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The Thanksgiving holiday is today in the US, so what better time than to say this:

Thanks so much for being a patron of mine and not only helping improve the show, but improving my day-to-day in general. The cash, kind words, great feedback, sharing of content... it's been an excellent year :)


Manuel Adrian

I have to thank you for providing awesome entertainment. I'm glad I'm helping out, and Happy Thanksgiving.


Thank you for your very awesome content (Even if I think it should have more Amiga 1200 in it, hint hint. ;-) ) ! :) Happy Thanksgiving ! (I have to admit I feel special since this message arrived just as I clicked on the Buy button for Bermuda Syndrome XD Silly I know, but it feels good nonetheless !)


Thank YOU for the awesome content, always make me feel better after a tough day at work.


Thank you for making this worth it. I can clearly see the time and effort being put in the show. I'm glad to be a small part of that.


A big thanks to you too, right from this little place by the sea named Portugal ;) Cheers!


Glad to have you putting out awesome content. Loved every single video you did. It's easy to see that you really enjoy what you're doing and as long as it stays this way, count on my support!


With thanks from the wastelands of Oz!


Happy "late" Thanksgiving from Montreal! Thanks for making stuff I really enjoy watching :D


Thanks for all your great videos, I look forward to them every week :) I'm happy for the privilege of helping make them happen in some small way. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Sterling Treadwell

you do great. want to give thanks? want to do something truly kickass for the holidays? next series of thrifting vids you do: have a contest. on one of the larger/more successful thrift runs, don't show what you ended up getting at the end, but let people guess what you chose to pick up (also don't mention it during the video outright, but say if you were interested in it or not) and the patreon subscribers with the best guesses will be picked (at random)to get said loot as a prize! or their choice of the loot in case they didn't want a second vic 20 or a 1950's reel to reel magnetic tape player.. hehehe.... Happy thanksgiving man and God Thrift us, everyone.

Kris Asick

Make sure to stuff yourself this American Thanksgiving with lots of good food! :D


Hey, man, you deserve it for producing such good content on such a regular schedule! Enjoy your Turkey Day!


You're welcome, fellow retro geek!


Thank you for being an inspiration for "living off doing the things you love" ! Keep on thrifting and talking about games and random stuff !


And thank you for doing what you do. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


Thanks for sticking around as well. Cheers and thrift on, dude!


Canada loves LGR!


Well thanks for all the great content!


Thanks for the content mang.


Thanks for the awesome content. Looking forward to another year!