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Got this one finished just in time for tomorrow!
It's been quite an unusual week over here so it ended up taking a bit longer than expected to get this one completed, but y'know, so it goes. Also ended up uncovering an increasingly amusing story surrounding the history of this machine and the company behind it, so there's kind of a mini Tech Tales packed in here as well.
Anyway, this is the Monorail PC. Specifically the Model 133 from 1997! A fascinating Windows 95 computer indeed, and perhaps the very first all-in-one desktop PC with an integrated color LCD monitor. The case is made of die cut steel, too, a rather unusual choice for this form factor.
You'd think just looking at it that it would be some kind of industrial equipment, but nope! It was meant as an affordable system for first time computer buyers, with the central goal being to provide a complete system under a thousand bucks. At one point they were on track to become a multi-billion dollar company by the early 2000s, but well, that never happened for reasons that should become clear in the video.
Hope you enjoy this one!


The Monorail: $999 All-In-One Windows PC from 1996

It may look like industrial equipment, but the Monorail PC was sold as a low-cost Windows 95 PC for first time computer buyers in the mid 90s! Probably the first desktop with an integrated color LCD monitor, too. ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Computers



...one of the first...! Greetz from Turkey!


But is there a chance the track would bend?


What about us braindead slobs?


And people think some phone bezels are big...


What's it called? Monorail.


Monorail will forever be ingrained in my mind by the Simpsons. at least "Monorail" could at least maybe have some meaning because it was an all in one, despite its meaningless nature


It seems I'm not the only one with the Simpson's "Monorail" song in my head as soon as I saw the title.


You'll be given cushy jobs! Its crazy how much of an impact The Simpsons has had on the human race. The moment the word "Monorail" entered my brain this song started playing in my head.


I remember these. I also was surprised they used a passive matrix screen. And you know, not all passive screens were equal. Some were much better than others. And I think the Monorail was particularly bad. I also thought the placement of the ports at the top of the computer was bizarre and irritating. I'm a bit confused on your typing in wordpad... How does one compare a keyboard to a chest X-ray?


Two things, I think I nearly got sick watching you play Quake and Keen 🤢 lol And maybe it's a bit taboo to mention but we're all human, especially if we grew up as teenagers in the 90s lol but there is a bit of nostalgia for...mature online content lol. The sneaking about and finding 90s lewd content online is nostalgic too for me lol. Back then you'd be made fun of for sure if caught but nowadays it seems so normal. Just a little blog thing that I thought of watching this video since I never see it mentioned and think we all know a feeling of nostalgia like this lol.


That active matrix really is terrible, even for '96! Heh, and yeah I suppose without context that's a bit strange. It's a quote from the HBO series Chernobyl. Folks in it repeatedly try to downplay the awfulness of things by comparing it to a chest x-ray, and since then it's become a bit of a meme.


Hey, you and me both! Hooray for motion sickness! And yeah, I'd happily include footage of the porn folders if YouTube wouldn't gut me for it, haha. Really is amusingly nostalgic seeing those old websites and tiny 120x80 videos again.


There were a couple of those things that came through Egghead Software when I was in high school and one or two left when I went to work there after I graduated.


It was tough not to include the clip in the first few seconds of the video, ha. I anticipate Simpsons quotes taking up half the comments section.


Hope you appreciated the old Egghead ad I put in the video! It was amusing to look at their ads constantly lowering the price on these things as time went on.


Even though Thrift is my favorit series, THIS is why I became a patreon! The research! Good job, man!


Wait... is the voice of Monorail Moe Prince Adam from 80's He-Man? I swear thats the same voice.


Amazing piece of oddware/techtales mix! I was dying the entire video to take a look at the guts of the beast; any chance you'll make a video showing the entrails? Is there any mod or hack even possible on that thing? Many thanks for another lovely piece of content, Clint!


You know, I just watched a video on Game Boy graphics, and that screen takes me back to 1989... and not in a good way.


As mentioned in the video, it's not intended to be user serviceable, so everything is crammed in there like a laptop and you have to tear a LOT down in order to see much inside. It's something I didn't wanna risk doing since this is one of the few units I've seen still functioning. That being said, I can at least show me taking the front fascia off. Will add that to the final video!

Evan B

Hah - "wank bank"! ... Also -ewww that lcd is horrendous .. I could barely watch your gameplay clips .. Cool vid, Clint.. Never heard of this company before ... Next up you need to find an old Falcon Northwest PC

Western Canadian Guy

My god. my eyes hurt just from trying to look at what you were doing on that thing. that's screen is impressively bad.

Headset Guy

Yuck. Passive matrix.


Loving the new stock footage use.


Also, it can play Age of Empires? SOLD!


“perhaps the very first all-in-one desktop PC with an integrated color LCD monitor“. Depending on when in 1997 it was released, the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh may have it beat. It was released March 14,1998 and had an active matrix LCD (long before the iMac G5 you mentioned). It also cost $7499, so it was definitely aimed at a different market than the monorail.


It's mentioned in the opening of the video: the Monorail released in November of 1996! The Model 133 that I have also predates the TAM, it's from January of '97.


Would love to find one of those monsters. Especially the one advertised in the manual for the original Unreal.


MVG? That was a good video, as always from him. And yeah it certainly traces its roots to displays from earlier on. Out of place for late 1996.


Seriously though! Would be great to upgrade it to an active matrix if I can ever find the right panel for it.


I sold Monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook ... and by gum, it put them on the map!


That machine never saw Europe, sadly?


Mono.. d'oh!


The tutorial rewind is genius, youtube should introduce that as an option.


Interesting machine but that screen really is horrible!


I don't believe so. They certainly had ambitions to go international, but from what I read they only lasted long enough to see North American distribution.


Wow, back in 1997 or so I went to one of the many computer fairs and found a crate of these Monorail keyboards. Some were damaged but they were $6 each so I grabbed a few. I used one of them from 1997 up until about 2 years ago everyday. It traveled with me from job to job as well. I've never actually seen the Monorail computer it was supposed to be sold with. Very cool to finally see this. On that note, I still have a stock of Monorail keyboards sitting around.


The box should have a warning about that screen. "May cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and in rare cases death.". lol


Yes, the "previous owner's" porn collection... that you saved for "a friend" ;-) Just kidding. I love this type of old 90's computer stuff, and it's always cool to me to know what a computer was used for by its previous owner. Most of the old machines I own have a story behind them from the people I've bought them from.


Love this type of video, it is always fascinating to look into the history of a machine and company. Good job in regards to your research. For me space is at a premium so I'm always interested in some of the more obscure all-in-one machines. PS That is one nasty screen. 🤮


For sure you can't say this screen is bezel-less, but at least it does not have a notch. ;-)


True that! I really think we'll look back on this era of notches and cutouts and think "wow that was a clunky solution."


Not sure if it counts, but the Sun Voyager was an all-in-one released in 1994 and came with a 12 inch 1024x768 active matrix color LCD! Not really a "consumer desktop", but it can run NeXTSTEP, which makes it kind of like a really early iMac! https://imgur.com/a/fsbHc


Yeah it's whole different history when we start taking about industry workstations and such. Still, very cool machine! Wonder how much it cost in '94, must have been a ton.


I need to look back at how the emachines of that year compared...


True or false? You can get Mono from using the Monorail.