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LGR - Bombshell - PC Game Review

3D Realms has a new game after how many years? Color me intrigued! Bombshell has risen from the ashes of Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction, bringing lots of action and upgradable weapons.


Lindsay Michelle

I'm sorry that this game disappointed you! You seemed to really wanted to like it, especially it being a 3D Realms game that started as Duke game. And I wanted to like it too, especially with the protagonist's character design! She looked like a total badass chick to me, but yeah, her voice was kind of overly "stoic" like you said. ...At least you can rock out to amazing music while playing a mediocre game! lol


Excellent review. Really enjoyed it. Thanks.


Take No Prisoners from 20 years ago looks better than this!


Seems like this game needed a few more edits before being released! The way you describe it, it sounds like this game (similar to Duke Nukem Forever) was shelved for awhile at some point in time, and when it was *finally* given an official release date, the company was more interested in putting the game out in one of it's rough draft forms, causing it to be rushed, instead of polishing it up first. I'm rather disappointed, especially since Bombshell is the kind of female character that I want to see more of in videogames! She seems more like a male character that is in the position she is because she she loves fighting aliens, and not because of the dumb traumatizing trope where she's on a revenge quest because the aliens slaughtered her family when she was a child (or they kidnapped/killed her boyfriend), and now she's risking her life to terminate all aliens because "she has nothing left to live for". I also love that Bombshell herself is not in the role of male protagonist's love interest, and that there's more to her than being Gender-swapped Duke Nukem! She's one bad ass lady, and I really hope we get to see more of her, and more character development for her, in the future! Preferably in a better game that doesn't use groan-worthy (kinda sexist) jokes ("P.M.S."? Really??) that feel like they're there because "Dur hur, she's a woman! She has periods!" -_-