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I've been considering bringing back LGR Quickies for quite a while, but in a new and even lazier style. So here's the result! Recorded four of them already, and once I have the formula down it should be simple enough to make a bunch.

The idea is to cover games in 5 minutes or less, with no script and basic gameplay footage. This should let me talk about stuff that normally I wouldn't be able to, from tiny shareware games like this to massive RPGs like The Witcher 3. I'll still be making normal reviews of course, but in the meantime this should let me get my thoughts out there on way more stuff. It's also just fun to do something new!

Please let me know what you think though!


LGR - Dem Bonz - DOS PC Game Review Quickie

Quick commentary and gameplay on the MS-DOS shareware game Dem Bonz! Dominoes with a suspicious lack of pizza. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: "Back In Town" and "Howling" https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music



I like this style of "review". It's much more informal than the usual ones, and makes for a great change of pace. Still keep up your usual style, of course, but this is very cool as well.


I like it. some things aren't worth a 15-20 minute video but are still interesting enough for something like this. I hope to see more, they're cool!

Kris Asick

Maybe call them "REALLY Lazy Game Reviews" XD As for this game, I recall a Windows 3.1 game with a very similar name, style of play, buttons... mayyyyybe made by the same guy? *shrugs* If I ever come across it again in my shareware archives I'll let you know. :B

Lindsay Michelle

"It's not the full experience, but can still be a lot of fun." If you wanted people's minds to go into the gutter with that, well, congratulations, you've succeeded, at least with me. lol Not what I was expecting for these quickie videos! You're on-screen a lot for this, not that's a bad thing, just surprising! I like the personal stories, too! I'm interested to hear more stories, especially when you lived in St. Lucia. Would you ever go back to visit or to even live there again one day? If I were to give any critique, though this may be from having no script, maybe having more of a linear list of talking points? It just seemed like the stories, as interesting as they were, didn't flow together as well as they could have. I wish I could explain it better... and I hope I don't come off rude for saying that!


First, I played a very scary / f***** up video game last night. I did get to bed way before, but I couldn't sleep until 1 AM. Seeing an LGR Quickie means I'm alive. Thank you ! Secondly, it's nice to see LGR Quickies back. I remember them a little bit. I quite enjoyed it (St Lucia seems to be a very nice place, btw). The game is quite interesting (if only for the title screen and graphics mode), and the floppy reminded me a lot of pirated Atari/Amiga games me and my brothers used to have at home ages ago. A lot of them looked just like this one. :) So yeah, I enjoyed it, and maybe it will have a spin-off like "LGR Hardware Quickies" or "LGR nerd stuff quickies" (for example : "LGR Quickie : Program Code Refactoring and Testing". Mhh, wait, that's maybe not as entertaining as I think it is... ;-) )


This video was really good LGR. I liked the personal feel of it. You kept cutting back to you just sitting there and I really like that. It has a much more personal and intimate feeling to it. It seems more sincere that way. Also, you should tell us more about your adventures in St. Lucia. How did you end up moving there and why did you leave? I bet you have some really neat memories from there. Thanks again for the awesome videos.


Really enjoyed the review, as a fairly simple game without a lot to it, the format works great (as I would imagine with larger ones too).


So we're just not going to mention the song by Alice in Chains? Before anyone says it's not game-related, that's not so. It inspired a song in Doom. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HjbQ-UzBPk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HjbQ-UzBPk</a>


Love the lazy laid-back style. The Shatner looks pleased too, looking over your shoulder there.


I like the format of this video. The transitions that go across the screen remind me "Really, Queen?", though yours are less exaggerated and make more sense to what you are doing. You are also really good at speaking on camera with limited pauses and your voice flows nicely so I think this style of video is perfect for you. My critique would be that I still long for something even more concise; I know the point is to make videos about games that perhaps don't warrant a 10-15 minute review, I just think THIS game is so simple it didn't warrant a lot. I liked the St. Lucia story and think this would be a good platform to share more of your personal experiences with, I do think when you do a few more of these they will be a little more cohesive in terms of game info and personal stories. :) Keep going with the format though, I do dig it.

Evan B

holy crap - that Nels Anderson Mahzhong! I loved that game!!!


Thanks for the input! And yeah, I wanted this one to only be like two minutes long, but kept thinking of stories I wanted to tell that were only barely related :) Will be tweaking the formula in each episode for sure.


Thanks, I was hoping a side-effect would be that it felt more "real". And I ended up moving there because my mom was born there and we all wanted to visit where she lived! Ended up going there because of donations from local charities and churches, in order to go and help kids and families in need. Left because the money ran out :P


Some quickies that aren't explicitly about games are certainly possible, actually. For hardware especially!


Thanks! And yeah, I've recorded a couple on some larger games too and it seems to scale nicely


I actually referred to this song in the recording, but cut that part out in order to keep it more concise!


For some reason, this personally reminds me of the older videos you used to do. Though short, it's a good dose of information while still maintaining the 'quickie' aspect. I really enjoyed it a lot and hope the rest of your viewers agree, because it would be awesome to see more :) Happy to be a supporter right now, and hugely appreciative of the content you put out on a regular basis. Have a good one, Clint!


Wow... never knew you lived in St. Lucia... visited there on a cruise once. A beautiful place (especially the Pitons and some of the mountain vistas), but by FAR the scariest roads I've ever been on (Steep and mountainous, narrow, hairpin turns and no real lane markings). Awesome man!


Haha, yeah you're not kidding! They can be a nightmare to drive on for even a quarter of a mile. I learned quickly to use the horn A LOT when going around a bend. Awesome you visited, you must've arrived at the Castries port. I lived just north of there up on Morne Fortune, used to watch the cruise ships arrive and depart at all hours. I'd go down there sometimes and pretend I was tourist to get free stuff, haha.


Thanks very much, I'm glad you appreciate it! I recorded four episodes at once, so more is on the way :)


This is a really cool video LGR! I look forward to more LGR Quickies! Also, is it wrong that every time I hear the words, 'Dem Bonz', I start singing the Alice in Chains song? Because that's what I do. :P


I like the format for these little shareware games, I think for a quick review the 5-6 minutes mark is about right. Think the format would be great to see some Mac (7-9) shareware games that were not out for DOS done in a quickie too