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LGR - Duke Nukem 3D - DOS PC Game Review

An iconic 90's PC game that stands the test of time, Duke3D is one of my all-time favorites. Approaching the game's 20th birthday, it's time to talk about the original release, the Atomic Edition, and more! Hail to the balls of come get some damn I'm good steel, baby!



Thanks for your videos! They are almost always awesome. Your videos manage to make me feel like home no matter where I am. They have helped me to cope in a new country and helped me trough some tough times in my life. Thanks for being you! :)


Good stuff :)

Kris Asick

The multiplayer bots in the original DOS version don't do anything except stand around and die when you shoot them. Also of note is that the game came with an intriguing tool for converting Doom levels into the BUILD format, plus the game compiled special programmable "CON" files on startup, meaning you could actually mod in new gameplay content to a certain extent without even having to modify the main executable file!

Alyxx the Rat

This game rocks. Personally I prefer Duke Nukem Forever simply cause I had more fun with it (some of the levels in Duke 3D get a bit too tough for me and a bit confusing in that 90's level design style) but I love pretty much all Duke games equally with a few exceptions.


this game came out when I just hit puberty. those scantly clad ladies really helped during my formative years.


The Atomic Edition added more involved bots, which is what I was referring to. And yup, there are probably a hundred such fascinating tidbits like that which I could have added, but decided to keep things concise rather than drone on forever :)


Duke Forever has its bizarre place in my heart as well. Didn't deserve as much of the hate as it got!


Hehe, yep, same with me as I mentioned in the Duke3D 20th Anniversary video. Quite a time to come across a game like this :P

Lindsay Michelle

Joke or not, I was not as shocked as I thought I'd be with the suggestion that Duke Nukem 3D gives you an erection. :P But never stop the Duke impression, it's still as awesome as it was when I heard it years ago! :)


I'm surprised it still goes over well! But it's true, anytime I don't do it for a while, people always ask for it to make a comeback

Michal -milczyciel- Holdynski

Funny thing - back when I played Duke 3d for the first time (I was 14 or 15? I don't remember) I didn't care that much about all those abducted and trapped in alien goo girls. But when I decided to give it a go once again, in 2015... I felt uneasy and disturbed. How come? If anything, I've grown more and more indifferent to the depiction of human suffering in all kinds of medias since I was a teenager, so... what the heck?


Disappointed that this wasn't a two hour review. :) Being the poster child for your channel (at least in my mind) i can't imagine how hard it was to work up the nerve to try and do the game justice in an episode.

Lik Chan

Man, I could hear Clint's love for this game just bleed through the video. Never played any Duke games but I enjoy all your videos about them.


you can easily cover behind corners if a pig comes on to you, but remember to use the left corner I think, only one of them works. But not only can you cover you can also shoot the crap out of those damn pigs.


wow clint likes duke nukem? i had no idea [/s]


uuh ooh fm-synth.... perfect!


I remember playing the shareware version endlessly with my cousins back in 1996. Crazy that 20 years have passed. I liked Duke Nukem Forever as well. But I have to say out of all the Build engine games, Blood was my favorite. Caleb is the Man!


I remember my uncle giving me his copy of Duke Nukem Atomic Edition when I was 13. Loved the series ever sense, through good and bad.