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Been meaning to cover this lovely beast since I got that massive PS/2 haul a while back. Time to see how it works on a period-correct machine, the Model 90 XP 486!


LGR Oddware - IBM 8516 Touchscreen CRT Monitor

LGR Oddware - IBM 8516 Touchscreen CRT



Fox News man beats duke nukem 3D with touchscreen from 1991


New glasses?


Nice glasses man!


I was hoping to see you trying to play Duke 3D on the touch screen. I am satisfied.

Troy Wilkins

Yay, new oddware, thank you good sir, very much appreciated!


Lol - this was worth the whole video for Duke on the Touch Screen. Hilarious. I remember these being used on information kiosks we used to have here in Florida back in the 80s/90s called TeleGuide.


Why are they called resistive touch screens? Mainly, they resist your touch.


Wowsers. It's an interesting bit of kit, but gosh, touch screen tech has progressed so much. Even for resistive screens, they've felt far better than what it looks like from your experiences there. And that beep on click? That was driving me bonkers in the Duke segment… I don't even know how you'd have felt filming it all. Certainly interested in seeing the follow-up one. A great slice of something odd indeed :D


Interesting oddware, and a new way to die in FPS games - Death by Touchscreen! XD XD XD


I am always happy seeing a new video from you, Clint. Thanks for the content :)


i have played Duke3d with a Thrustmaster T2 steering wheel and pedals, works pretty good !


After watching this video, I watched a video of Jon St John, and to be honest, I prefer your voice for Duke Nukem.

Jason Wellband

Microcode heh. For what it's worth, IBM still uses that term on their POWER8 servers (8286s).


"What! It didn't work? wtf?" that's gold hahaha.


Here, have 10 internets, you earned them.

Steve Skafte

This is a completely irrelevant comment next to what is a great video about this piece of technology, but those glasses work good for you.


Your table scares the crap out of me.


Nice glasses! Those are new, right? And they seriously make you look 5 years younger.


Yeah these really were all over the place for a while, and many monitors like them. Seemed a bit like magic at the time.


Heh, was referring to the term being used on home computers, but I can see it still making sense on a server :)


The Nostalgia in me recognizes the Realistic speakers in the back with veneer stickers :) IBM was making all kinda neat stuff in this time frame from OS/2 to MCA Bus


xD Good lawd...it's science!!!


Along what i did with my desk, two 1m*1.5m sturdy plywood, add two IKEA kitchen cabinets and pillars to that and you even have a perfect height.


new glasses? Man those look nerdy.^^ But on the plus side you look more intelligent. But than again looking nerdy might be also a plus side for you too.^^ I dunno why but I am always shocked to see someone with a new pair of glasses, if you would have changed your hair to long red colored rasta dreads I wouldn't be nearly as supprised.^^


9:31 I think it was mostly your hand. Drawing a straight line downwards can be pretty tough and also holding the presure on the right point too. If you go faster it is easier. So yeah it was you don't fault the machine on your mistakes xD.^^ But than again this means this is supprisingly accurate, I would have assumed it just forgives you those little jitters in your fingertip. Oh also I speak from my experience from drawing tablets and drawing stuff. When it comes to the touching I think modern devices have a guessing built in, so if you tab relativly close to something it will click that something. But sometimes that doesn't work that good too, but better than no guessing where you hittet and just straight saying "you where one pixel of, so fuck you, I don't click a thing".


You're not alone with IBM kit having a special place in your heart. Even their model numbers just feel snuggley to me. May I say you're looking particularly suave in this video. Much luck and prosperity for LGR in 2018!


The accuracy is really high relative to other touchscreen devices I've used from the era. And yep, modern devices have a bit of leeway for everything you touch, so it makes decisions for you based on context and such. I'm sure the programs that were built specifically for the 8516 could have done some of the same thing!


I suspect this suffered the same fate as the lightpen, for similar reasons. A mouse is just so much more comfortable to use.


Happy new year, LGR! Greetings from Brazil!


Ha! That’s cool touchscreen! ;)