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Greetings, folks! I've got quite the special piece of vintage computing equipment to cover this time, one of those projects that's been on the table for the better part of a year now.

This LGR thing is all about the IBM Model 7532 Industrial Computer, first introduced in May of 1985. It started at $6,149 back then and only went up from there, easily surpassing $10,000 for a decent configuration with color graphics and a hard drive. And it is one massive monster of a rackmount computer, standing 5U high, around 21 inches deep, and weighing 44 pounds. Naturally, I had to give a proper LGR-style rackmount case, and that meant woodgrain. REAL woodgrain, as in real wood. Nice.

It also took a bit longer than usual since, well, I couldn't help myself. Once I tracked down a 7532 and saw how magnificent it was in person, it was all I could do not to spend a ton of cash on peripherals and add-ons. The first was the Industrial Model M keyboard, which I put together using a later Model M and a new old stock Industrial Gray shell. Next was the custom cabinet I commissioned specifically to house this beautiful beast, and once that showed up and looked incredible I simply had to hold out for an Industrial Display to complete the set. That was the final piece of the puzzle, which arrived around a month ago from a large industrial surplus company in New Jersey. It may not be 100% functional, but I love the way it looks regardless and the fact that it was used in the Salem Nuclear Power Plant cracks me up. This whole project does, really.

So I hope y'all enjoy this one! it's been a whole lotta fun to put together and try to push myself in terms of quality. I tweaked my new mic setup a little bit since the first time using it for the Fin Fin episode, and I think it sounds even better now. And I'm continually messing with lighting and framing and whatnot with every video, but decided to experiment even more with this one since I spent so much time over the past weeks/months shooting different chunks of b-roll. The result is not far off from the usual look but I think that the strategic amounts of dimmed overhead lighting and a little low-key and fill lighting helped it turn out well.

Anyway, yep, that's what this is. Off to bed now since I'm getting my first vaccine dose early in the morning if all goes well, and to say I'm stoked for that is an understatement. Have a good week and take care y'all!


IBM Industrial PC

an LGR thing.



Holy crap! Cool find!! I have some untested MFM hard drives if you want them.


So that's what some of the small looking computers in Half Life Alyx are based on. Also, congrats on the vaccination my dude.


hopefully its something fixable and not the the Color gun itself. (the Complete Lack of a blue channel.)


When I was in the Navy back in the late 1980s, we had LOADS of these in a very cold room! Great to see one in the wild.


Noice! This chonky IBM industrial PC is a perversion of "an iron fist in a velvet glove"...it's all "iron fist". ***IMPORTANT - EDIT IN REPLIES BELOW*** As far as the vaccine goes, when I got my first Pfizer dose at Vanderbilt a couple of weeks ago, I took a proactive dose of one Aleve (naproxen sodium) and two Tylenol (acetaminophen) about an hour or two before the shot to ward off the possibility of aches and fever some people have been having with the COVID-19 vaccines and it seemed to have mostly worked (my shot arm was still pretty sore for a couple of days, especially when laying on it in bed). Acetaminophen's well-known hepatotoxicity issues (especially with those who drink alcohol regularly and/or who already have liver problems) and possibilities for accidental overdoses (since it's often also an ingredient in many cold, sinus, and allergy meds) aside, it's relatively safe to do a dose of naproxen sodium (though, you can substitute another NSAID, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for naproxen sodium, taking into account their recommended safe doses) and a dose of acetaminophen together every now and then (keeping in mind that naproxen sodium is a 12-hour dose, while acetaminophen is a 6-hour dose) if you're really hurting or are trying to break a fever, since naproxen sodium (and the other NSAIDs) and acetaminophen's mechanisms of action and metabolism are different and don't interact. https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/where-to-turn-for-pain-relief-acetaminophen-or-nsaids ***IMPORTANT - EDIT IN REPLIES BELOW*** Great video, as always, and good luck with the shots!


Amazing. I always wanted to see the industrial computers that went with the ULTRA rare grey model M. THANK YOU My patreon bill is so much cheaper than trying to get these things for myself. ^_^ Edit: Do you have a picture of the full backside? I want to see how thick it is compared to the normal AT.


You need some old version of RSLogix or something on this thing


I love chunky retro tech


"Only went up from there" yeah no kidding. The industrial grey Ms are expensive enough on their own as you probably found out. Good luck on the vaccine we got the single dose J&J at work a few weeks ago here at App!


I can hear your desk strain under all that weight just by looking at that screenshot. These computers were really built to last!


You absolutely should not take any anti-inflammatory prior to your first injection, as it can inhibit the immune response needed for the vaccine to work as intended. Wait and see if you actually need it after the shot.


Wow does that thing have a fan or an industrial vacuum cleaner?! that got loud! The actual audio was really clear though, and the muted lighting was great for watching at night in a dark room!

Valora Inverse

Holy hell, what a beast. Legit nearly dropped my sandwich and sputtered 'oh my god' when you turned that behemoth on.


You've really piqued my curiosity about that tall mystery add-in card... let us know if you learn anything about it! It'd be fun to see what it's for in a blerbs video or something if it's ever discovered. Also, that wooden case was an excellent choice, it looks like it'd be right at home in a classic stereo system or something, and that's an aesthetic I can really get behind.


Woah, that's awesome!


Good job on commissioning that wood grain job. Great aesthetic! If ever I decide to work with rack mounted hardware, I'm definitely copying that idea 😁

Alyxx the Rat

Pretty sure this utter beast could survive an apocalypse.


Now that's patreon money well spent! What a beast indeed. Would have went for a more industrial looking casing but at least it's LGR approved now :')


I used to work at a data center. Trust me: you haven't heard anything yet ;)

Honorary Octopus

Good god the chunky clunk of the monitor and system switches turning on. Thats practically lewd in how satisfying it is to hear.

Phakorn Sripayak

That Model M with the rubber condom sounds quite interesting.

Douglas Cummings

Odd that it wouldn't come standard with a drive bay door/cover given the filtration and other care taken to keep environmental bits out.


Nice video. Hope the vaccine doesn't make your skin fall off and render you sterile. :(


Luckily it's just a vaccine and not atomic radiation. For that, I've got this monitor from the Salem nuclear power plant.


It really does, there's almost no buckling spring sound or feel to it at all with everything dampened.


Here's hoping! Could be that, bad capacitors, cracked PCB, an iffy connection somewhere... gotta get me some better tools to troubleshoot.


Yeah I'd love to stick something appropriately industrial on there, especially if I end up with some kind of additional hardware I can use with it. This machine is meant to control things.


Heh, yes indeed. It's why I gave up trying to get an original industrial and swapped the outer shell on one of my regular Model Ms. Just had to track down a black IBM badge for it and it looks great.


Pretty much my first reaction when I got it, haha. Truly didn't expect THAT much additional noise over a regular IBM AT, but the difference is immense. Especially with the monitor fan added to it, too.


Hoping that once the video goes live and starts spreading around it'll find the right person who knows exactly what it is!


Totally! And as a bonus, if the items installed generate a little heat, it warms up the wood and varnish and smells absolutely fantastic.


Heh, under the right circumstances and programming I feel it could *cause* an apocalypse, somehow!


I was torn between commissioning something in either IBM blue-painted metal, or wood. But after I got another rackmount case from the same woodworker, I had to go for the wood!


Is this your own music? I don't recall hearing this one before but I could well be mistaken.


The lighting in this video is really well done.


Is that a new keyboard condom or new old stock?


Entertaining video about a fascinating piece of retro kit! One interesting thing I noticed, though: is it me, or was text mode on that monitor being shown with CGA fonts? They look narrow and long, and they appear to have scanlines. I remember EGA fonts being more high res and not so narrow. I mean, the setup obviously had EGA support, at least in graphics mode. Otherwise Commander Keen and Duke Nukem would never have shown anything. And you would have noticed having to run Simcity in 320x200 monochrome mode. But the text mode really looked like CGA text mode.


Clint, how did you find such a machine?? I've always wondered where and how you find these crazy things??


Good eye! I was running in a few different modes throughout the video, both by using the DOS "MODE" command and using a few different video cards over the past few months. I think at one point I had it in CGA instead of EGA while troubleshooting, so chances are the footage was recorded during that.


Ebay! 9 times out of 10 that's the case, and it was here as well. Paid a good chunka change for this one. As for learning about the machines in the first place, that usually just comes down to stumbling across things while doing research for other things. Books, computer magazines, TV shows, newspapers, old forum and Usenet posts.


This PC is awsome!!! And I also like that little lamp with clock showing up in some scenes. What's that?


It's a neat little lamp alarm clock I picked up in this episode of Thrifts: https://youtu.be/IHwRzrywobA


Love that you got the industrial model M. I daily drive one now I work from home.


That display was from a nuclear plant? You wouldn't happen to have a woodgrain geiger counter around, would you?