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Haven't done one of these since last year, but here we go again!

Another round of goodies sent to the LGR mailbox. Thanks for all your support :)


LGR - Opening Stuff You Sent Me! April 2019

Vintage computer hardware, oddware, PC games, electronics, and strange old tech. Awesome donations as always, thank you so much! ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Unboxing



You clearly have some fans at Lenovo and to send that without stipulations or conditions is incredibly generous. Someone had to get approval for that and it’s not a small gesture. Great to see what an impact you have on folks! I bet you were blown away!!!


Dude Lenovo hooked you up! Man That is so cool...I really dig all that Thinkpad stuff...I have an older T60 and I just recently got a e420s Edge for $40! Awesome!


Sure was, I still have no idea what just happened there, haha. It's gonna make its new owner very happy once I get it to them!


Nice! And yeah I'm glad they're keeping the ThinkPad dream alive, even with the mouse nub and everything


I love ur channel and content, keep it up matey !


Oh those old infocom boxes & feelies are _snazzy_


What, you aren't a church? I thought this was the official Patreon of the Church of the LGR. But seriously, great video, and so many nice gifts. I'm just a little jealous.


I mean, LGR *might* be a church... For instance ;) <a href="https://youtu.be/K3VKN3FaI1Q" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/K3VKN3FaI1Q</a>


Those UK registered shareware floppies bring back memories of when I used to download shareware, go through it, and pick what I wanted - not just games, but applications and utilities as well; still have most of them too (in floppies and CD-Rs ^_^). Too bad I can't get into the VR stuff, it disorients/confuses me to the point of giving me a nasty headache and nausea XP Overall yet another nice, relaxing unboxing video Clint. Please keep making them when you can ^^


I've been watching your channel for a while - happy to finally be a Patreon. Great work!


Gotta love these unboxing videos. Nice and relaxing! Keep up the awesome work, Clint!


Second time watching that video. I thought the narrator sounded familiar. Turns out she played Nina in Office Space, the lady who says "Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays."


Looks like an X1 Extreme. That's a different model from other X1s. Nice!


I hope that 9800Pro plays Doom 3 better than my 9700 did... I wound up bolting about a pound of aluminum heatsink to it because that game cooked it.


Heh, it wasn't great at it if I recall correctly. I definitely overclocked it a little and added my own fan/cooling.


Hah I love the Lenovo unboxing reaction - 'what is this new fangled thing?'


God bless you for showing The Brixty Four kind sir! What an honour! I watched with my eyes glued to the screen and couldn't Lego of my phone. Okay enough puns. Thank you! 🙏🕹️


Awesome video. Thanks for putting so much effort into them.


That X1! So nice of you to give away such a laptop. You definitely deserve all the offerings, Holly Father Clint! Great video, as usual.


Thank you! Yeah I'm more than happy with the laptop I already have, so it's gonna be much better off in a new home :)


Registered shareware applications and utilities are even more rare than the games at this point! I will forever cherish my full version of WinZip, hehe. Happy you enjoyed it, I find these are always fun and pretty straightforward to make.


Wow, a video from April. When I signed up for LGR on patreon I didn't knew I would be getting videos from a future far away. 😁 Seriously, LGR patreon as to be one of the best with perks and whatnot, and for that I salute you sir. Great and awesome stuff you got there. I'm happy and jealous, I'm confused. What have you done? 😁

Joon Choi

As nice as that X1 is I think I was most impressed by that copy of Black Cauldron. Holy nuts.


I loved the reaction to the Lenovo, mix of awkward.. uhh, thanks but you really didn't have to do so, does look like a nice piece of kit but missing the mark, now if they had dug up some classic old IBM equipment or nostalgic piece of kit that was personalised to you or the channel it would have been so much cooler. Not to matter, I wonder if you could retro mod that laptop into a classic thinkpad casing :D Love you work Clint


Aww man, and I was planning on writing off my subscription as a religious donation.


If Lenovo are such big fans then they'd know that's the reaction they'd get - which was noticeably less excitement than a used 386 keychain. Haha.


Great vid as usual, thanks! I remember an unboxing vid last year (I think) where you got sent a lot of super rare Apple stuff. It was things like company letter and literature and the guy said he had lots to send you. You said at the time they were museum worthy and I often wonder what you did with it all. Did you manage to find a suitable owner for it all?


Heh, yeah I'm always gonna be more impressed by vintage boxed Sierra games more than a new laptop myself. Both are awesome in their own way, but there are only so many Black Cauldrons in good shape left!


Hey Clint, huge fan! I recently came into a bunch of sealed new-in-box games, where should I contact you to see if you'd like any of it?


Immediate patreon-funding satisfaction! :p If someone had told me as a child that when I grew up, I'd spend a considerable amount of my free time watching in fascination as a man opens parcels for eighteen minutes, I'd probably have been very confused and frightened. As it stands, between unopening/unboxing videos, setting up hardware, thrifting, etc. I honestly feel like I could watch you do anything Clint. Would a "House Cleaning with LGR" series be feasible? EDIT: The artwork on the Lizard DOS game's manual/floppy was super cool. I wouldn't mind that on a t-shirt.


Ha! I do keep my house pretty darned clean, but filming it sounds like a bit of a nightmare :) Glad you enjoyed this one!


Every time I try to open this video on my iPhone it starts to load and then I get «an error has occured». I just tried it on my Mac and that worked fine. Don't know what causes it. Great vid as always.


This has been happening to me for months with no resolution. Patreon don’t seem to care.


We halfway expected you'd pull out the glow-in-the-dark stone in the Wishbringer box to show off! PC game pack-in materials were so much fun back then. I suspected Lenovo was sending a laptop but assumed it would be a ThinkPad 25. The X1 Extreme is super nice (has a GTX 1050 in it!) so I'm glad you had a good home in mind for it. By the way - you'll never catch us dead in Raleigh! Close, though! ;P


I love these unboxing videos! It's like Christmas all over again. I watch with high anticipation as you slowly "unwrap" each gift - each one a tasty morsel to be slowly chewed... More like wine tasting! What an honor to be presented the Lenovo, you deserve it.

Cleverly Blonde

I got to say as an owner/user of the X1 series that those are really neat laptops. A little *envy* but definitely cool and you deserve it. :)