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A decade of LGR has officially occurred.

And I had no idea what to do, haha. So I've made a kind of retrospective video using the original VHS-C camcorder that I used back in 2009! And yes this a 4K video in a 4:3 aspect ratio, because it only made sense somehow.

Here's to another ten years! Or whatever happens really. I am here for all of it. Hope you are too :)




Terry Lee

Holy shiitake mushrooms! it's been a decade already? Where has all that time gone… So much hardware collecting… So much thrifting… So many reviews… So much random content… So many WTF moments… Good times my friend, many many good times. I continue to look forward to what the future brings, and BTW, great idea using the VHS camcorder to record the retrospective! Kudos! ^_^


this is false advertising, I was promised laziness not productivity


I found you through your Sims 3 reviews, became a loyal fan when I discovered you also loved Commander Keen. Thank you for 10 years of entertainment!


Congrats man. I have been here with you for a while now. I still would love to collaborate with you on a project since you and I are relatively close to each other. Also since I am as close to you as I am and a fellow YouTube content creator I would love to help with any aspect of production, filming, editing, making your coffee, etc. Something to ponder. Anyway...Here's to another 10 years.


Congrats dude! Here’s to many more years of great retro tech content 🎉


Hey Clint, loved this retrospective. I first followed somewhere around 2012, and I've been a fan ever since. Your channel is one that I've loved watching grow, as it's always been something interesting. Even the videos about things I wasn't into at the time have sparked hobbies I have today. Very much looking forward to 10 more years! PS, If you ever need some work done, I'm a freelance Web Developer / Programmer / Tech guy, and I'd love to help out if the opportunity arose.

Terry Lee

Don't worry yourself about where to go and what to do on your channel. It doesn't really matter as long as you're having fun and enjoy what you're making. At the end of the day just make what you love and love what you make and I guarantee thousands of us will enjoy all the random things you upload. Even the worst mistakes! We still learn from those too!


Congratulations, well, I sure can't get enough of Tech Tales and Thrifting, I would like to see anything IBM related stuff too, can't get enough of that, but hey keep doing what you're doing, it's all good. Cheers to 10 more years!


You bet I'll be there for the next 10 years Clint! Thank you for the hours of entertainment, edutainment, information, laughter, nostalgia... Your content has always been of the highest quality and I've learned so much over the years. Cheers!


Congrats, my dude. Discovered you through your review of Shadow Warrior, it came out before the Redux version and the reboot, so hardly anybody was talking about it at the time. While I don't agree with your sentiments of the game, the stuff you covered on the channel was intriguing and I've been a follower since. Looking forward to see what the next 10 years will bring!


ah that song, man. been watching forever congrats :)


Congratulation Clint! :D here is to as many years as you want to do this! Your videos help bring joy into mine and my partner’s lives and we thank you for it.


Yay, 10 years! Damn, that camcorder is hot. We GET it ;)


Studio building definitely seems to be the current long term youtuber thing now. Quite a few of the channels I follow who have been around for years seem to be doing it. Congrats on 10 years, Clint! What a ride!!


You had me worried for a minute there! It has been great watching and looking forward to your videos every week since I subbed in 2010 and I hope to keep seeing your weekly vids for the next decade. Your production value has become almost art in and of its self since you went from two per week to one and has only gotten better. Keep it up dude and much love!


Congratulations mate! 🎉🕹️


360p, bringing it back


Congratulations on 10 years! Keep doing what you like, and I'll watch no matter what.


Congratulations! Been a fan since around 2010 and proud to be a supporter. I have a question by the way. I couldn't help notice that the earliest LGR videos say "JC" at the end. If you don't mind me asking, who or what was "JC"?


I honestly can't even remember how I discovered your channel, but I can say with certainty that you're the first creator I've backed on Patreon. I love your content and here's to another 10 years at least.


Cool touch to use the very first LGR intro song - btw what's it called?


One thing I thought of is that you remind me of myself. We're close to the same age and as a fan of old computers, I love seeing someone else who appreciates that passion too.


Congrats. That's quite an achievement. Are there any earlier episodes or things you create making or doing or would do differently now?


Congrats! Only started watching a little over a year ago. The way you cover the history of human progress is valuable and will be invaluable for years to come. Keep it up.


Woah! Totally mondo rad!! Tubular!... and other such 90’s terms to show how awesome this is! Congratulations!


I've been following you since August 2014 when you released the Tabletop Mini Retro arcade machine. Love your videos, they're always interesting and exciting. Thanks for making awesome videos.


I'm ready for another decade! You keep improving all these years. And your passionate about the stuff you're doing. I'm excited to see you excited. Can't wait to see the day of LGR medias Inc. ! Or something else. Whatever you're doing. It's been 8 years now for me I think... And I'm not even slightly bored! So I guess I still be around in 10 years watching your videos. Or holovideos. Retroholovideos? Congratz and sincerely thank you for all the great content you've made! ❤️


When I hear you say that you have no idea "why" this works, I like you even more than I already did. I like you for not knowing that the "why" is you. You are why we watch. You. It's your child-like excitement over both the subjects you cover and the act of covering them. It's how the charm and quirk of your delivery never, ever cross the line into cringy. It's that ridiculous thing you do when you use the same word over and over in the same sentence. I still laugh every damned time you do it. I love your show for the same reason I love the 8-Bit Guy, but not Digital Foundry quite as much. I love your show like I love AVGN and Cinemassacre, but don't warm to Modern Vintage Gamer. Don't get me wrong. I like those shows and I don't mean to suggest that your work is somehow more charming because it is less professional than those products. Rather, it seems to me that your work cleverly hides the craft behind the brightness and warmth of its authenticity. You simply look, sound, and feel every bit a pal to my inner child. It's you.

Seth C

Congratulations to you and the Channel! You have truly outlived the pros in Hollywood and elsewhere. Your channel is always great, every week, and I hope I can keep watching 20 years from now. Thank you again for the exceptional content!


I quit a job by not showing up and when they called I had my roomate tell them I died in a traffic accident in Alabama. Then at IBM I ran a help line by myself on a 2nd shift and I waited until everyone in my department went home for the evening, then went to to an upper level manager and told them I quit, I'm going to work at McDonalds. They said wait here and I'm going to have security walk you out - and I just said, no thanks - I got it, I took my stuff and left. Then I quit another job by sending the manager a picture of a middle finger via email. BUT, in fairness, all those stories were in the 90s, and being a Gen X'er you were supposed to be a dick. Good times.


This was a blast Clint! I'm glad you put it together. Really happy to support you on here how I can, and am looking forward to 10 more years!


Congratulations on a decade of LGR, Clint! You've been consistently one of the people most dedicated to producing quality content about stuff you're passionate about. I personally love the Tech Tales series, even though I know they don't do as well as fan favorites like Thrifts (which I also adore). I am appreciative of your efforts, and am entertained by the content you create. I find value in what you make. That's why I've been watching, and will continue to watch for the foreseeable future.


I forgot to say this in my comment, so I'll agree with you on yours instead. To me, also, Clint's on-camera personality is a huge part of why I love his content.


Congrats Clint, been a sub since 2010 (I think) first started watching your Sims review and gradually moved on to your retro tech reviews. Here's to another 10 more years *clink glasses*

Alyxx the Rat

You're still rocking at what you do, Clint. I've been watching since probably around 2010-2011 and to this day you remain one of my favourites just because your style makes everything you do really easy to watch and get into. I just can't understate how enjoyable your videos are. I hope you can continue doing what you enjoy for a decade more.


:D So glad to be a patron now for this. my favorite youtuber


This is probably my favorite video of yours. I don't remember when I started watching, but I'm sure glad I did.

Kris Asick

Congrats on the 10 years, Clint! I'm not far behind with my 10-years of ADG coming up in May 2020! ;)


I legit can't even remember how long ago it was that I subscribed to you. Feels like forever. You've been there for me to watch through a bunch of computers, multiple job losses, a horrific long-term relationship, new jobs, great moments, and everything in between; I can't thank you enough for what you do. In terms of what I'd like to see moving forward, the answer is Megarace... Bad jokes aside, I do miss your game reviews (beyond edutainment month) because that used to be your bread and butter and the videos that I most liked to watch. Specifically the sub-ten-or-fifteen-minute videos. So good. But as long as you put out content, I'll continue to watch. THANKS, CLINT!


Congratulations, here's to the next 10!!! Only discovered the channel a year ago and have been hooked ever since. My favorite show is the Tech Tails, which must take ages to put together but the quality is fantastic and well worth the wait. Looking forward to the future sir


You bastard, you almost had me convinced then! Well done on the milestone. :)


Congrats man! When I first found your channel, I went back through the whole catalog of videos. All of your content is amazing. I dig when you do throwbacks to "old LGR" with the color bars, VHS static and Vaxeen 4U tune. I'd love to continue seeing retro PC stuff. ISA cards, 386, 486, Pentiums, VooDoo cards, maybe dust off some of those cool IBM PS/2 systems, install OS/2? I dunno... just keep doin' what you're doin' and we'll keep watching! ❤


Happy Tenversary :D


You defiantly improved in talking more naturally on the camera. There is a real flow in your language now that just makes you stop and listen.


I love this channel just wish I had more money to support you better. I do feel like a cheapskate there but well I guess that's brexit for me. Please keep up the great work, I just love your style.


Clint, I haven't commented much,, or read your comments, so maybe I'm repeating things that have already been said. That said - you're an everyman the rest of us can totally relate to. You also have a great talent and manner, a bit of Mr. Rogers giving us games and technology. A great place to take in some tech and relax. I just love your "Greetings!" and salute, and goofy asides with random or funny stuff. And in the end you make great points and help us reflect and have perspective on tech. Your Tech Tales are awesome. Great work and keep it up!


Clint, I just want to say thank you for all the years! I remember discovering LGR during a pretty tough time in my life, and your channel has helped me out more than I could put into words. Here's to many more years!


10 years of LGR! I have to be honest and say that I'm not with you since the beginning. I knew LGR maybe three years after. Well, it's not a bad timing to go across the atlantic to my little country. Funny to see how things turned out and how technology changed, where now we all carry quality cameras in our pockets. That's what I use for my videos, sinse I'm saving for a proper camera. As for Patreon, I did some work a few years ago on society generosity mechanism and I guess it is no different. People like to support things they enjoy. It makes us feel part of that thing. From supporting your local sports team to voluntary work for the community. If I take something from what you do, I want to give something back and be a part of it. LGR is hiring? Where do I send my resume? :D I'll be an LGR employee. As for the content, I've said in the past, you produce some of the very best content on YouTube and you are an inspiration. Even in very personal ways. As for the person, I don't know you personally, but you seem like a genuine and humble guy. I'm in for ten more years of LGR. My hat off to you sir.


Although I've had many consoles and computers over the decades, I'm not a gamer at all now. Yet, LGR remains my favourite Youtube channel. I am, however, a huge thrifter! I go thrifting almost every day. So, LGR Thrifts is my favourite. A little off topic, but I also love LGR Foods!!! I hope you're hungry, because I am!!


Aww, young boy Clint and his humble mission statement xo

Rico da Rooster

Well, at least your hairdo got better...


Huzzah mate! You deserve all of the success!


10 more years please.


been watching since those old school intros... don't remember what size you was exactly (under 100k for sure) but super chuffd to see you still going strong. Thanks for all the inspiration along the way :D


congrats on your 10th LGR! just a random question, what's the story behind your username (phreakindee), If i'm not mistaken, that's your sims username as well. anyway, more power, and looking forward to more videos from your channel. :)


by the way, cool transitioning between cameras (and audio input/mics)! :D


Wow 10 years congrats. I remember finding your ZX Spectrum video after going on a youtube spiral and was impressed by the amount of effort you put in to getting it working. At the time i dont think anyone was really doing retro DOS gaming reviews either so it was this cool little informative old school PC gaming channel in a sea of angry NES reviews. Thanks for sticking with it so long.


This is such a great wholesome video. I loved the camera transitions! So glad I found your channel, so much great content! Another ten!

Peter Metzger

This video gave me so much joy.


I remember looking for DOS game reviews back in the day and I believe you were the first one (that I know of) that actually made quality videos about it. Loved most of your other content too and here I am 9 years later, still getting excited for every new video. Thank you Clint!


Your story sounds so remarkably similar to mine. And you know what? I had to go look at my own channel to see how long I've been doing this. My oldest video is from 2007, so I've been doing this longer than 10 years. But yeah, some of those older ones are sort of cringe-worthy watching them today. Mostly because I was less comfortable in front of a camera or microphone, and the audio/video quality was much worse back then. In fact, if you think about it, the only reason my channel (and probably yours) grew so fast back then, was because they were still better than 99% of the rest of the junk on YouTube. Back then the bar was set pretty low, anyone that actually knew even a little about video editing could get their foot in the door.


I found your channel on YT a little over 3 years ago. I was dealing with some pretty bad health issue with some depression on top of it. I don't remember the first video I watched but I went back and watched EVERY video you still had posted and it really helped me get through some rough days. That's why as soon as I was able to I started supporting you on Patreon. Thanks for everything Clint! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for these spectacular 10 years and can't wait to see more! This idea has been probably thrown around before but you could cover those little hidden gem games on itch.io and Steam etc. :) I also kinda miss LGR Plays, they were fun to watch. And of course, I love watch you build PC's and Oddware is one of my favorite things.

Lucas J. Chumley

I subscribe to both of you for a relatively short list of reasons: 1) You actually know what the hell you're talking about. 2) Even at your worst/newest, the content and presentation was solid enough (like you said, this was a low bar.) 3) Neither of you have joined this new trend of click baiting WITH ALL CAPITAL TITLES mixed with some goofy face as if you were puzzled about the obvious thing you're trying to confuse me into clicking. You two are in just a very small group of content creators that I can watch for hours without getting bored.


To some the secret sauce just comes naturally; I'm sure Mozart never understood why any of his stuff worked as well as it did. You're simply a natural, and besides Thrifts and Oddware, your random rambling is some of your most entertaining stuff, to me. I hesitate to call what you do "work", but please and by all means, do keep up the good whatever the hell it is you do!


Congratulations Clint!! Looking forward to the next 10 years.


I don't remember how or when I started watching your videos to be honest, I know it was probably about six or seven years ago at this point, but I was immediately drawn in by your enthusiasm and wit. I'm glad 10 years have been good to you and you're looking forward to 10 more. I hope the hurdles are smaller and the work is even more fun and rewarding for you. I'm not sure what I'd like to see except more if what you enjoy doing. I've loved thrifting and learning through techtales and am looking forward to manymore


Amazing stuff Clint, filming on the old LGR camera and seeing that old intro sure brought back the memories. Thanks for all the years of AMAZING entertainment! Here's to many more!


Congrats on the milestone Clint. I've been watching since 2011 and enjoying pretty much anything you put out. It's been great to see the channel evolve and your skills improve. You keep doing your thing, I'll keep watching.


Thank you for 10 years of such amazing content. It is so delightful to watch you so happy and exited about the future, it’s contagious. And please, never fall into the trap of doing it for us; we follow you and watch you and support you because of this passion and honesty. Cheers!


Inspirational Clint. Using what you have and just getting started is such good advice. Ten more please. 👍🙏🤘

Joon Choi

Congrats Clint - here’s to at least 10 more years. The good news is, every year that passes makes another year’s worth of games and gear retro. :)


Congratulations! To answer the question about ideas and branching out: how do you feel about interviewing? You have a knack for telling interesting stories about obscure tech, and it may be even more interesting if you can get some of the people involved to sit down on camera with you. I know that's a completely different skill set that would take some time to hone, but I know we'd be patient. And with your larger profile, you probably have a much greater opportunity to make that happen.


Also, I really enjoyed the E3 video. If there are other opportunities for "LGR Field Trips," that might be really entertaining and informative. I know it'd mean spending more money, and taking time out of your normal schedule, so maybe it's only an occasional, special thing. If you do it, I'd love to see you hit up some of the less-obvious things than E3. I don't even know what that would be. Maybe you can find places where the tech you covered is or was used, even if it's not game related. Maybe it's industrial or government or who knows what.


Congrats Clint! You deserve the success.


I miss the Diet Dr Pepper! :) Congratulations on all your success. You do great work, sir. :)


congratulations, your channel is seriously awesome and I find you're pretty well recognised. I was on a beauty related subreddit and mentioned I find your videos calming to watch, and surprisingly you had a lot of recognition in that group of people!


I don't want to be like an LGR hipster, but I think it's cool I was one of the first few thousand subs :D I came to the channel because of the Evolution of Audio vid. :)


Such a wholesome video, really great that you turn your passion which is pretty niche into a paying job while enjoying it. Keep on doing what you doing 🙌


Whatever you do Clint, as long as it makes you happy, we'll still be here watching your stuff!!

Joon Choi

Also, my vote would be for more quick hit reviews / thoughts on the vast array of older games in your back shelf. I know they probably don't pull in the viewership that your gear and Sims videos do (I love the gear stuff and enjoy the Sims videos even though I haven't played since Sims 1), but I really enjoy your take on all sorts of games from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s.


I'm here to stay. 👍


Congratulations on 10 years! I love your content, and am excited to see you continue!


I've been watching for the better part of 7/8 years... Yikes. Ah well, here's to another 10 years of LGR! :)


The answer is "most things!" Rarely do I look at a previous video without thinking about how I'd do everything differently. Editing, lighting, gameplay footage, camera angles, opinion expressed, historical facts I could've mentioned. Can always improve a video, but y'know :)


Hehe, not hiring at the moment but if that changes everyone will certainly hear about it I'm sure :)


Thanks! It's been my go-to advice for many years now, anytime anyone asks me "how do I get started making videos?" Too easy to get bogged down in details, equipment, and technical silliness. Just, MAKE THINGS :P


Your content really picked my interest and joy in old computers and software again. Keep the videos coming and stay awesome!


Happy 10th brother, Love ya!


Go ahead and experiment. Have fun with it. Who knows what youll find out.


Happy Channelversary!


Congrats on the 10 years! Keep up the Awesome work.


Great video, Clint! Would love another episode of Oddware or Tech Tales. Reviewing old school OSes could be neat.


10 already? Oof, I think I need to lie down for a bit..


Congrats on the 10 years! That's a heck of an achievement. My favs are Tech Tales and Oddware. The effort you put into those has made for some great mini documentaries on various pieces of history which have fallen out of grace (and that kind of tends to be my jam… in a number of ways). Oddware is great as whilst it shares the stories of that weird kit… it's much more entertaining. The E3 travel vlog was a joy to watch - I don't think I'll actually ever get over to it in my lifetime, so it was a nice piece to enjoy. An old one I still dig was the review of Skystrike Plus on the ST. I think it's just that style of game is my bag for sure, but something about that is still a joy to watch every now and again.


Back as a Patron after a short hiatus. Congratulations on 10 years! Favourites? Thrifts, tech tales, LGR Food, reviews of older systems and their games/software, Oddware and resto/(re)builds (like the wood grain 486). 1990-2000 was my prime gaming era (Amiga, PC, PS1 & N64), and this seems rather neglected as a review area on the 'tube - be great to see games and systems from this era getting a thorough and detailed look in, maybe with compare & contrast between NTSC & PAL systems. Here's to another 10 years!


Can't believe it's been 10 years! Glad I decided to stick around.


Congratulations 🎉👍


Keep on doing what you're doing Clint, love 'em all. Have you thought about visiting game-related places or museums or places around the world with a strong gaming culture? Gaming travel reviews.


Congrats Clint! I can't even remember what video of yours I watched first! I was inspired by you to go thrifting and find old computer stuff from my childhood! Here's to another decade of your fabulous content. If you ever swing through northern Virginia, the food and drink is on me!


I just remembered this bit or LGR Patreon nostalgia, the first unboxing video https://youtu.be/z4A-T1-R_4Q?t=548


You gave me a heart attack with the whole 10 year announcement thing.


Such an inspiration, love the channel and the content you produce!


You've been the first channel I starting supporting on Patreon, just 4 years ago after some binge-watching of awesome game reviews, great humor and that awesome and well recorded calming bass-heavy voice :)


I'd forgotten how funky that wonky bassline in the old intro track was. I might just have to go and binge watch some of your old reviews now! :3


Stupid me, I took a break from supporting Clint in order to spread the wealth to a lot of undeserving people for a while. Finally I decided screw that, Clint knows how to treat his peeps right, back to the fold. LGR Forever!


Thanks for all the inspiration and entertainment over the decade. Happy to have witnessed your career as LGR since almost the very beginning. I wish I could remember how exactly I found out about your channel. I've seen a couple of your videos before finally subscribing. It was some kind of "oh this guy again" thing. I think as soon you started doing mostly PC stuff, I was hooked. Around 2010 my mind categorized you as the only guy on YouTube seriously going into old PC stuff. Beneath your persistence and skills, I think it also worked in your favor that just a few YouTubers covered anything but console stuff. You were (and still are) THE go-to channel for PC nostalgia, which you totally substantiated with things like your Maxis Collection video trilogy, LGR Oddware, IBM PC Motherlode, to name a few - and so many great DOS game reviews (especially came back to your all your FMV and the Daggerfall/Arena reviews a lot). Your work has been a part of my life over this decade and I'm happy you seem fulfilled with how it turned out! It's weird how time flies...

