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Had this in the works for a couple months now and it's finally done! Computer Reset in Dallas, Texas. Legendary.

This place is mind boggling.

A massive warehouse of vintage computers. Seemingly endless retro hardware and software that hasn't been touched in ages. Way more than is even shown here, it's like nothing I have ever seen in my life. What a trip! And it's finally done now after sitting on the footage for two months.

I don't even know what to say except I'm PSYCHED to share. When videos take this long it screws up all sense of final quality so I genuinely don't know how this'll go over. Enjoy :)


Exploring a MASSIVE Retro Computer Warehouse!

No joke, this place is truly mind-blowing! Taking a tour of Computer Reset in Dallas, Texas. It's a closed down vintage computer shop that's been largely abandoned and has stayed relatively untouched for years. Enjoy the mountains of computer hardware and software. ● Here's the group to join for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/627459117730981/ ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Computers



!!!! excited to see this! came over from twitter to see if you'd posted something here. thanks!


I heard some folks mentioning you, but I didn’t know if you had come there. I’m not from Dallas, but I was there for about 5-6 weeks with nothing to do, so I spent several weekends at CR, buying way too much stuff I didn’t need, but mostly just to hang out. It was a great time and so glad I was in the right place at the right time. Would have been nice to meet. Can’t wait to check this out!


how the heck did you sit on this??? lol i would've blabbed IMMEDIATELY


I've lived in Dallas for 12 years and never heard of this place. Evidently I've passed it a million times and never even knew it.


I belong to a group called "Hard Drive Hangout" on Facebook, and a dude there made a post asking if anyone was interested in stopping by that place. I live too far, but I mentioned @'ing you... at which point he shows me a picture of you looking at some of the shelves along the wall! Didn't know if you were doing a video or just stopping by, but it turns out I got a sneak peak. ;)


Haha nice! Yeah I've been planning this video for a long time now. Neat that you saw an early hint at it!


Awesome find, awesome video! I was expecting someone to actually say "screw this, let's pool together and just... buy the place!" But I admit there's stuff in there for 20 lifetimes to sort through and resell. I would've loved to be there. Thanks for sharing!




OH yes I've been waiting for this video since that photo of you at the 8-bit-guy's place. I'm going to wait just a little bit longer though as it's still stuck at 360p


wtf I live in DFW I never even heard of the place!!

Terry Lee

so one guy on YouTube pulls down his video about computer reset, but now you are making a new video that is likely going to get thousands of views… I'm guessing the owner second-guessed himself and allowed content to be uploaded about the place that will likely gain a lot of attention on the place… I hope he completely understands what he just allowed because it might be more than he bargained for. I trust the majority of your viewers are both logical and respectful though so hopefully things will be fine. Is he hoping that bringing more attention to the place will help sell off a lot of what sitting there? And why on earth is there any tech at all outside elements? I cringe thinking about all that PC hardware sitting out in the rain during the storm! Unbelievable. Very interesting video though, I hope the owner is pleased and things go well for him and the whole establishment. I think retro tech is becoming more fashionable with things like Stranger Things bringing it to the mainstream public


I hope a lot of that stuff gets saved. Would be such a shame if it all gets scrapped. That place Metal Jesus went to should be told about that place. Man I miss my ps1, but had to leave it in South Africa. Edit: amazing video.

Stephen Staver

This is like... one of those places where you assume must exist, but have never seen before. This is amazing. And insane. And omg all those computers and parts just left to rot. I hope they're able to get some organization and eBay the hell out of it all.


I was blown away when you showed us the warehouse!


why are comments deleted here ?

Alyxx the Rat

Loved the intro, this was an amazing video and just so mindblowing.


Words really don’t do that place justice. It takes every ounce of restraint to not buy all the things and crater my marriage.


This is a time portal into 20 years from now: "Hoarders: LGR Special Feature"


The best part of the video is finding out they didn't bulldoze the building and are allowing collectors to buy items in a controlled fashion. Looking forward to the OS/2 and Windows NT stuff!


This is the most incredible video ever. I'm in awe.


It is an incredible place. Been there many times including that day. It was great having you Clint. So far two 40 yard dumpsters of cardboard have been removed. Still a lot there.


It just blows my mind that a gaggle of people would show up chanting "let us pay you money to haul away the mountains of stuff in here" and they would say "no, the bulldozer is coming," at least at first. I mean look at how much people were willing to pay for Atari carts pulled out of a landfill, covered in trash juice.


I'm not the most organized guy in the world, but this made me feel weird haha!


Well there was a local scrapper that was meddling. The family who is out of state had no idea there was anything of value. Once Justin was able to explain and tallied a weeks worth of sales just from the local Retro computing group they were onboard.


It is not going to work that way. People come in on the days it is open. And find stuff and buy. Although some has and is going to end up on ebay.


These kinda places pop up every now and then, and they amaze me; considering how vibrant the retro computing market is, they only come to light *because* they're closing! There's just this odd disconnect between the people who have all the NOS and other random crap piled up, and those who want it. Instead flebay is stuffed with people charging silly money for stuff. Meanwhile a place like this could close down and be dumped into landfill without anybody knowing. So cool, so pleased Clint got to rescue some stuff. I just wish I could find a place like this near me (a true rarity in the UK).

Headset Guy

I wish I could go. This seems like the sort of place that would have the Compudyne software I'm looking for.


I wish i could go so i could save those older Macintosh CRT displays, hopefully someone picks them up and hives them a good home.


Great video.... Watched it all. It's very hard to convey to people about this place through video. That's one of the reasons I kept putting off doing a video about it. But you did pretty well!


things that blew my mind about this video: 1. the MOUNTAINS of computers and peripherals and "new old stock" 2. the fact this vid gives me a LGR thrifts /and/ unboxing everything you sent me type of vid.. great adventure lgr! thanks for sharing :)


My jaw was just open for almost the entire time you were in the warehouse. I recognized so many of those things from my younger days...


Like your B-bit guy T-shirt! I have one too.


What an interesting and strange story. If I understand right, the owner hasn't been involved with the store for several years, which explains how it got from fairly well-organized to the state in which it is now. But... who's that guy who'd been letting people in even though he wasn't supposed to? And how long was this going on? Anyway, great video, and thanks to Clint for telling this story.


This was beyond amazing. I do wonder, are you planning to go back out there at some point? Surely they must have some more stuff that would be useful for the channel. As is, I’m sure you just got many videos worth of material. Thanks for the early access! This was so cool.


No the owner has not been involved with store for several months. The person that was allowing people in was okayed to sell stuff kinda sorta. Until Justin was put in charge there wasn't much communication going on and a few local people trying to take advantage. This all happened earlier this year when the owner got injured on garage door coming down on him. Fortunately he is mostly ok from that.


If you watch the end of the video, they have a rough system in place for accepting visitors now. They did not have it when the original stream went up and gained attention.


Oh man... thanks for sharing! Amazing video. I kept looking at all the Apple and Mac stuff and wanting to grab it out of the screen! Maybe one day I can visit, I'm so glad it's not being all destroyed and that they they are allowing individuals to come in and buy some goodies. :)


All I can say is WOW, SOOOO MUCH RETRO COMPUTING STUFF! :O O_O Too bad I'm no longer into buying/collecting it (just managing what I have now is getting harder as time goes by :/ ). I do know a certain forum I belong to would be slack-jawed to see this (I'm pretty sure Clint knows which one I'm referring to) and no, I won't link this video to them at all even after it's officially released on YT - they don't deserve it IMHO >:] Another great video as usual Clint, thanks for sharing it with us :) (and I certainly wish the owner and family the very best in managing their current situation).


Absolutely amazing. I'm glad you all were able to save the place from scrap. You saved a lot of technological history.


So glad to see they are letting people come clear it out, it'd really hurt seeing so much awesome stuff be destroyed. If only I had the means to go there myself, I would spend all day in there no doubt


Fantastic video


This is freaking heaven. Watching this was a mix of awesomeness and envy 😁 I've been looking for the original software to my 5150 (guide, os, etc) for so long and there it is. Sealed... Damn you different continents.


Did anybody else start daydreaming a film trailer for this little jaunt to Texas? If anybody else ever makes a film adaptation of Clint visiting Computer Reset, I want the scene where he arrives too late and the place is closed (seemingly for good) to be accompanied by a Kate Bush song. <b>20:58</b> Oh no... :c I'm trying to subdue the stressed-out retail worker part of my brain, looking at that pandemonium of unorganized stock.


Daaaaaamn... crazy! I think I got a new favorite LGR video... somehow reminded me of your older urban exploration videos you briefly did.


That’s really cool!


There actually was some talk of that among a couple of us down there, and the asking price actually wasn't unreasonable. But the property taxes alone were like $25,000, not to mention all the other expenses that would be involved, so it was a bit dicey. Glad another option was worked out with the family :)


Yeah I'll be quite curious to see if this new attention will lead to any kind of acquisition or something along those lines.


For real though. Every day since I've thought "I should just go back with a U-Haul or three, I'll sort the details later..."


Yeah man it was a really fun day there, despite the intensity of the heat. That first walkthrough of the building was something I'll genuinely never forgot, I was completely awestruck. Hope the cleanup continues to go well!


Haha, yeah I've shown this to a couple folks who are admitted germaphobes and they couldn't finish watching!


Most of the ones shown in this video were taken home by different folks by the end of the day :)


Thanks, David! Certainly wasn't as simple of a video to put together as I imagined at the outset, but I'm glad I got to experience the place and share the whole thing. Hope we get to hang out again sooner rather than later, too!


Hehe, yep it really ended up being a combination of video types. It's weird how all these seemingly disconnected things that I do can all come together in one project sometimes.


I know the feeling! Even while scrubbing through the footage I kept seeing tons of things that I am still amazed are just sitting there, untouched for decades.


It's possible, but I haven't decided on anything concrete yet. I am absolutely wanting a few more things they had through, if they're still there :)


Most of the Apple stuff was long gone even by the time I got there, but that's just the surface. Can only imagine what's still buried underneath everything else!


Likewise, I can't think Justin and the other folks enough for volunteering their time and energy! Everyone really came together to make things right on this one.


Same, it was mind-blowing to just find so much hard to find documentation sealed, with stacks of them on pallets. Surreal stuff!


Definitely had an urbex vibe to it, especially upstairs with the dead/flickering lights and ceilings caving in. I love all that stuff.


Man, I'm on Deskthority and RetroBattlestations a lot and I don't know how I missed those posts. Totally would have taken the Tundra and a trailer on a road trip. I think it's about 15 hour drive from here in Western NC. I've been looking for one of those blue Mac monitors to match my old Yosemite PowerMac G3 for a long time and there were like three in your video alone. I'm sure it's about to get blitzed after this video though. Just glad the old equipment didn't get buried with the building.

Joon Choi

Absolutely incredible that places like this still exist. If I was a Silicon Valley tech billionaire I would buy out this whole place and do a full and proper accounting and restoration of every piece in there. These treasures deserve to be saved and appreciated again. Great video Clint!


It hurts to think much of this could end up in the dump


Thank you for giving us viewers the chance to explore such a fascinating place! This episode was excellent!


As an old Mac junkie I noticed those too! Sadly those CRT models are notorious for not working... but still... mighty tempting!

Raymond Nichols

Great video. You really conveyed the chaos of the place. So many things triggered memories. So many things that just made me say, “What the heck is that?” It was just too much. If there was ever a place where a tiny civilization would pop up like in that episode of the Simpsons/Futurama/Love, Death, &amp; Robots/etc. this is the place. And I thought the phone footage seemed most appropriate for your visit, it reinforced the the craziness of the place. If you were documenting it for a Ken Burns six parter then yes, gimbal away. But this felt more real, great job.

Evan B

That was amazing! Thanks for sharing, Clint! Think you'll ever go back to grab more tech when you have the room?


Man, this is an amazing Thrifts.


That was an amazing sight to see. I'm glad things have been resolved enough to ensure some gear gets into the hands of folk (and museums) who'll make use of it before going to landfill. This was a great watch for sure.


Of course all the stuff is cool, but I can't help but feel anxious for the owner. Is he ok? Is there a mental illness situation going on? Sounds like a horader and I feel bad for him :-(


He's doing well, all things considered. The local computer group there in Dallas actually just held an appreciation event for the legacy of Computer Reset, and he was able to attend from what I gather. Plus there's been an outpouring of financial support ever since this whole situation came to light, which is nice to see.


Omg, I was in Tahoe and the wifi was terrible. Had to wait for today to watch...love this extended video. That looks fun!


This place is Mecca for computer nerds. Watching a second time LOL.


Depends on if/when I ever get more room :) If they're still open by the time I get a new place, sure!


This video reminds me of my teenage years when I worked for a guy who would buy pallets of computer stuff at auction to resell either in his store or on eBay. My dream would be to aquire Computer Reset and turn it into a non-profit. Have people volunteer to sort, clean, restore, etc. Take all the best stuff and create a museum. Give away stuff to YouTubers to show off and archive. Maybe even start a school for teaching hardware, programming, and electronics. Have an arcade for old school games. Ah, you know, all the dreams! Lol


No kidding. I gave up my Athlon with a Voodoo 3 when I moved out of state and was floored when I saw V3s going for $150 on eBay.


Gosh when I saw this I was mind blown I thought it was the 80s again