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If you've not seen my sad tweets, I've been pretty freaking sick since last Friday. High fevers, nausea, rashes, red things, pain, blah blah, ow ow. It's slowly improving, but I was diagnosed with at least two diseases today. It'll go away on its own eventually, but it takes time and I'm on meds without a voice til then.

But that's not going to stop a video, oh no.

Here's the previous video this one is referencing:


LGR - Donkey Kong Country 2 - SNES Game Review

I'm sick. Again. Voice is gone, brain is fried, taking meds. Text-to-speech reigns freeeee.



Viruses suck butts. Get well soon.


And this is why you don't do a video after taking your meds :p


The "thrumphant" return!


Hahaha, not again! Get well soon Clint!

Kris Asick

Two viruses for the price of one! 8D Also, hope you get better soon. Being sick with one nasty thing is one thing, but being sick with two nasty things is two things... and that's just NOT cool! D:


Man, it's videos like these that make me realize how long you've been making these videos. And how long I've been watching. I'm sorry you are sick, man, that sucks. But, I admire your diligence. Thanks for another great and very interesting review. :P


1. I think your review is possessed. 2. Oreo Cooking Pizza. 3. Must find it.


Working while sick != lazy.


It feels kinda comfortable seeing this video after just been playing Hotline Miami (did she just said Conky Dong?). Good luck fighting those belated Pax Pox or whatever though


I... I am scared... Please... somebody comfort me.... I think I just heard it say Donkey Dick Sequel Kong.


Moral of the story: don't go out and meet people. Stay indoors and play video games.


Get well soon Clint! Sending you lots of antiviral energy data packages!

Lindsay Michelle

So I was considering watching the PB and Jeff Donkey Kong Country 2 LP but I didn't, and then soon after that you got sick and made this video. I therefore consider myself partly responsible for your illness... either because I put off watching the LP, or I was subconsciously hoping you'd get sick and make the sequel to your H1N1-influenced Donkey Kong Country video. Sorry, dude. :P But really, you do sound like you're absolutely miserable. :( Have some quality relaxing time and please get better soon!!!! <3


Holy **** your condition looks very painful ! I hope you'll get well soon ! Take care ! Also yay for the second apparition of the female lazy game reviewer, and the intro was cool. :) Nice to see that sickness didn't damage your sens of humor. Nice review. ^^


Oh if only Patreon had a "TLC" button. Get better schnookums!


At least two diseases, eh? Clint in NC, Wilt Chamberlain in WA.


Sweet editing Clint. Very trippy shit.


Nice review even sans voice. I'm assuming you are on lots of cold meds. Hope you feel human soon. By the way, I mistook the girl Kong's blonde ponytail for a flexible banana at first. I just thought it was weird and unfruitlike it was while it was grabbing stuff. It's still unnatural for hair to do that too but you know what I mean.


I love the sick reviews but not the fact that you're sick. Get will Clint! I've been collecting games for five years and somehow I only have DKC1 & 3...

Eric Christopher

Great review, Clint! I would appease your illness with unending chicken noodle soup, if I could.


Hooray, appreciate the return of the intro video music!

Evan B

lololol .. awesome


amazing. was that Milkdrop 2 i saw at the end?


Get well soon mate, and you wouldn't believe how freakin' weird that distorted music at the end is through headphones haha.