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This'll go up on Christmas morning, but for you: Christmas comes early!


LGR - Opening Stuff You Sent Me! December 2017

Vintage computer hardware, oddware, PC games, electronics, and lots of neat doodads. Excellent as always, thank you and Merry Christmas! Background music is "Uptown Bossa" by Johan Hynynen.



Wait, wasn't Circle of Blood based on the first Broken Sword game? The box does say, Broken Sword The smoking Mirror, which is the second game.

Joon Choi

Some people are truly weird and deranged. But at least they're paying for the privilege of being a troll? You rock Clint, merry Christmas and here's to an awesome 2018!


why do you disable the comments on your video before make them public to all?


I don't always, just on videos that aren't finalized yet. In this case it's an early draft that will get modified/added to and re-uploaded when it goes public. The early video will be deleted, which means the comments will get deleted too. No need to allow comments on a video page that's only temporary! Comments on this Patreon page stay though.


Oh man! Another Compaq LTE 286! Those are so cool! I'm also jealous of the IBM PS/2 Portable! Thanks for showing Planet X2 again.. unfortunately, I'm out of stock of those boxed copies so I'll just have another angry mob beating down my door asking when I'll get more made. I wasn't aware you had stopped taking donations. I don't recall seeing that mentioned anywhere before. Maybe I missed it. I have a similar problem. I've been sent so much stuff that it would take me 5 years just to review all of the stuff I've already received. At the same time, I know there are certain things I've been looking for for ages and if somebody offers I can't decline! but I'm now turning down about 99% of offers simply because I have no room left.


This is a early Christmas present indeed and greatly appreciated! Merry Christmas LGR, and here’s to many more videos in 2018!


I am so glad you liked the discs! Did you see the four extra games I used as spacers on the sides? :D My roomie was thrilled you liked their drawing of you. Also, I do have those Sim games I got in that haul recently if you're interested in any of them for a trade. Have a very Merry Christmas Clint!!


Yeah I mentioned stopping several times in the past two donations episodes, so for the past couple months I've only accepted a couple new donations. The lack of room is real, fun as it is to get stuff!


I think I have one of those IBM luggable computers back at my dad's house, I remember getting one at a garage sale when I was a kid and storing it in a closet. Now that I'm older (and questionably wiser), I think I'll have to go hunting for it when I go to visit for Christmas. Thanks again for all the great videos this year (and all others, of course!), and I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!


Clint, I didn't realize you stopped donations Months ago!... Still getting good stuff in, too bad I have a couple of things I would like to send you. (Maybe allow from Patreon supporters only??) Anyways, Does this mean the end of unboxing videos are near? Merry Christmas Clint!


I might take something if it's an item I don't think I'll ever find again, but otherwise I've cut things off until I get through a bunch of this stuff!


If Clint is married, then I am sure his wife is pissed at the lack of space. My wife is not happy LOL


Good vid! Like watching some of this obscure stuff. Also, dat original Thexder in the background tho!


Still have to review that one at some point! Just such a tough game that I kind of don't want to bother, ha


Santa Clint is always too good to us!

Alyxx the Rat

I grew up with Thomas & Tim. It was an animated show from Denmark that aired here in Norway for a while. They were basically brothers with an overactive imagination so day-to-day situations and objects would become something amazing. Very cute show.


This is the first time I have been envious of something you got Clint. I played the Thomas & Tim games as a child and loved them.

Bryan McIntosh

I had that exact same version of Norton Utilities for DOS, and that software was indispensable in the floppy disk days. There were quite a few times that I saved the day by using it to recover someone's final paper from a failing floppy, in one case even saving someone's final exam for a degree-critical course!


Oh yeah, I've made many of my own copies of the Norton Utilities over the years so it's nice to finally have a legit box set


Enjoyable as always, but I prefer when the muzak plays throughout the video - gives the unboxings a much warmer, friendlier feel then without.


I enjoyed this, thanks :)

Thomas Fuchs

Oh god I need that After Dark shirt. Is there any details on where to get it?


Interesting, I've actually had people say the opposite for these videos in the past which is why they've not contained music for quite a while now. But yeah, it certainly adds some ambiance in the right scenarios!


I showed the store URL in the video :P <a href="http://cassette.pe/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cassette.pe/</a>


Happy 31st birthday Clint! I maybe a couple of hours early, but it's the 20th where in my time zone. And yes, I've watched so incredably many videos of yours that I've snapped up some info here and some info there about when you are born. So I'm not a creepy stalker, just a huge fan. :) Of course always just as fun to see you unpack more donations and Merry Christmas to you as well!


Ha! Just yesterday I was discussing with someone how Maxell XL-IIS's were my favourite cassette tape back in the day, when I could afford them (though I preferred the early 80's, gold styling: <a href="https://www.duplication.ca/images/D/2017-03-29.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.duplication.ca/images/D/2017-03-29.jpg</a> ). :)


Clint, really enjoy your content! From one W-S native to another keep it up brother!


Love the content, and love the way you interact with us, too. You always try to reply on Twitter, too, even before I became a Patron. Happy birthday and happy holidays, too!

Jeremy Abel

Happy Holidays LGR!! I'm in Asheville this week and I went to a David Bowie tribute concert at the Orange Peel last night, and after I got there I realized dang I bet LGR would be into this. Although I dunno how much tolerance you have for mildy-dancing dads :P

Because Why-Nerd

I didnt know They were popular outside Scandinavia either. An extra little trivia bit about the series is, that i was created by Jørgen Klubien, a Danish Singer, and animator, that also works for Disney, and actually was the one who came up with the idea, and did the storyboarding, of the sequence in The Lion King, of the song Be Prepared, were Scar is acting like a former German canselor who wasn’t so popular in the 40s. He also did story boarding and character design for a bunch of other Disney and Pixar movies.

Because Why-Nerd

Have a very nice Christmas, and hope your birthday was awesome.

Alyxx the Rat

Wow! I had no idea! I loved the show growing up, watched it on Norwegian TV.