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That feeling when you remember that you recorded 95% of a video 6 months ago but never finished the final bits? Yep, certainly had that feeling on this project!

It's like a gift to yourself from your past lazy self, a kind of unintentionally helpful procrastination. Then I see the half dozen hours of untouched random footage and remember exactly why I put it off in the first place, ha.

Oh well, this still ended up being satisfying to put together and remember the progress that's been made with this excellent Missile Command cabaret cabinet. And hey, it gave me a fine excuse to spend more time playing with this lovely machine, which is always a win.

Hope you enjoy seeing it coming together! It's mostly a bunch of minor stuff, but these particular kinds of details are precisely what make owning a 40-year-old arcade machine so fun. Feels a lot like restoring a 40-year-old car, with lots of late night web browsing hunting down obscure information, creating personalized custom mods, and trying out modern upgrade kits 😄


Updating my Atari Missile Command Arcade Machine!

We've got work to do on this 80s retro arcade game! Adding high score saving, improving and customizing the coin door, upgrading the coin mechs, making a new operation sheet, applying new stickers, and even trying out Super Missile Attack. ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Links pertinent to this video: https://www.brasington.org/arcade/products/mcm https://www.youtube.com/user/The8BitPitArcade https://www.mikesarcade.com/arcade/opsheets.html https://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-Coin-Door-Aluminum-Plate/151651552320 ● Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Arcade



Awesome!!! Love me some missile command😃😃😍


Just as a small history lesson. GCC made Atari's Food Fight, and Quantum, and eventually went on to make Ms. Pacman, and the Atari 7800.


That they did, along with a number of other fascinating game projects and notable pieces of computer hardware. Actually did a bit of research on a possible Tech Tales about them last year, as I became quite intrigued after getting Super Missile Attack here!


Reminds me of your comment on the video game years "A game where you command missiles....you do not ask them nicely" 🤣🤣


Aaand....now I've gone and reminded myself of the video game years....an awesome series....ended way too soon, I feel like the 90s would have been the LGR decade for the series.....so many awesome 90s pc games to talk about😥😥


Great video. BTW, a very easy way to "age" paper is to drop some water over a piece of paper so it's wet in spots but not soaked, then microwave it for like 20 or so (time can vary). It comes out feeling like it's old and will have some texture to it, and sometimes will even yellow slightly - but not always. I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I used it back in the early 90s when I worked in fast food and needed to age documents related to hours and inventory (all perfectly legit I assure you). Anyways I really enjoyed this follow-up video, well done.


How did they spell the name of their own city wrong? I'm guessing the stickers came from a national HQ who couldn't be bothered to check the spelling of Ash(e)ville.

Jason Wellband

Was awesome seeing you geek out like that. Do you normally keep the cabinet there and play a round every time you go to the kitchen? :D


Yep, that's one of the few spots I have room. Convenient though! I love fitting in a round or two on work breaks.


Gotta be something like that, yeah. Maybe they assumed it was spelled like Nashville, people get our cities confused all the time.


This is my favourite Atari game of all time. Good work on keeping this little bit of history alive.


That is one crazy piggy bank.

Peter Metzger

"I know a lot of these upgrades are really minor..." The smaller the better, man. So satisfying to see little details set aright. Love the video!


If you get custom tokens made maybe you could make them available for fans to purchase? I know I'd love to have a bunch of em


I feel a whole new addiction coming for Clint.


One of the few useful lessons I took away from too many years working with poker machines is that WD40 cuts through built-up coin gunk like a hot knife through butter. As a bonus it also slows down future build-up (at least for a few weeks, or longer depending on how frequently the machine is used).


look at that wood grain nice


Out of curiosity I looked up token manufacturers. Minimum orders around the $1000 to $1400 for 5000 custom tokens. Tokens Direct is one place in the U.S, make tokens for theme parks and arcades. Or you could just commision the U.S. or Canadian Mints for the job ;)


I mean, you could use 800 nickels, but I guess they're a tad thicker, and just wouldn't quite sound the same.


I imagine it's the same as working on an old car. Little touches and improvements just help you appreciate it more, and help it to feel more genuine. In a case like this it's something you remember from childhood so you're trying to capture a very specific feel and those details help to make it more real.

Seth C

Custom coin slot labels are awesome!!!

Valora Inverse

Absolutely delightful, always good to see something like this coming together. Kinda gives me the urge to find a good project to start chipping away at.


Ali Express has a few custom token vendors.


So for a few years I’ve been helping my best friend restore arcades for his collection. He’s got a whole basement full of them and pinball tables. Thankfully I don’t have the room so I can’t do that. But it’s a slippery slope since they’re hella fun to fix up


*Sees Sims 4 Tiny living blerb video. *Clint complains about some issues living in his current >1000sqft home. * Me 🤔 *Sees this 😌 LGR Arcade confirmed!!


Love the attension to the smalll details Clint, definatly what I would do!


This really looks like the beginning of a beautiful obsession for you, Clint! I'm looking forward to your new Patreon Tier that will include a free entry to the "LGR Arcade Center" in a couple of years :)


Oh that addiction boat has long since sailed. Wait'll you see what arcade nonsense I've been up to since this video was recorded in July :P


I prefer the dry silicone lube that I used here, since it doesn't leave a shiny film behind and smells less harsh. But the good ol' 40 is indeed perfect for cleaning gunk!


Agreed, that's the comparison I made in the main post as well :) Very much about recapturing memories and reliving just a tiny bit of days long gone.


Ah man, I'd love to have access to more machines like that. That aren't mine, haha. Most of the fun without the stress of managing where they live!


Haha, that'd be fantastic. You're definitely not the first to recommend that either, a whole bunch of folks have expressed genuine interest in an LGR Museum/Arcade/Hangout spot. It's absolutely a dream of mine.


Fun video. I bet you could use a laser-printer transparency to print those coin slot labels on and it would work better. Alternatively, a Brother P-Touch label maker with "black on clear" label would probably work too.


Simply dip your bleached paper in a bath of tea water to achieve a quick yellowing effect. Loved the video!


I was pleased enough that you changed the coin slot labels to match each other, but the custom labels were even better!


Everytime I see this thing it just fuels my desire to get an arcade cabinet for myself, personally Id like to have an old mrs pacman


This is totally unrelated, but your house gave me an idea of how to redo the trim and baseboard in my kitchen. I have wainscoting on one of the walls, didn't know what I was doing when I put it in. So my trim looks awful. Think I'm gonna look for what you have next time I'm at Home Depot and emulate it :)


It's amazing how a few little things can really change something


Loved the video! Really makes me want to buy an arcade or pinball machine, sadly I don't have the room for it right now :(