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Bonus episode! Although it's not on my channel and I didn't write it, heh.
Still, DYKG asked me to narrate their script about Duke Nukem and it seemed fun to me. So here ya go!


Duke Nukem - Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Lazy Game Reviews

SUBSCRIBE for more PC Games Facts ► http://bit.ly/DYKG_Subscribe Lazy Game Reviews ► http://bit.ly/2BXEjbY Doom Facts ► http://bit.ly/2BXHUGZ In this episode, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at some facts, secrets, Easter eggs and history from the Duke Nukem series! Duke Nukem started out as an MS-DOS 2D platformer series, but eventually became a 3D shooter that helped define the PC gaming space. Although Duke Nukem 3D was praised, Duke Nukem Forever was critically panned, and was stuck in development hell for many years, and was even accused of being vaporware. Through our analysis of the series, its gameplay and beta builds, we hope to show some interesting facts from the making of Duke Nukem and have its history explained. Follow DYKG on: Twitter: http://bit.ly/2oOavs2 Instagram: http://bit.ly/2oO4jjA Facebook: http://bit.ly/2nIrFp9 Website: http://bit.ly/NpYDbD Sources/Further Reading: http://dukenukem.wikia.com/wiki/Duke_Nukem_Forever_(Side-Scroller) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_of_Duke_Nukem_Forever#Quake_II_engine.2C_1996.E2.80.931998 https://www.destructoid.com/bafta-q-a-duke-nukem-and-his-gay-robot-sidekick-201216.phtml https://www.wired.com/2009/12/fail_duke_nukem/ https://www.wired.com/2004/01/vaporware-nuke-em-if-ya-got-em/ https://web.archive.org/web/20120920235740/http://www.shacknews.com/article/65514/talking-duke-nukem-forever-with http://www.neoseeker.com/news/16679-gearbox-honors-slash000s-10-yearold-preorder-with-duke-nukem-forever-swag/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht0aknuiEO8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du2wU1L6PuE



Just watched, they picked the right guy to talk about Duke


I'm surprised there was no mention of the Get Smart spoof in "it's impossible."


Same here, or even the big Indiana Jones reference in "Hotel Hell!" I also hoped they would've covered more of DN1 and 2, but maybe in their follow-up video :)


Good point. Forgot about that one, which is surprising considering it is one of my favorite levels. Admittedly, I haven't played Duke 3D in over a year. I used to play at least one game every day for the last 20 years or so. I think I've just been too busy this last year.


I gotta say, I'm a bit dissapointed that you didn't use your Duke voice to read all those quotes, but it's still a nice video.


It seemed so rushed out. Not your normal style. But at least they got the right person for a duke episode. Love did you know gaming. I‘ve found so many great channels through them


I sent them the narration in my usual style, but they sped things up and rapidly edited the clips together. That's just their style!


I hope one day the real DN4E will come around to kick that joke into its balls. ;.;


I'm waiting for Christmas.


That was fun. You almost nailed the house style. Just needs to be a read a little faster.

Lindsay Michelle

Great job! I know it's not technically an LGR production, but I enjoyed the fun facts and your narration of them :)


Well done! I played duke in childhood ;)