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"I know, I'll do a quick, simple little video about Sega PC ports."

Annnnnd now it's half an hour long, even after editing.  I cannot lazy.


LGR - Sega PC Games: A Retrospective



Does anybody know what Bioshock version is that next to Sonic Mania's box? I mean the black box with white hands shaping a butterfly.


As a SEGA fan since childhood, this video is very well appreciated ! :D

Adam Baxter

Any idea why this is stuck at 360p?


You didn't mention VirtuaTennis! What is wrong with you? Why do you hate my youths most cherishable moments I had with a game?? :)


i dont know why they dint make Panzer Dragoon Saga on the pc


Awesome video dude! Man I'd really would love to get Sonic 2 on the PC too, just because. I need to keep an eye out for the pack you mentioned. I simply do wish they would eventually get Sonic 3 & Knuckles released on iOS/Android and today's PC platforms, because that is my favorite version.


btw i remember my 1st sonic game on the pc was 3d blast


I guess I'm weird. I've never really been a big fan of almost any sega game. Not sure why.


That is a bit surprising, I would've thought there might be a classic arcade game or two! Tons of stuff from them on 8-bit systems as well, with mixed results of course.


I have found memories of playing that at a friend's house on his Genesis, would love to get a boxed PC copy


Didn't realize that one hadn't seen a more modern release, which is a bit odd since it's so well liked.


SEEEEGAAAA! I'm more fan of the recent Sega stuff (Bayonetta, Yakuza) but it is really interesting to see how Sega ported their games for the PC :D Awesome video!


There's a sticker on the Daytona box that says a D3D patch was coming soon online. I wonder if you could still find it.


Great video as always! Though, I think it's worth noting that the modern versions of the old genesis sonic games aren't emulated! They are actually full re-implementations the games on the "Retro Engine" that were made by a sonic fangame creater who goes by the name "The Taxman", so they are in fact, a third set of distinct releases of the games, as there are very slight differences in them from the genesis originals. I'm pretty sure he went on to work on Sonic Mania too! :)


As soon as I saw Sonic R I thought to myself, "Is he gonna sing the song???" LMAO


I played a ton of Golden Axe on the IBM XT as a kid. I even discovered you could swap the sprite filenames around and play as Death Adder. Or a thief :)

Anthony Bruscella

I know this is more for classic Sega games but I seriously want to recommend Bayonetta on PC. SO GOOD


Sonic R is such a guilty pleasure, but I've always loved it. Also, the Sonic & Knuckles Collection actually features totally different music in a few instances, and is sometimes speculated to be related to that whole Michael Jackson controversy. Anyway, yeah! I was a SEGA kid first growing up, and I really enjoyed this episode! It was pretty awesome for SEGA to bring out so many of their games to the PC, especially since it meant I could finally own Sonic CD without needing to blow a Christmas present on an insanely expensive add-on.


Am I the only one that likes the Sonic R music?


my first time that I play Sonic & knuckles , it was on Sonic&Knuckles collection .


Interesting to watch the progression from Sega just licensing stuff out to third parties to convert, to doing it themselves in house. I think it's that mid-90s stuff with the early Saturn ports which was most appreciated though… having the likes of Daytona (even if it's a dodgy port), Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon et al was great back then.

Jason Wellband

I remember playing Zaxxon as a kid...


Great vid LGR! I love playing Crazy Taxi on Steam with mods that add analog controls and Offspring music! Mods for the win! No Pizza Hut branding though... I used to play Sonic games on realarcade, an old online video game delivery service before Steam, I wonder have you heard of it and would you ever do a video about it? It's by the same company as realPlayer


If you have a Daytona USA game that doesn't have the ICONIC title theme... then it's not a true Daytona USA game. :P Its also good to know that House of the Dead on the PC looks and runs OK. The Saturn version... oof. I think you can count the pixels in screen.

Kris Asick

As a kid I had Virtua Fighter 2 and Sonic CD on the PC. I remember Sonic CD was actually really difficult to run at a solid 60 FPS until way later when I had access to a P3 600 MHz system, so the game actually does have a 30 FPS option. Virtua Fighter 2 even had an option to use the arcade-quality rendering which looked amazing but ran REALLY poorly on most computers of the time. :P


Do more of these, Good stuff! man I use love sonic haha

Jeremy Abel

Man, I reallllly love the aesthetic in those 90's games! The bright colors, big chunky pixels, primitive 3D, it's all so lovely to look at! Thanks as always for the great videos!


Haha, yeah it's hardly worth playing on the Saturn so I'm really happy they released it lookin' good on PC


Another excellent video dude, I played Virtual Fighter 1/2, House of the Dead 1/2, Virtua Cop, Daytona, Crazy Taxi all back in the day and enjoyed them, didn't know there was Panza Dragoon on pc and I've still never played it on console, will need to find a DL to play that, looks good, I always remembered the PC ports of 3D games looking so much better than the console version and more like the arcade because of the increased resolution and bilinear filtering, they were some great gaming years


I literally just picked up a copy of Sonic CD at a Goodwill yesterday. Haven't tried it yet, but I'm happy to see its a good Sonic game!


Loved this video man. Strangely enough the first SEGA game I played was Crazy Taxi on the PC. I didn't have a PC at the time but my nana did, so I had it at hers and used to play it for hours. But as it didn't include a manual as it was a budget re-issue copy (by Xplosiv) I had no idea how to change between drive and reverse, so would just ram into things hoping that the car would turn! SEGA have put out a lot of good stuff on the PC over the years, and I have most of the titles you have demonstrated here - SEGA was pretty big in the UK (maybe bigger than Nintendo) so you can find copies of these games in most charity shops usually under the Expert Software or Xplosiv re-brands. It'd be cool to have a part 2 maybe of this kind of thing, or maybe just another retrospective on a specific company. Keep up the good work, you're very inspiring.


Excellent video, I remember a lot of these ports but never had a PC capable of running most of them. Really wish I had picked up Sonic CD back in the day though.


Some of the best ports, IMHO, are the Sega Rally series. Oh, did I play them a lot!


Too lazy to lazy, huh? Yeah. I hear ya.