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Got an early version of this video completed, enjoy!


LGR - The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Review

Is The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs worthwhile?



Great review . I knew you were messing with us about after monday.


Thanks! Although I'm not messing with anyone about times, Monday is indeed when the finished version will go up. This is an early draft :)


Very sorry to hear about your cat. She was tremendously fortunate to have such a loving owner.


This took a surprisingly personal turn at the end, but I like it. It made this review feel a lot more... well, personal, than some of the previous ones, and that kept me engaged. I own the base game of Sims 4, but have only played a little of it. These reviews make me with for a Humble Bundle or something featuring cheap content.


Yeah I didn't expect to go down that route, but as soon as I experimented with making my own pets in game it brought on a wave of feelings. Felt it added to the vid :)


Awesome review but condolences for your cat :'(


40 Bucks.. Christ no. Sorry to hear about your cat man.. Forever immortalized through virtualization, I couldn't think of a better way to be remembered.


Gotta love in-bread-cat <3

Rick Green

Daisy died? When did that happen?

Lindsay Michelle

I am kind of happy to see that the create-a-pet system has improved from Sims 3 in the sense you can just paint over whatever you want without ending up with elevenity billion layers of design overlays. I didn't know about the robot vacuum - perfect for pets to ride on, haha. It was sweet to see Shirley(?) immortalized in Sim form in this video :)


In bread...

Alexandra Marie

Thank you for posting this us early for us. I am sorry for the loss of your kitty. Love to you, Clint.


It certainly is a nice improvement, very easy to make pretty much anything you can imagine


Haha, you crack me up! Puns galore! Btw, as a dog lover I gotta ask: Are Border Terriers included as a breed in this pack? :)


OMG! That grey hound pug made me burst out laughing! So ridiculous! lmao!


Yay! I was looking forward to seeing your take on the Cats and Dogs pack. I've been watching some other videos of it but everyone is relentlessly positive I'd like to hear the pros as well as the cons which you provide! Thanks for that! I don't like the lack of stats about pets. That seems quite lazy that they didn't include that. Looove the painting and color wheel stuff (your creativity with that cracked me up haha) in bread. Lol. And sorry to hear about your cat! I can still feel sad about my childhood dog and he died over 10 years ago now. Now I'm kinda craving getting this pack and creating him in it. Hmm... Darn Sims and feelings! :P


the 'y do do dis' dog made me fall off my chair laughing thanks clint


I didn't know you were a cat person Clint. I'm sorry about the loss of Shirley. I had a stray cat that we took care of when I was in middle school, and when my dad found it dead in the woods one day it hurt all of us. I'll forever miss Smokey, but at least I can bring him back in this pack.


imho the sims is now leeched out. too many xpacks etc. always the same with some added details :-/ lost interest since sims2 :-/


Nice video! I can honestly say that I have never played any version of the SIMS but for some reason I really enjoy these SIMS reviews. They are very satisfying.

Charlotte Grubbs

I was surprised when I saw that EA was marketing - and pricing - this as an expansion, not a game pack, particularly as it's lacking a lot of content the Sims 3 Pets had. To my mind, game packs offer niche experiences (a vacation spot, restaurants, vampires) that players can pick and choose from according to their personal interests, whereas expansions alter the core gameplay (careers, clubs). Also, the neighborhood size seems on par with a game pack. Very curious about how that decision was made.

Evan B

sorry to hear about Shirley, Clint ... great review as always though!


Do the cats and dogs sound more realistic than they did in Sims 3: Pets? Or are they still an unnatural animal/human hybrid sound?


Man, I really want to play The Sims again. I remember playing the first and second game and having a great time. I have Origin Access which gives you the base game but none of the expansions. So much of the game isn't there and it takes away all the enjoyment for me, knowing that I have like 1/4 of what's in the game.


Why are Foxes Dogs? I mean they are in the same family but Foxes are Puppy Kitten Hibrids in the purest form. Well in terms of behaviors respectivly.


Well for the asking price, who knows but when I was little the animal pack was the best pack ever, I even have vivid memories hanging over magazines and looking at the sims 1 pets review, what was it's name, unleashed? Well we called it "Tierisch gut Drauf" but damn, best pack ever.


This isn't something new. If I recall correctly, The Sims 2 Pets did the same thing with exotic animals. I think it was related to the unlockable system in that expansion pack. Plus content creators would use the default cat and dog model to make other animals so I guess EA thought they'd do the same.