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So this is still happening, haha


LGR - Unboxing July 2017




It's starting to seem that starting a YT channel would be a good way to get free stuff, lol.

Rick Green

The Railroad Tycoon games where from me.


(punch box of packing peanuts) "Well that is it for this episode of whatever this series is. LGR unboxing things that you've sent me. Thank you very much for sending me things, as always. And I hope you enjoyed this look at random stuff that has appeared in my general vicinity over the past amount of time." The best outro of LGR Unboxing Stuff yet!


Let's be honest, the real reward was the poo emoji.


"How to send a 40 pound computer using 3 sheets of paper as packaging material" :-( ... Hmmm, maybe I should be happy because my sparc stuff's value was raised by 0.001% due to supply and demand adjustment? Meh... probably not.


That part really made me a sad panda. SparcStations are neat computers.


I learned everything I know from Usborne books! Great to see another fan.


what Computer was that in the 1st box


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARCstation" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARCstation</a>


An Obsidian2 X-24! The ultimate Voodoo 2 card to have IMHO. And a Voodoo 2 SLI setup. Clint, you're a lucky man :D


Yay! It came in on time. Funny thing is that I shipped it out Saturday, then realized that I was going to Charlotte, NC on Monday night.


0:50 okay who was that smartass thinking he has only to write fragil on it and people would handle it differently, Seriously about every box has fragil written on it and most of the times they have just socks in it or something like that. And if that ammount of boxes that travel everyday you have to pack it in a way that you can drop it from the third floor with no harm to your stuff.


Yikes. That poor SPARCstation. Very poor indeed :( Some very interesting looking books by the looks of things… always real interesting to see how they covered things very early on in the '70s. So many Voodoo's. So many.


The SPARCstation made sad :(


me too.. Sparcstations are cool! But I know the feeling because I receive many packages of donations where people don't bother to pack it correctly..and then you have to wonder why thy bothered to even ship it to you in the first place. I don't want to be ungrateful, either, though.


Hey Clint.. I haven't had a chance to try out my "Bear essentials" yet... If you get around to doing a review on that before I do, maybe we could do some sort of collaborative effort.


You know, sometimes I wonder if I packaged the two Amiga 1200 properly... Didn't hear they were harmed but as I recall I did not have much shipping material for the first one at least. I know you Clint would have told me if they were damaged, but sometimes I think I took a lot of risks and I wonder...


'I want to get into 3D printing at some point' he says. Wanna bet what's bound to appear in next month's unboxing video? :)


Ooh, nice!!! So many goodies to check out :D


The box art for that Obsidian 2 card is something else. I think her left leg is about 33% longer than her right leg.


A calculator, in a mousepad. An accessory, for a powerful mathematical machine, with a much less powerful device inside it. I have a dedicated calculator shortcut button on my keyboard that is infinitely more useful.


Things used to be different, and all the silly accessories made it all more fun. :)


Comments disabled? I used to like leaving them on the video for people to see when it gets out to the greater public


I only get confusion and aggravation from people when comments are older than the video going public. Besides, that's what this private Patreon page is for ;)


lol watched this video like 6 times now

Kris Asick

Finally got around to watching this; Complete coincidence that I covered "Who Shot Johnny Rock?" on ADG not long following. ;)


I want to high five the person who went through the effort to put faces on the peanut packaging.


"Texas Kennith" LMAO.