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WELP. Guess it's been a while since I did a donations unboxing video, huh. I'd initially planned to do this back in March but well, a certain pandemic kind of interfered with my whole package retrieval process. And honestly? It just didn't have me in the best of moods for a while. I'm doing much better lately though after a series of changes to my routine, and finally felt up to recording myself opening up this massive bunch of stuff over the past couple days. Ended up taking about 4 hours to open everything up this time, so even with extensive editing this is a long one. I haven't even begun to tackle the cleanup process, that's always a bit of a thing, ha. Thanks so much as always for the generosity, there's a lot of great LGR material here!

Oh and one other thing to mention is the whole "Patreon is gonna start charging taxes" situation. As far as I know, this won't affect many current patrons since none of my tiers are marked as taxable, other than the floppy disks. So new patrons will be charged a local sales tax when they purchase a signed disk, something I cannot do anything about it seems. This is kind of a similar situation to when Patreon changed their fees some years ago, creators weren't given much say back then either. Anyway yeah, to my knowledge nothing much should change except for future patrons ordering a floppy disk after June 1st.


Unboxing June 2020

an LGR thing.



This will be a very interesting video, I'm sure! Apologies again for the Nokia N-Gage I've sent yiuav couple of years ago that turned out defective...


WOW!!! This is a HUGE stack of stuff.....


Yesssssss living vicariouslyyyyyyyy. Once everything is open good and proper and safe I hope you get to a Thriftstravaganza episode as well (perhaps traveling further outward than you usually would?) :)

Robert Butler

@1:56 I *think* that's either the Borland Delphi "head" they used or I think Photoshop might have used something like that.


32:10 I can tell by the way it renders Duke Nukum sound effects that's clearly based on the main DOSBox project. It's actually supposed to sound rougher because of the way the game programs the PC speaker pitch at a fixed rapid rate.


Oh man, I have such a stupid grin on my face watching you play the RG-300. It's so awesome to see you enjoy the device. Makes all the work putting it together for you, totally worth it. Enjoy!


I actually maintain the version of DOSBox on the RG-300 I sent. It is indeed mainline DOSBox. That codebase is... special. This small device port has been passed down through maintainers over the years. I was able to tune the heck out of it for the family of devices the RG-300 is in.


Clint, that Yamaha Sound card at 42 minutes in looks like the YMF 718S. That is one of Phil's favorites from PhilsComputerLab.


Dude I've had so much fun with it already, thanks again. And check out the big response on Twitter! https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews/status/1266131493862232064


Oh really? Nice, I know he's recommended a couple Yamaha cards. I use an Audician 32 Plus on some builds because of his video years back. EDIT: It's a YMF-719!


At this rate I can't imagine I'll be traveling very far for the rest of the year. But I've got plans for whenever it can finally happen safely!


No worries here, it's always a treat when you release anything, even if it is you making a sandwich. 😁🥪👌


I feel bad I haven't been able to send you those two games I made yet, but it's mostly because of the whole covid thing. I'll send them to you soon, promise!


These are just such great videos, no idea why watching people open stuff is interesting, but it really is. Also that Lytro camera -- I went back and forth on buying one so many times, but just couldn't justify the price, but they look even better than I remember. I went to eBay right away to see if people were giving them away, and no, no they are not.


Nice one-hitter.


I know what you mean with the pins, i want them all but I have no idea what to do with them lol


Great unboxing! Those pins are so cool! Looking forward to seeing some of the videos with the stuff you unboxed!


Very cool on the PKZip software. I have an extra sealed, registered copy of PKZIP 2 for DOS I picked up at Computer Reset long ago I could send your way if you're interested. :)


Ohh love those IBM laptops. I have a 760XL similar to the ones you got. They are fantastic.


HOLY COW!! I just finished the video. The TRS-80 Mod. II..... My first computer! Took me right back to the 70s!


Being holed up in a building full of vintage computing while it's raining outside is literally the best thing I can think of!


The Lytro ILLUM! I lusted after that camera a few years back. I thought about buying one and strapping it to the bottom of a Beechcraft Bonanza and perform some areal mapping. Never bought one after reading reviews but that style man!!!


This TRS-80 Model II, with its hard disk, looks fantastic! I hope you get it working that we can see it in action. That Lytro camera also looks incredible. I would love to see once a stupid short video on your LGR Blerbs Channel, where you wear/use a lot of those odd ware items together (like Cymouse, Sony Glasstron, MindDrive...). Even the Thermaltake PC Drive Bay Lighter/Cup Holder and Circle Fire should glow from an LGR tower which is connected to a lot of synthesizers. The motto of the video, something like: "I don't care about tech." I know it's stupid, but it made me smile just typing these lines, and I feel better now. No need to do the video anymore, I am already cured. Thank you! ;-)


Let me know if you have a copy of Deluxe Paint II for MS-DOS! I am very interested in obtaining one in the future.


Can not wait to see that TRS80 system cleaned up, repaired and humming away! That thing is just oodles of awesome!

Johan Petur Klüver Dam

The floppy emulator you were thinking of but couldn't name is called a GoTek. :) Awesome video and a lot of nice things in there.


Excellent! What did you run on it, if you recall? Most of what I've seen is all business-oriented software.


Heck yeah, I'm looking forward to getting those cleaned up and hopefully working again. Gotta track down some power supplies though, that'll be tricky since they're proprietary.


I'd love to have it, Travis! Was really hoping to find some compression software while I was there.


I had no idea so many Steves watched LGR.


Loved the unboxing video, didn't know that the Postal creators sent you a package. Also those pins look so good

Evan B

Oh dang, that ill-Loom camera is gorgeous.. I remember hearing about it and watching a video review of a similar model in their line.. the infinite refocus feature was definitely fascinating.. Really looking forward to seeing any pictures you end up taking with it!


Can't wait to see some of these things in future videos, especially the TRS 80, that thing is a beaut, also that camera is incredible looking, I'd never heard of them before.


That keyboard is awesome :) I have a 486 setup with gus and a midi keyboard, but I don't have space for the keyboard to be a permanent part of the setup. This would be perfect :) I also really love that TRS-80 with that hard drive.


I definitely support revisiting the Altair 8800 clone. You could even replace what's in it, and put in a new, more powerful system, like with an Athlon/Ryzen APU!


Was that Owen Wilson at 40:53?


OMG, I still have that Hackerz Kronicklez CD. 2:53


Why was Winamp obsessed with whipping Llama's ass?


my grandmother used to have that TRS-80. She gave it away a few years back and I was heartbroken. I remember bringing my Carmen San Diego floppy to see it it could run on it and was blown away that it did run!


It's actually a reference to a Wesley Willis song! :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntDcqOxMsM


Cherish those Pete Cannon records Clint they go for good money on discogs :)


Clint, my mother was an early user of the TRS80 Model II. She worked for a church in Dallas, and Tandy used her organization as a test site for the computer’s software. She said she worked closely with the guys from Tandy. She was no computer pro, but that’s what they needed, a classic secretary to help them work on usability. She used to have several of the original 8-inch floppies, but I suspect they didn’t survive later moves, but I’ll check with her.