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LGR - Icicle Works - C64 Game Review

Icicle Works, an 8-bit computer game of exploding polar bears and killer penguins. Merry Christmas!



Quickest TNT ever


Interesting. I had not heard of that one.


It's such a weird clone indeed - though I feel the play area is a little too cramped over Boulder Dash's. Then again, its surprising to see just *how* different it turned out on the Spectrum.

Lindsay Michelle

I have a soft spot for game cassettes despite that being a bit before my time. Probably one of my favorite retro gaming formats :) I could see myself playing this kind of game as a kid, but I'm sure it'd be only something I'd play to pass the time that isn't exactly of top quality. (Like a lot of these holiday cash-ins... ha :P)


Seems like an easy way to make Christmas games is to take an established game, give it a snow coating and introduce a story about how Santa is a terrible manager. Can't wait for Injustice 2: Christmas Edition. BatElf: "Grinchniac is coming fast. He'll obliterate Christmas." Harley Quilt: "What's the plan, B-Man? Explosive Christmas lights? Poisoned Eggnog?" Black Carol: "We don't have the power to stop him." BatElf: "We have no choice. We have to FREE SANTA!" Green Ugly Sweater: "Gasp!"


The ending trapping just adds its own sort of... je ne sais quoi to the review :D


I miss those simpler times of computer games. Thanks for sharing!


when rotating the cassette, it has this odd speedup/slowdown action, like the fps suddenly doubled when you rotated it. was that intentional?


You should make a boulder dash clone video.^^ There are so many out there. Mhmm but when you do tell me, I give you the clone we played in our childhood "Digger" which might be from the GDR but kinda doubt it.^^ But who knows. It is weird like how late I even heard from boulderdash and that the game I know as digger was just a clone of a game. I mean we got it on a disket somewhere, not a real disket an unmarked disket. Like it just came around.^^


It's a bit weird hearing someone outside the north of England saying the word 'bloke'. Weird in a good way, though!


With a title like 'Icicle Works', I was expecting something like The Incredible Machine.

Alyxx the Rat

For me the most amusing part of tape software is that it doesn't even have to be on tapes. It's just audio so it can be on pretty much any audio format as long as you can get into the computer somehow. In fact, converting tape software to a digital format pretty much increases the stability a lot. You can connect a modern day phone to a C-64 or ZX Spectrum and load the "tape" from a mp3 file, since the computer doesn't give two shits where the data comes from as long as it's readable.


Indeed, I even showed how to load games from a Blackberry on LGR back in the day. There are also compression programs to make tapes load exponentially faster when converted to MP3!


Digger was quite popular! It was distributed all over the place back in the day, I have probably a dozen copies on random disks I've gotten over the years. Not one of them is legit though :P


Reminds me of Classic Game Room's review of London Racer 2, in which he inexplicably shouts "Bollocks!" in the middle of it. I laughed hard.