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Dang, it's been a while!

Finally got together enough footage for a nice, full episode of Thrifts. I've been visiting stores here and there this whole time, but nowhere near as often as I used to. And even then, it's been pretty slim pickins whenever I did go out.

Whatever though, here we are with a bunch thrifty thrift store stuff I've run across the past however many months. Enjoy!


Thrifts 46

an LGR thing.



Oh wow! A great surprise. Love this series.


Awesome! Apart from LGR Tech Tales, LGR Thrifts are my favorite episodes of yours!


[heavy breathing] yeeeeeeees!


Goodwill during the pandemic has had a weird energy

Thomas Fuchs

Now it want to watch Dr Strangelove

Seth C

I have sorely missed Thrifts. Thank you for 21 minutes of happiness :-)


I was surprised myself when I put all the footage together this week and realized it was enough. Hope you enjoy!

Avery G

I actually have been using one of those “telescene” converters recently for archiving some of my 16mm film. Heres one of the things i did recently with it. The one thing you have to keep in mind is the sync of the projector to the camera, my projector runs too fast to 1/60th and too slow for 1/50 so there is a slight flicker. But other than that they work pretty good. The film I’m linking is a bell system commercial from the 60’s that is transferred with one of those boxes. This is a rough transfer the film wasn’t cleaned yet but it gets the point across https://youtu.be/QP6h-uRoRDQ


It's still one of my favorite things to make! Here's hoping for better times allowing for more of them this year 👍


Oh man that panasonic unit was awsome, I'd love to get something like that and restore it


YES! A new Thrifts. This is a great way to top off my first day of my first actual job.


cursed Ronald Reagan wine glasses


Cider mix that is decades old? Someone inform Ashens. Nice to see Thrifts return although the delay is understandable. Feels like it's been a long while since I found anything relevant to my interests at a thrift store.


Definitely how it's been here, many of the individual items and clips shown were shot weeks apart. A few trips I found all KINDS of good stuff, but most days it's just like rusty candle holders and weird lawn ornaments.


LGR Thrifts 2021!


Indy can stop looking for the Ark of the Covenant - some random guy has found it.


Always appreciate the Thrifts! Really looking forward to getting back out there myself. Only really just started getting the hang of the best places to look around here before things started locking down, but hey... that's life I guess.


Great to see another installment. Loved the alarm-lamp and I want one!


Cybiko! I had one when I was in middle school... But no one else I ask remembers it. Are you going to do a video on it?!


Nice to see you thrifting again! My parents had exactly this Radio Shack Amplified Video Selector in the mid-1990s. We used it to share the signal between the VCR and the cable box from the living room TV with the one in the dining room. You could start watching a movie in the living room, continue listening to it while eating, and then return to the living room to finish it. Sounds crazy by now, but it was really impressive back then for the kid that I was!


We had that video copier back in the day. It was terrible. All washed out and impossible to get the camcorder still and in frame! As a church orchestra director myself, it's sad to see a good stand disappear, LOL!


Whoa, a Cybiko cameo? I still have two from my childhood and every time I look it up it just seems like a completely forgotten piece of technology.


I haven't done much thrifting during this whole pandemic either but the times I have been I've found some pretty OK stuff. Apple AirPort Time Capsule and a vintage 1980 Schwinn Traveler in darn near showroom condition. Fixed up the bike and passed the Apple thing on to someone else. Been wanting a more road happy bike so it worked out well.


Well you just made a load of people very happy haha! Love it! Its so weird to me that you've been able to shop at all. I was able to make one trip out to a charity shop in between lockdowns (uk). So I was watching with glee and jealousy. One thing I want to say is, I was thinking it may be best to rerecord the part about why old record players are showing up, i admit I laughed and belive the point should definitely be made. It was just the tone and how early into the video it was, rubbed me up the wrong way. I worry it may put someone off or just bring people down. So many people watch your videos as an escape from the really horrible reality and darkness of what was 2020 and is the state of 2021. I recently found something that belonged to my gran recently and its really got me missing her, so I may be the only one who saw it this way and totally okay if you disagree. I just wanted to say something as a fan of your work. Please don't let that make you think I didn't love the hell out of this episode, I hope you all the best with your ongoing and upcoming projects


Thanks for saying something! I've lost family to Covid myself and being brutally honest about the reality of life right now is kinda my way of coping, but I can see that might not work for everyone.


Very cool! Nice Schwinns rarely last long at thrift stores, so it's a rush to be in the right place at the right time.


Ha! Yeah I know we ended up with a couple church stands in our household over the years... they always just followed us home from choir practice, what can I say.


Whoa! Was that the Ark of the Covenant at the very end? I'm sure it took "top men" to dig that up.


1. Encarta '94 was the version my family had; I would play all the MIDI national anthems, much to my mom's annoyance. I recently got a copy off of an abandonware website and have been playing MindMaze every now and then, which I'm much better at now than when I was 8. 2. Re: those wine glasses, the initials YR and the vaguely elephantine shape they are arranged into makes me wonder if they're from a Young Republicans convention.


ouh that lamp smell, just you mentioning it brings back memories from long ago


Dude, how are you not selling "knock on woodgrain" merch? I'd love to see some 1980/1990 esque LGR office merch.


...that PC case at 20:22. I require it.


I honestly still can't fathom the concept of power outlets built into steel shelves that anybody can use on untagged items. Australian thifts just aren't as fun. A bad day for you would be a sizable dent in my bank account.

Pietro Gagliardi

I need to find my old PrintMaster CDs. I had two different versions, and the clip art gallery on the first one was great. ~ All the button artwork ~ that I want to make an early 2000s website with them. It's probably for me what Print Shop Deluxe is for you, heh AND FRANKLIN HANDHELDS TOO AAAAA though that one doesn't look like it's from the early 90s or late 00s but much older which is also pretty weird also christ that viewer picture near the start of that segment that almost looks like an SGI Octane but isn't still gave me a bit of a shock and had to go back and make sure it wasn't that lol

Steve Skafte

Love this. Your thrifting videos are always the most relaxing watches. Maybe more than anything else I watch by any creator. Oh, just a little heads-up – at 14:51 you say "...that TechMoan..." twice in a row.

Pietro Gagliardi

I'm not Australian so I'll have to take your word for it, but DankPods's own thrifting videos seem fun to me *shrug*


The "California YR Convention" glasses were from the Cal Young Republicans. Not sure how it made it all the way to your neck of the woods lol Also congrats to Panera for not only opening but not immediately going out of business in that location. Tough stuff

Asaf Sagi

Deck and balls

Peter Metzger

Surprised you didn't call out the "BALLS IN OFFICE" note on that bumper pool table!

Matt Tester

Old NEC monitors are absolute workhorses, I still use a 4:3 17” Multisync from 2008 at work with my newer widescreen, the buttons have fallen off but it still works too well to throw it out.


Should have got "Sparky" :)


Yeah I've got a couple of their Multisyncs myself! Always paranoid they'll die on me, it's pretty much a guarantee that if I see a nice one for a good price I'll grab it as a spare.


I love the look of those early Sony CD players. I have one from 1987 in my living room. I found it at a goodwill oh maybe three years back. Still a great player!


Slim Cam!! I found one just like that on the sidewalk with someone's trash... Works great. I've used it a few times to transfer videos from my computer to VHS and back again for that authentic analog aesthetic. Crazy that they could fit an entire VHS mechanism in there. I can't imagine it being any smaller.

Carey Brown

Huh, a Secret Labs chair. I have the exact same one (literally sitting in it as I watch this). Great minds think alike! Glad also to see you're taking precautions.


I had that Reba McEntire tape when I was a kid. Pretty sure we had that Emerson microwave too.


Picked up a Greggs breakfast, I'm off work today, kids are at school, house is quiet and there's and NEW episode of LGR Thrifts. Everything is coming up John!


I've never heard of Greggs, but it has the word 'eggs' in the name so it has to be a solid breakfast.