep commenting on your floor/other surroundings of your new place. First the wood floor, then your soundproofing tiles, and now the carpet. :D I don't think I played this particular game in the 90s, but I definitely played Monopoly for the PC! :) But yeah, that Battleship game would have confused me too, and that is a pretty clunky interface, especially for the more complicated modes of the game... @_@


Ah, the "Practice Mode" sound clip. I don't think I'll ever tire of it!

Justin Dotson

Now we need the game based on a movie based on the game.


for battleship style check "destroyer for windows" 1993 timberline software. and something different: beer the last eichhoff.


have you ever played the snes version, i also had the star wars electronic version


Haha, yeah that's pretty much the same as the original Game of Life. Fun as a seven year old, but not much beyond that. And that version of Monopoly was made by Westwood Studios, the same devs as Command &amp; Conquer! So yeah, it's good for a reason :)


I'll try and show another bit of surrounding decor in the future and will now expect comments :P


Well... <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(2012_video_game)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(2012_video_game)</a>

Lindsay Michelle

Lol. So if I don't point out every piece of decor you have, I'll have failed at my task of commenting properly on an LGR video? :P hehe