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So yeah I covered both Lemmings and Holiday Lemmings for the Amiga years ago, but at the insistence of my Christmas Clone here we are again! This time it's all DOS.

Pretty massive improvement from my old video, haha. Hope you enjoy this one! Got one more Christmassy game to cover after this one, another holiday-themed video before (or after) that one, then it'll be back to the usual LGR fare.


Holiday Lemmings



I loved Lemmings! I was surprised to recently find out that Lemmings is owned by Sony... that might explain why the games aren't on GOG :(


You guys ever feel like a lemming?


Man I love lgr Christmas


My first experience with Lemmings was on a friend's 386 PC in 1992. I was instantly hooked and ended up getting it for my c64, Amiga 500 and Sega Gamegear. I still play it from time to time when the mood suits me. Thanks for reminding me of how much fun those old Dos games can be. :)


I love Christmas - in fact I have a 120 gallon aquarium that has been empty for 13 years now so I can use it as a year round Christmas display! Well that and it leaks and I never got it fixed and I'm too lazy to actually take everything out. But it's Christmas 24/7 in my entrance hallway!


Hey a basic question but how do you do the overlays of yourself? Is it as simple as a green screen? I stink at video editing and I have a green screen but I can't ever get it solid green to make the process easy - and I have a ton of lights around from every angle. Do you just stick with a simple keying out of a color, or do you have to manually clean it up? OR do you have a evil twin who is obsessed with Christmas and it's not a special effect?


"Boxing Day Washing Up" is just about the most British phrase ever, and certainly more poetic than Post-Christmas Cleaning.

Terry Lee

I saw both Starship Titanic and Tex Murphy on that shelf… nostalgia overwhelms me and without meaning to you might have triggered me revisiting those classics shortly!


Such is the reason for including these things in the background :D Both are well worth revisiting!


Amigaaaaa Foreveeeer. Oh wait Dos. Whatev', I love it too !


Filled my heart with some LGR Christmas joy! As always, great video!


Urg, not showing the superior versions... tsk, tsk. :P Another thing that Amiga Lemmings had was a unique two-player mode. Because on Amiga you could have two mice and two mouse pointers no problem, while to this day that is hard to do on PCs. This two-player mode featured unique mirrored levels that you played on simultaneously and competed in saving the most lemmings the fastest. If you were lagging behind, you could turn a couple of your lemmings around so they ended up on your competitor's half of the level to dig a few strategic holes... a ton of fun with a friend. That said, I don't think the holiday editions had that mode though.


I'll have you know the PC version also had two player mode as well. It only required two sets of mice and keyboards. Two copies of the game ...and two separate computers that in no fashion talked with one another.


Finished Lemmings after all these years for the first time? Hat off to you dude. I never add the patience required to do so. By the way, is that clone bullying you?

Evan B

some dang'on lemmings!


I was hoping Christmas Clint would make an appearance this year.

Dan Loeb

I have a CD copy of X-Mas lemmings in storage somewhere, I'd have to dig it out but if you wanted it?


I may depending on the release! There's a later one that's quite easy to find, but the early '90s original is the one I'm after :)


Wow, that was surreal at the end. When you mentioned the memories you had about playing DOS games, I was sitting in the office chair at my desk in the corner of my living room, watching the video on a CRT alongside a mug I had previously used for hot chocolate


Yay. I have a fond memory of being dragged round the John Lewis department store in late 1993, before spotting Christmas Lemmings (the UK version of Holiday Lemmings 93) and begging my folks to buy me it. To my surprise, they did! It came in a nice big gold box decorated like a wrapped present. Inside there was just a single disk and a tiny booklet (as you show) which seemed a little Scrooge-like at the time. They could have thrown a few stickers in there or something.


Definitely a common memory at a multitude of friends' houses myself. Happy to bring on a surreal feeling or two :)


Saw a number of scans of that box while researching this video, it looks lovely! Shame about the contents though, I too would hope for greater goodies.


Hell yeah, Clint. Gotta say these Lemmings games were my proof that my PC was as cool as a console as a kid.