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LGR - Chuck Rock 2 - Genesis Game Review Quickie

Quick commentary and gameplay on the Sega Genesis/Amiga game Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck! Prehistoric platforming awesomeness. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: "Back In Town" and "Howling" https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music


Lindsay Michelle

This was more concise and flowed better than the last video. Good work! I'm sure these Quickies will keep getting better from here. And "ball aesthetic," huh? I think I see where your fondness for constantly saying "balls" comes from! ...Probably not true, but I found that thought funny :P hehe


Huh, I didn't know there as an Amiga version, the box looks great!


The animation reminds me heavily of Vectorman for the Genesis. It also had that Ball Aesthetic, but of course was way in the future, or something. I don't really remember it well, but the name came to mind.

Kris Asick

Shatner is watching you................


I'm liking the Quickie format, man.


Hehe, I actually talked about Vectorman in the recording but cut it out. Definitely reminiscent.


A genesis game review ? Now THAT brings back memories of very old reviews. Nice ! :) Also nice to see that you got the Amiga version. :D I only played the first one on Amiga, and on Master System (of course, the Master System version feels like a silent movie compared to the amiga version), but it was so hard I never completed it. But I boot up Chuck Rock from time to time for the intro music alone, and it's little animations that impressed me when I was a kid and saw it for the first time. Good ol' Chuck Rock ! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rm0eTagViU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rm0eTagViU</a>


Had a Genesis growing up and quite a few games but I never had this or played it. I'll keep an eye out for it.


And thus we learn the origins of Balls. Great review as always!


Snazzy intro! Interesting game too, deformed babies make everything 100x more interesting. I also didn't know that Virgin used to publish video games too! That company does everything! Keep up the great work!


I wasn't a fan of the first game. I remember seeing Chuck Rock 2 in magazines, but I never played it. Maybe I should seek out a copy and try it out.


Does this have any relation to Bonk's Adventure?