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LGR - Cross Country Canada DOS PC Game Review



I have not played this game since I was a young kid in grade school! :D


Oh man, I played this in elementary school. This is such a nostalgia trip! Thanks so much for posting this!


I have never heard of either of these games but I could see my elementary school mind being blown away by these games, hell these games are impressive today.


Fun review! Looks like a solid piece of edutainment. Wish I had (region appropriate) titles like this back when I was primary school. Instead, computing time was just about some games & other stuff on the various members of the Apple II family we had ;) (Though, there was one time when I blew peoples minds typing a BASIC listing from some book I borrowed from the local library…)

Lindsay Michelle

I have concluded from this review that Duke Nukem Eh is obviously regular Duke's Canadian doppleganger... who is apparently a cross-country truck driver. I feel so educated from Edutainment Month already! :D

Kris Asick

I think we had this game on our high school computer network of all things, but I never touched it. Typically at high school I just coded programs when I was on the computers, as they had a fully fledged copy of QuickBASIC right in there. :)


I can't remember if I asked this before, but find POD on the BBC Micro. That was a Spelling game that I loved as a wee-nipper. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G090ju-DpqU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G090ju-DpqU</a>


Some of the computers we had in elementary school had this on them. I remember being in awe of the number of things you could do in the game, and my imagination took it way further than the primitive graphics could. I was actually going to suggest this in the suggestions post, but I figured it would be too "niche" or too "Canadian". Guess not! Glad to see you enjoyed it!


Hey LGR, im untrustedlife and my comments on your videos have disapeared although I never ever spam, I just talk to people, so what gives dude. You block me from your youtube comments.


Oh man! I'm a youngin, so I've played a lot more Cross Country Canada 2, but this still brings back a lot of memories. All the Right Type was a staple of computer class too.


"The game plays a bit like Euro Truck Simulator meets The Oregon Trail meets Adventure in Serenia." Now I really want a mod for Euro Tuck Simulator that makes it a Top Gear game with Oregon Trail elements. You play as Richard, James, or Jeremy, and you have to get from point A to point B, with the ultimate goal of getting there first. First, you select a car. Sometimes, you get to drive a super-car, other times, you'll have to get an old clunker. Then, while you're on the road, there will periodically be a chance that something bad can happen to you, your car, the other hosts, or their car(s), and the respective party will have to stop to fix their car (adding a Car Mechanic Simulator component to the gameplay). You can even choose to sabotage and/or prank one of the others whenever you stop to camp out. There would even be a point where The Stig will set a lap time in a slightly better car, and the three of you would have to try and get as close to The Stig's time as possible, maybe giving the winner immunity from bad luck for a short time. ...okay, now I REALLY want this.