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Dude. It's been a year.


2018 Retrospective

Uploaded by LGR on 2019-01-03.



Love your Tech Tales videos. I can watch them twice if it helps! 😋


I'm not shocked about the PC AT unboxing doing so well. An intern came into our team room at work with an old children's keyboard as a joke, and I mentioned your channel because of a oddware review you did of a similar product one time, and a guy across the room who was in 40s came over and was like "I heard you talking about LGR, did you see that video of him unboxing that IBM PC?! Man he was getting into it, I loved it! Reminded me of when I would get computers when I was young." So besides being interesting, (especially because of the provenance with it being brand new and all), I think it was a nostalgia bomb for GenX type people.


i'd really like more PC builds like 486; especially 386 and 486, not those modern stuff where you can play games on that still work under win10. Also old game reviews, that's how i found out about the channel years ago

Jeremy Abel

One thing I think about a lot is like, videos as background noise? I think the 486 build works very well for that, I know I've put it on a few times while I'm working just to like, have something to listen to. It's chill, it's not like you need to fully pay attention to it all the time, it's easy to put on while you work and then suddenly it's like an hour later :)


What's the mystery? The video production values are consistently good and they cover topics I like. Hell, I've even gotten my girlfriend into LGR Thrifts. The success of the channel proves that it's possible to have user-supported content that's entertaining and engaging and I'm proud to support it. Congratulations and best of luck going forward. :)


Great video. BTW «Tizen» is Samsung’s Smart TV OS.


Anyone that says you don't deserve your fame or views are just troll arseholes. You make quality content, a lot that requires a shitload of research. You've got 1 million subscribers for a reason mate - we enjoy your videos. Stay healthy and mentally well. Don't let the jerks hold you down. Your fans always wish you the best.

Alyxx the Rat

You're awesome, dude. Easily my favourite YouTuber since I started watching you.

Alyxx the Rat

I knew about the Tapwave Zodiac, I think because it got mentioned in regards to Doom or Duke Nukem at some point.

Alyxx the Rat

I am playing Far Cry 5 and I absolutely love it.


Generally, those who begrudge another's success are envious or jealous. Ironically, they tend to block their own success by thinking that way. Anyway, love those Tech Tales and well done.


I love Tech Tales, but I tend to rewatch the refurb/unboxing ones multiple times. You stay in the background as the narrator in Tech Tales (as suitable for a documentary style video). The stories are always interesting, the level of research astonishing. But your genuine enthusiasm in the less scripted videos is pretty addictive.


Tizen might be on the list because newer Samsung Smart TVs use it as an OS. On top of it a YouTube app can be installed to watch videos. Thank you for this very entertaining retrospective!


Yay metric units! I hope 2019 is the year someone finally sends you an actual Dodge Viper to review.


You've genuinely earned it. The research, and production values are always top notch. Even on the 'throwaways' :) Don't worry about the hates. Just take care of yourself, and continue to make rad, informative and most important help to document large chunks of the industry's past. Can't wait to see what you do have planned for the year, that's for sure!


love you clint. gonna be a great 2019!


I know it's your income so its hard not to give it attention, but you probably shouldn't worry so much about Youtube views when creating content. Chasing the masses just leads to being bland and same-y, and I for one never want to see 'LGR Reacts' unless it's a joke. PS: I think what people respond to about your work is the genuine passion you have for this "stupid crap". As long as you can keep making videos about stuff that gets you excited I think you'll keep doing well.


"i'm just amused that this many people watch my stupid crap" - my friend, the content that you post are definitely NOT crap. these are gems in youtube. these are part of my (and a million others') childhood. by the way, i share your vids in my classes, particularly the retroware vids and the techtale vids. i figured the kids these days just don't have that much awareness of these tech - since they're mostly fixated on their phones (eye roll). keep on doing what you do. keep on enjoying what you do. take your time in creating your content. no need to rush things.... oh and lastly, i'm also a fan of your foods channel - haha really makes me hungry from time to time. thanks for the shows man. :D


Thank you for all your hard work in 2018, Clint! I'm looking forward to many hours of entertainment in the new year. Also, don't be surprised if you see a lot of viewing minutes on your LGR Tech Tales series, I re-watch it on a regular basis :)


You always get surprised that your lower effort videos take off. Did you forget that this is LAZY game reviews lol thats what we came for. Not saying I don’t like the high effort videos as well, those are always really interesting. Congrats on another successful year!


Hey Clint. As a fellow youtube content creator I know how you feel. I look at all the analytics and just shake my head or go cross eyed sometimes over what works and what doesn't. I walk the fine line between creating the content that I want to make and enjoy making verses what I think that my current or potential viewers want to see. Thanks for making this video. I watch everything you put out and even am still working through your immense back catalog. I'm planning on doing one of these this weekend. My channel will not be a year old until Feb 28th and I am proud of what I have been able to do so far. I hope you watch my 'year end' video and let me know what you think. Also I am the guy local to you. I live east of you in Morganton. We have a couple Goodwills here too.


Here's an idea: ASM-LGR. It'll sell like hot cakes, I tells ya.


I know I'm nearly literally one voice in a million, but I LOVE the tech tales, exactly because of the effort that clearly must be spent to be able to make them. That said, I will end up watching whatever you churn out in 2019 like I did in 2018, which will undoubtedly also yield similarly pitying looks from my wife. Looking forward to it!


Hey, Clint and Happy New Year! I know you're keeping away from politics and stuff and might not be aware of the recent Patreon debacle, but have you considered alternative support options? I'd really like to continue supporting you, but these guys don't deserve getting a portion of my and your money. I hope you have the time and resources to research alternatives for crowd-funding sources. I'm not abandoning you, but please consider alternatives.


It's been a great year for you Clint, appreciate the hard work you put into the channel, yours is the only computing channel I've continuously subscribed to for a number of years now; many of the other channels I [used to] watch have started to lose their way and churn out the same stuff week in week out - here's a Spectrum/C64/PC/Amiga, let's play a game - but you have kept LGR fresh; the channel has evolved and you have responded to your viewing stats, you have a natural talent in front of the camera, some great vocal talents and you put some proper research into your chosen subjects. Would love to see your take on a few of your early videos, and if your opinion of the games or systems you reviewed back then has changed over the last 10 years.


I’m pretty sure the Doom on a calculator was the first video of your’s I saw. I think I was looking up for a friend that you could run Doom on pretty much anything.


I enjoy watching videos of old computers and the like. It's just a fascination of mine. You've sparked my hobby of going thrifting (and using Craigslist) to get and restore old machines. Not sure if I'll make a YouTube channel, but I have a website with pictures. For some reason, I have watched all the videos in the "woodgrain 486" series multiple times (I wonder how using youtube-dl to download the videos affects your stats). Keep doing what you're doing since it's what you like and it inspires others to do what they like.

Kris Asick

The other Monster Hunter games are good for sure, but yeah, World blows them all out of the water. You will have issues going from World to the older games just because of how much was streamlined and improved in terms of UI design, quality of life improvements, etc., plus it's so much easier to see what you're doing and control what you're doing with the HD graphics of World. I would suggest looking up ProJared's Monster Hunter reviews over the years and watching them in sequence to get an idea of how things have changed. ;)


Enjoyed this look behind the scenes of running a YouTube channel. The Microsoft Bob video was definitely my favorite of the year. It's a shame your Let's Plays with PUR don't do as well, as I can listen to you two all day long.


This isn't already an ASMR channel? (Only half kidding. One of the things I like about LGR is that Clint's voice is soothing without a lot of the deliberate whispering you get when other YouTubers try ASMR.)


I love the retro build videos, I think they're my favourite of the lot. In fact, scratch that. The whole channel is fantastic and it's always been. All I can say, on behalf of 9% of your audience, is keep it the heck up.


Would you please explain in a few words what this debacle is about? Haven't heard anything about such a thing.


Dude, I was hypnotized by that LGR windows screensaver in the back. Keep up the good work. I'm hoping for a 24/7 LGR channel in the future 😁


I'll speak for myself on the appeal of the Bob video: I spent countless hours in Bob as a kid (it came with the computer, and we couldn't afford to get lots of new and different software), so even the installation and loading screens were just massive nostalgia trips for me.


I totally disagree that old tech, and your videos of old tech are irellavant. I didn't grow up with the same old tech, and totally missed out on DOS, but from watching your videos it gave me a massive apprechiation of how far we've come with tech when comparing to how difficult things used to be. Its important that as we move forward with computing that we remember where we came from, and the challenges we overcame. And your videos do such a wonderful job showing these advancements. :)


I also disagree that your videos are irrelevant :D You're a computer historian, and we can learn a lot from history. But you also are entertaining historian, which can be hard to pull off! Very excited for 2019 LGR videos, been watching your vids for years and they always cheer up my day! Happy new year!


For what it's worth, the IBM PC unboxing video is one of my favorites. I always find new old stock to be a fascinating look into the past, and watching you act like a kid on Christmas while opening things makes it that much more entertaining. Particularly when an IBM Model M is involved, haha. Also definitely a fan of Tech Tales!


You are clearly being modest, but c'mon, you deserve all the success and the donations and the million subscribers. There is no other outlet producing the type of content that you do with the same quality and down-to-earth approach; they either are a large team of people with bottomless sacks of money (and phoney as hell) or amateurish low-quality stuff trying to make it big by imitating other creators. And on the other hand, for the past ten years you have been researching, building, repairing and reviewing stuff and I don't really know (or care) how are you when the camera is off, but while it’s on it really looks like you're enjoying it while keeping a low profile and the end product really reflects that. What you said about balancing entertainment and educational content, I think you got that nailed down. Please keep it coming!

Sven Grunewaldt

Tizen may be some Android fork from Samsung. A quick Google search shows something about Smart TVs and I also remember their Smartwatches using Tizen(?). Also, THANK YOU for including metric (Germany reporting in!). Thanks for 2018! You got me into creating a Patreon account last year and still are my biggest monthly pledge here, well deserved. Looking forward to 2019!


I don't youtube much, but this was really interesting, hearing the business side to the channel. I have the channel running a awful lot as since being on medication I sleep better with background noise, and just have it running a lot of the night.


Tizen was the OS on my old Samsung smart watch.


Just wanted to let you know you're the best Clint. I look forward to new every new video you post, your excitement and passion about the things and subjects you cover is apparent and contagious. Keep up the great work and happy new year

Joon Choi

Thanks for another year of high quality content. I’ll second some of the other comments and say that I think the best way to maintain your success is to focus on the topics that most interest you - your enthusiasm will overcome any analytics. It’s not like you can really figure out why the YouTube algorithm recommends certain videos anyway. :) And definitely make sure you take another vacation my man.


After I've watched a new LGR episode, the 486 episode autoplays almost everytime.


Nice screensaver


Glad to hear you're looking after yourself mentally. It must be weird to be in a nebulous space where you're pretty much in a choose your own adventure scenario in terms of your career and path forward. Looking forward to another great (and silly) year of LGR.


Yeah it's a bizarre state to exist, more so than I ever could've anticipated ten years ago. Thank you!

Because Why-Nerd

As a stat Nerd i love Theese Things. And congrats on the 1 mill subs... and nice to see us Danes on the top 10. :)


Great video buddy, I'm really glad I'm a patron for your incredibly unique content. Keep it up!


idea for Oddware. Microsoft Trackball Explorer....best trackball ever made.


Thank you for considering your non-american viewers. So many American YouTube channels forget they're broadcasting to the entire world. On the flip side, I love the thrift videos and find them a great look into a little slice of real American life. Plus your thift stores are the size of our supermarkets!


It really is neat to see your progress each year! I started watching in about 2010 - 2011 and I distinctly remember you having a very long beard. Anyway. I’m looking forward to your content in 2019!


do you have a stat on how many people watched on the Nintendo Switch? I almost exclusively watch youtube on there


You said that you did fewer Tech Tales videos because people were less interested in them and they took more effort. Have you considered doing polls on Patreon to gauge ahead of time those that people would be more interested in seeing?


Hi Lazy Game Reviews! After watching watching this I definitely felt compelled to say thanks for all the great stuff you make. I totally get the complex balance you're looking at for deciding your direction. However, please just keep your interests somewhere in that equation so that it always feels worthwhile to you! Thanks again for existing and being swell.


I'm new to patron


I've done tons of polls before over the past decade, yep! The results are predictable: folks always request things like game reviews, Oddware, and Tech Tales. Then I make them and they invariably don't do as well as the content I come up with on my own.


I didn't even see it on the list. YouTube might not track it yet since the app only launched recently.