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Okay, so I figure this would happen eventually because we can't have nice things.

But whoever you are doing this, please stop. This is a trust-based system here and I let you look at my early work as a perk for supporting the channel. Videos get linked to here before they're ready for public consumption and often go through several notable changes before going out to everyone else. It's a hugely valuable thing to me and lets me correct errors before it goes live.

If you like my work enough to pledge money and share my videos, I ask you that you please not do it this way.

I'm less annoyed by the "leak" than I am the releasing of unfinished content. After all, every video on Patreon goes up for free on YouTube afterward, nothing is behind a paywall so there's nothing to actually leak. But come on man, I ask that you just do me a favor and don't post links to or re-uploads of my unfinished work. It's not cool, and I don't want to have to resort to bringing in the legal folks on these accounts.

EDIT: Seems like both the video and channel were removed, thanks for the reports folks! The leaker also reached out to apologize, which I accept.



Ugh, Clint is like the last person who deserves this BS.


Whether it's a bot or an actual person, that is 50 different ways of "not cool". They deserve a good damn report.


Why the fart would anyone do that? There’s nothing to be gained from that except being a giant douche.


No good deed on the internet goes unpunished.


Wow, what a degenerate. I thought we had a better community than that here...

Deryn L.

Listen man, some people just can't wait TWO WHOLE DAYS without watching LGR! Totally understand /s


Whoever is doing this is a complete gentleman sausage. Hope you catch the swine.


This makes me really sad. Sorry about the dicks on the internet, Clint.


Clint, you are so nice in the way you are handling this. It makes me really happy to help support such a great content creator who is also such a nice stand up guy!


Flagged and reported. Only got two subscribers and one video though so fairly new account.


Ugh, what pisses me off even more is that YouTube doesn't provide any good way to fight these assholes. Clint, I hope you know there are thousands of people enjoying your work, and support you!


That sucks mate :( Hope it gets sorted


What's the best way to report that channel for YouTube to take this seriously?


Reported the video. First time I've seen this done, so hopefully if the account is banned then the idiot behind the account will lose interest


come on dude this is just rude. Clint puts so much work into his videos for us and all for free, so why man why you gotta do this to him.


this guy needs to eat a bag of dicks tbh fam


Aww man thats shit. Try to see the upside, you are so popular now that you have people who leak your stuff!


Man, that sucks. Looks like it's been pulled.


Reported the video. Unfortunately, there's no good option in the report but I just chose "Misleading Thumbnail"


Talk about lazy. How about this guy produce and edit a huge video and then think about whether he'd want someone to steal it.

Lindsay Michelle

Eesh, sorry dude. I don't know why people do that in the first place... how can you be a fan of someone and do that kind of thing that hurts content creators just to make money or bump up your own channel?


Wow... What a dick move!


I reported the channel and the video.. doubt YouTube will do much though. :(


Oh man... Some people are the worst.


Seems it has been modified now with a “Sorry for this LGR” in the description. Anyway, its not ok. A huge thank you for the unique content you bring, Clint. Its of much joy to me! :-)


I've dealt with this stuff too. Not so much early leaks, but just people re-uploading my videos on other channels. Then I have to take time out of my day to go fill out a report to youtube to have it taken down.


What a piece of shit.


That's so uncool.


Looks like it got removed in the last few minutes.


??? I don't understand why someone would pay money for behind the scenes/early stuff and then go invalidate it by reuploading it? No other explanation I have for this aside for that other person is a dick. Sorry you have to deal with this my dude.

Wrestling With Gaming

Let me just chime in with everyone else and say that that's absolute crap. I hope this doesn't discourage you from the early post perk as it's my favorite one. I totally understand if you do though man. Either way I'll keep supporting you. You've given me hours of great entertainment and knowledge.


Well this is just horrid.


Wow, what a cruddy thing to do.


Seems like both the video and channel were removed, thanks for the reports folks!


Thing is... both Patreon and YouTube acts as your income... when someone else uploads your content as their own, they take away money from you. It's theft in several ways. And it's sickening. Hopefully they can figure out who is doing it and forcibly stop them. Also... if we come across content that is your's somewhere else, should we report it to you, or YouTube, or both?


Geez why would someone do this? I love coming here and seeing the early work i usually laugh at myself when i see something as new on the channel and get about half way through it before im like wait a min I watched this already hahhaha ( ps I usually continue watching it the 2nd time ) lol . Dont get discouraged I hope it stops and keep up the amazing content we all love!


That is true indeed. And yeah, just send me an email and report it to YouTube! We've been able to collectively get dozens of crappy reuploaders taken care of over the years.


Gotta do some spy stuff, send everyone a slightly altered version of the video, and see which one gets reposted.


Thing is, with the way my Patreon works they don't actually have to pay money to get access to my early content. I like to be as open as I can with that stuff so I just charge at the end of the month and allow everyone to see videos early as soon as they've pledged, regardless of if they've been charged yet. I guess it's ripe for some abuse.


Someone is reposting your patreon content? Sheesh, why? The videos go public in day or two anyway, whats the hurry?


It's down! You don't mess with the LG-army! ;)


So, how much content am I missing when I watch the videos as early as they go live here on Patreon? Are we talking about seconds of changed material or do you completely change the meaning of what Patrons see and what Youtubers see?


Usually it's a small thing like a mispronunciation or a clearer explanation. Other times I completely change the ending of the video and add in several more minutes of footage if I find better information after posting an early draft here. Along the way the Patreon video gets updated, so whatever is embedded on the Patreon page is the latest draft, all the way up until release day.


That was stupid. Who would think to do something like this? You already have access, and everyone else will have that access in a day or two. I know information wants to be free, but this information *will* be free if you'd just cool your damn jets!

Stephen Staver

I'm sorry that happened. Glad you were able to get this one removed. Hopefully people understand how this hurts not just you, but everyone too.

Raymond Nichols

I am so sorry someone felt the need your work and do whatever they felt like with it. Know that we all support you and understand your annoyance/anger. My wife also has her works stolen from Patreon, altered badly, and then reposted on a blog of a non-subscriber, and it sucks.


So far, I've learned that watching your videos on Patreon is not the best way, because it is not the final version. Could you please inform us if you change a video in order to see its latest version on youtube ? Sad !


I make several small AppStore Apps on the side and I know the feel of being robbed that way. It's not like "you're greedy, that's not even 1% of your revenue", etc. It's the sentiment of being robbed.


I didn't think that these videos are supposed to be reposted. That's why I have never actually done that. I have referred to upcoming videos with LGR but never actually posted one.


I note in the description of the Patreon post whether or not it's been updated. It doesn't happen every video.


If only politics worked out this well


People have odd ways of thinking sometimes. Good thing this got sorted out in the end!


Senator Snark sounds great

Lik Chan

That’s pretty shitty. All videos become available to all eventually. They’re taking away your views as well. Hope whoever is doing this will stop.


Wow, that's incredibly scummy. I hope it will not happen again. Disgusting.


In the wake of all of this, I'm curious what your policy on show an early access video with a sibling or something via the unlisted video link is


Ah I don't worry about it. As long as it's not getting reposted online outside of Patreon, I'm cool with whoever you want to share it with personally!

Kevin Leah (AKA Zoinks!)

Neither of those links work - one says it has been removed for a policy violation, and the other says the channel doesn't exist - what were they?


I'm glad this worked out well. Goes to show you've got viewers of a higher caliber than most. :)


God, some people are knobheads. Glad it got sorted out, but man, this crap shouldn't happen to begin with. Hmph!


The heck?? Why is someone trying to ruin our fun?!! Awesome, I am glad you got wind of this Clint!! Totally rude some of these people


What an idiotic thing to do, and the Patreon honor system has been defiled as well. The phrase "Is nothing sacred anymore?" truly applies here >:( Sorry to hear you had to go through that Clint, things like this are not good at all for both you and us Patrons. I'm glad to hear it got stopped, hopefully it won't incite copycat behavior :| To the perpetrator: Vete a la mierda, pendejo! >8P


I don't get it. Why would anyone do this? What do they win from this? I'm glad the situation was resolved, but I'm perplexed.


It's not like you charge some outrageous amount of money and openly advertise this as a reason to support you either; it's a fuckin' buck and the early videos are a thank you. Out of everyone on here, LGR doesn't deserve to get fucked with like this.


That's terrible. I'm glad the situation was resolved and I hope it doesn't happen again.


I hope it is over, Thank you for your awesome videos and letting use see some of your bloppers too. They just make you look human.


Great, it's all settled then.


That's so weird (and awful!) I can't understand what anyone would gain by doing that. And it's like they knew it was wrong cause they wrote Sorry LGR in the description? Totally weird. Anyways I'm glad the power of the community got this stopped for now! We can keep reporting anytime this happens, we got your back Clint!


Anyone can monetize their videos, so if they never got caught, they could make a few bucks... but it would never be worth it. I'm glad they got taken down.


I know I'm upping my pledge, you do great work and can't wait to see the future of this great community and channel!


Man, this is said, like why? All the videos get put out for free eventually anyways.


Total uncool move by that individual. Re: the edit, good to know they apologised. Hopefully this will not happen again.


Whoever it is, I hope they got the message and stop it. so uncouth to do this.


I'm glad that the guy got taken down but that is super lame, I remember I saw a guy spamming Sovietwomble's early video in a twitch chat. Do these people not understand that the video is going public either way?


I for the life of me can't understand why people would do this, but let's hope they learned a valuable lesson there and that their apologies were sincere. Also, keep up the great work. I'm always looking forward to your next video.

Ben Sanders

I know I've liked a few by accident when they were unlisted just out of habit. I hope that wasn't a cause of any "leaks". It's such a habit for me at this point to hit the like button right as a video loads nowadays. lol


Nah, that doesn't really affect anything. What I'm talking about here is a channel dedicated to uploading videos of mine that are only on Patreon