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LGR - QuickShot's 1996 PC Game Starter Kit



This video was a lot of fun for me. The software that came with this pack really scratched a nostalgic itch. I had a couple discs back in the day that were similar, and had a ton of shareware on them (complete with awful GUI menu). Out of those two CD's and "2000 games", I ended up squeezing out like 4 games that I still bring up and play these days. Fun video.

Peter Metzger

I had that game pad! For whatever reason I used to chew on the cord while I played games. This strikes me as a bad idea, looking back on it. Holy crap I think we had that joystick too :o

Nicholas Wilson

I do like these "Fun size" vidios. I'm old and British so managed to kill several QuickShot 2 joysticks back in the 80's! Thanks for the CD link, I'm curious about that little GUI. :)


HNGH! I just can't decide which game icon+game title combination is the worst, or should I really say the best?


To quote Luke Skywalker: "What a piece of junk!" The flight stick does look pretty "sucky" :)

Alyxx the Rat

Haha, that CD cracked me up so bad, especially the mismatched icons!


But with that BEES icon... is that an Apollo lunar lander? Now I kind of want to play a game where I can plan lunar missions with a crew of bees.


These off-the-cuff videos are great!

Kris Asick

It's always hilarious when cheapness and actual effort collide and produce abominations like THAT. XD


I used the Mega Drive 6 button version of that pad for many years. Seemed pretty okay (think it had better buttons than your version) but It's obviously a long time since I last used it.


This style of video is great. As for the CD-ROM...all I can say is, why use Windows when you've got Magic Desk?

Foone Turing

Oooh, that GUI! I recognize that. MagicDesk/MDesk, I had the stand-alone version of that. I've got a similar game pack box (with two floppy games and a gamepad & joystick!) I've been meaning to do a video on, I'll have to do that soon.


Got to love Doom (Simpsons Edition). All I can say is WOW! (Bad wow that is)


Oh man dying laughing at the icons and spelling. Hilarious.


I dig the relaxed style. Great video, as always!


Thanks Clint! I finally got to play the Simpsons mod for Doom that I always wanted back in the day, but never got around to find. I've killed so many Moes, Apus, Barneys and two Flanders now... great fun! :D


LGR Mildlyinterestingware doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

Lindsay Michelle

I was going to originally say that I felt sorry for any kid who received that starter kit back in the day, but after seeing the so-bad-it's-good games that came with it, I'm not so sure anymore... lol


Why did Alone (Along) in the Dark 2 have an image of Captain Comic?


System Shock with a Micky Mouse head? My word, haha!


In a completely random coincidence, I was just thinking of that Simpsons Doom mod only today. (Haven't given it a thought since I tried it when it came out.)


Now I want that mod of Doom. Damm it!


Honestly now... Did these companies make this stuff in this way specifically because they knew it would give YouTubers fantastic material to cover in the future? Those names & icons were hilarious! They were playing the long game for free advertising.


Download ZDoom & Wad Manager for Doom, and then the Simpsons wad (I just Googled it for my own use, and it was really easy to find). Wad Manager for Doom makes it easy to manage wads without having to use command prompts to load them.

Adam Baxter

I managed to get in touch with someone involved at that Australian shareware distributor. I think there's an interesting story there but I'm no journalist.


That looks fantastically tacky. The kind of thing I'd buy as a kid and promptly regret. Interesting none the less! Edit: OKAY NEVERMIND I WANT THAT CD RIGHT NOW


Haha those icons are indeed hilarious! Qurantine. Hell with a cannon. Overkill Bees. Heretic Hobbes and Spiderman Superman. Hahahaha... I got a good laugh outta this video :D I'm enjoying these quick and casual videos you've been releasing lately!