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Ugh. Merry Christmas?


LGR - Santa Slayer - PC Game Review

Christmas is upon us! And so are crappy games, apparently. This is a free game from Digital Dialect and I wish it wasn't real. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Download the game here if you wanna waste your holiday: http://www.santaslayer.com/



Geez, Santa's REALLY gone postal.


This looks like someone's fall semester programming class final project. And a C- at that.


A game that will make even the most hardened Christmas fanatic say, "This sucks worse than Aunt Kathy's fruitcake".


Is the theme this year from Holiday Hare 95 or is it still from 94? Dang I really need to play Jazz Jackrabbit. Also wonderful start to the month, still awesome work on your part.


Oh dear. I guess this is the Santa's having an existential crisis type of game. He needs a dose of It's a Wonderful Life. Stat. (And I hope you managed to find a suitable game to wash the foul taste and stench of this one away too!)


Thank you for playing this game so we don't have to! Haha! Any plans to review Adrenix? It has to be better than this game, right?

Lindsay Michelle

Nice curtain. It's really... purple. And I'm confused how your clone lives in your mirror, unless you have one weird-ass mirror. Seriously though dude, you succeeded in making your clone creepier seeming than last year... last year he at least was only mildly annoying for being so enthusiastic... lol


600 FPS! Definitely better than Arkham Knight!


"This is so far past the bottom of the barrel, we've gone subterranean." Stop digging, you've struck oil! No, wait, that a septic tank.


YAAAAAAAY Christ...mas...? Um. Guns.


Nothing says Christmas like killing everything in sight


Oh awesome! I played this way back when it was new, even multiplayer with friends. Weird ass game but fun times.


They didn't even bother to animate the guns.

Kris Asick

Hmm... you know, this oddly reminds me of another game which was made as an engine demonstrator and wasn't originally intended to be released to the public, yet eventually was, but after an hour of searching I can't for the life of me find it again. I don't remember its name, nor who made it, nor which commercial game it preceded. All I remember is that it was 3D, it had dialogue options, switches in the game world, was bright and colourful, was made in the 90s, and preceded something VERY well known... I'm gonna go ask about it on VOGONS...


Dear God, you finalliy found a game worse than Natural Fawn Killers : Santa's Gone Postal ! :) (and I always love the return of the intro for xmas LGR episodes. :D )


They BARELY bothered to even animated the enemies! Unless you count shaking around violently as animation, haha

Lik Chan

Creepy Clint is pretty great. Need him back for those adults only PC game reviews. XD


Holy Crap! That's one UGLY curtain.