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Gaming On a ½" CRT TV [LGR Oddware]

Why would anyone want to do this? I don't know, just because you can I suppose! That's what makes it fun :) ● Here's the Instructables article on how to make one: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hacking-Camcorder-CRT-Viewfinders/ ● Thank you for sending this to me, Brad!



It's useless. Its impractical. And I want it. :P


That's awesome


I want it for my MSX, imagine playing Zombie Incident, using DOS, or writing a BASIC program on it! PS: Speaking of odd, I got an Ethernet cartridge for MSX computers. Now I can use FTP/SAMBA/Telnet/Twitter...


You need to make a head band for it and strap it to your face like some weird 80s cyborg! It might actually be useful when viewed at the distance it was intended to be used at haha.


Ha ! :D I wonder if you can play Shadow of the Beast or Alien Breed 3D 2 with that ! :D

Lik Chan

Good lord, I'm more impressed with the length of your DSLR lens. O_O

Lik Chan

Okay, that ending cracked me up with your happy to disappointed face LOL


Given it's resolution and size, that screen has a pixel density of 1600 PPI! Which is almost 5X the pixel density of the iPhone 6! Take that modern technology!


This is so absurd and I love it.


That is the most illogical piece of oddware you've covered. Yet it is so ridiculously awesome that it was done, and a totally perfect piece for being shown if you ask me!


Put one over each eye and do 3D. It must be possible.


I know I said I wanted to watch a little TV but... well...

Manuel Adrian

This is like dividing by zero.

Sterling Treadwell

what?! no rift mod to use 2 in sequence?! i am soooo disappointed.. heheheheeh


I wonder if you can sneak it into class and play video game while the teacher rambles on. I do think there are uses for .5" screen.

Kris Asick

For a few months of my life a long time ago I was living on a boat and in doing so, the TV in my cabin was literally this tiny old 6" colour thing where I had to break out all of my 300 ohm convertors to get my gaming consoles to plug in. A part of me was like, "Dude, I have to play all my games on a tiny 6" screen?" while another part of me was like, "Dude! I get to play all my games on a tiny 6" screen!" XD


ugh this just makes me want to get like, a stool, and an old crt and just... plug in my megadrive and play it old school y'know?

Lindsay Michelle

This reminds me of when those iPod shuffles first came out and they were these iPods with no screen (not even a 1/2" one!) and how I felt like if I had one, I'd just sit on it one day without knowing it and break it. Basically, it reminds me of something unreasonably small that I would sit on. :P Oh well, it looks like a cool project! BTW, I noticed your cassette tapes in the background. You have good taste in music, sir.

Evan B

you need 2 of these that you can mount to glasses !BAM retro-modern VR headset! woo!


As strange as this might sound I was watching this on a 5.5 inch phone screen and I was getting eye strain. Interesting video, though. That totally qualifies as oddware.

Eric Christopher

As a physicist I want to see how it's not a pocket deathray

Justin Dotson

I want this just so I can say I needed my macro lens to play a video game. It's completely useless but the need is real.


I have to stop for a month due to real life. I plan on restarting next month. Sorry :(