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This is a follow-up to New Year's Deer that will someday start a whole new story arc. Don't worry if you haven't read the previous stories. This is mostly a very interesting M to H TF story that has some similarities to "Safe as a Werewolf."

If you want to read New Year's Deer, click here. For the NYD Ebook, click here.

Sadie, the busty herm orca dragon, ends up sharing a body with Sawyer, a mild-mannered college psychology student. Shi's on a mission to prevent a catastrophe and this is one huge setback. At first, they are at odds since shi's an interloper in Sawyer's mind, but there's a unique synergy between them that causes Sawyer's body to change.

Sadie needs to meet up with Emma and Val, a herm deer couple, to complete hir objective of providing information and aid to deal with a terrifying foe. Unfortunately, Sadie's objective becomes less and less important as Sawyer's body gains a massive prehensile dick, a pussy, four big tits, and a giant tail. By the time they find Emma and Val, all they can think about is sating the desperate need in their changing herm body.

Happy Nude Deer

by Zmeydros (Sadie Singlais)
(Edited by Tiliquain and Sarahvixen)

The contraption on Sadie's head was making hir temples hurt and even after twenty minutes of setup time, it was still cold. The thousands of tiny bumps that contacted hir scales felt so unfriendly. Since it covered hir whole head, shi couldn't see or hear much, but shi could smell the horrible antiseptic scent of whatever they'd used to clean this thing.

"Are we doing this or not? I can't take this anymore." Sadie squirmed in hir restraints, hir four tits jiggling along with hir sizable balls as hir tail flailed behind hir. Hir wrists, ankles, shoulders, head, and torso were all being held firmly by straps, so hir movements had no real effect. "Seriously, if it's going to be even five more minutes, take this thing off so I can have a break."

"Do you want to be lobotomized!? Stay still for Christ's sake!" Juana's high-pitched nasal voice came through the speakers in the infernally uncomfortable helmet.

"Beginning to think a lobotomy would be a step up. What if I have to pee?" Shi struggled against the restraints again, hir heart rate starting to climb. A horrible feeling of being trapped was making hir stomach sour.

"Just tell us and we'll get a pilot urinal over to you."

"Stop being so calm! I signed up for this voluntarily and if you don't get me out of this thing right now, I'm going too--"

There was a loud clack somewhere in the room and then what sounded like a tesla coil going off.

"Finally, it's working again. Thank God." A thud and four clicks later, she said, "Engage dimensional transfer...now."

"Does that mea--"

A loud, booming "vwoop" came from everywhere all at once as shi got the world's worst headache.

"We have an 11 second window. You need to shut up and STAY COMPLETELY STILL! DO NOT EVEN BREATHE!"

Following Juana's directions, Sadie stayed completely still despite the throbbing pain in hir head.

"Wait! STOP!" Harlow called out.

"WHAT?" Juana asked.

"Unknown target, counterpart nonexistent!" Harlow sounded uncharacteristically frantic.

"Shut it down, NOW!" Juana yelled.

There was a loud crackling snap as Harlow hit the emergency stop. "Shit! The capacitors still have a charge. The transfer is still--" Harlow's voice faded to static.

The fuzzy noise Sadie always saw in hir vision in pitch darkness became visual insanity. The fuzz took on every color of the spectrum while smearing across hir vision in a wavy chaos. Shi screeched as it felt like shi was suddenly falling in a diagonal spiral that shi couldn't make sense of. It was probably what someone felt if they jumped out of a jet plane while spinning.

The most disturbing part was that even though shi knew she was screaming, shi had no body to do that with. Shi was horribly dizzy with no stomach to get knotted up, terrified with no heart to beat faster, and wanting to hold onto something while having no hands.

The falling sensation ended abruptly as hands that weren't hirs clenched into fists and hir silent scream became audible. The packed Chicago University classroom around hir went from boredom to alarm, students, both anthro animal and human, jumping in their seats. The professor, an old female skunk anthro with long curly hair, dropped the dry erase marker she was holding while her gigantic fluffy tail shot straight up. The exposed wood of this ancient classroom was coffee-colored and the hanging lights were somewhere between chandeliers and art deco wrought iron sculptures. The off-white of the walls was a little too yellow and the whiteboard had obviously been installed over a chalkboard.

"Jesus, Sawyer!" A guy with a short afro and perfectly tailored eyebrows smacked Sadie's shoulder.

"Yeah, Sawyer, what the fuck?" A busty anthro female raccoon sitting in the seat in front of Sadie was looking at her with a furrowed brow.

"Who's Sawyer?" Sadie asked.

"I'm Sawyer! Who the hell are you?" This new voice coming out of Sadie's body was deeper and less breathy. "Wait, you just moved my mouth. Fuck, do I have DID?"

Someone else's thoughts, feelings, and perspective was brushing up against Sadie's own. This other person was so surprised that their body was experiencing some vertigo while their chest was tight with anxiety. Shi wasn't alone in this body, the mind swap had failed! This was the worst possible outcome. Shi had to get this guy on board ASAP or Shelein's plans would go off without a hitch. Sadie was meant to be the hitch!

"No, I'm Sadie. I was supposed to swap with my counterpart in this universe, but I ended up in your body instead. And no swapping occurred so we're stuck here together." Hir voice sounded wrong. This body had no muzzle, no scales, no breasts, and no tail. It was so awful.

"Sawyer, this is a very insensitive prank to pull in a psychology classroom." Professor Melgrove's deep, nasal voice cut through the quiet, speculative chatter of the classroom. "Stop this instant or leave, your choice."

"A prank? Are you kidding? The fate of your univ--mmph!" Sadie's retort was muffled by Sawyer putting their right hand over their mouth.

Sawyer got up, grabbed his coat from the back of his seat, and moved toward the ornate, dark wooden door. *Can you hear what I'm thinking?*

*Yeah, actually.* Sadie responded as Sawyer walked them out the door.

The hallway was empty except for more of the odd not-chandeliers, wood beams in the ceiling, and dark-wood-framed pictures of old bearded guys who probably had something to do with the Psychology department.

*So, you're a headmate, then?* Sawyer sighed. "How did this happen? I don't have all that much trauma and I didn't make a habit of suppressing stuff." A flash of embarrassment accompanied the memory of Sawyer wearing a pair of light blue panties under his clothes at a school Christmas party when he was sixteen. Also a feeling of joy while looking down at his package while it was encased in those lacy-topped panties.

*Didn't suppress stuff, huh?* Sadie immediately followed that thread of memory to many many different instances of Sawyer wearing panties, painting his nails, letting a girl from his geometry class beautify his hair and apply eye makeup, and him smiling giddily into the mirror after shaving off all his body hair.

*Hey, stop digging around in there!* Sawyer grabbed his head as if he could reach in and stop hir.

*Oh hon, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I used to do all those things before I became a herm. I see now why I ended up in your head.*

*I don't get it, you had to have been there when I was doing that stuff, right? Like in some way? You're talking as if we have different histories and that's impossible.* Sawyer smiled, a theory finally clicking into place. *Oh! You're dissociated! You remember doing all that stuff in this body, but from a different perspective.*

*No, put away your psychology training and listen to me. I'm not a headmate and the first time I was ever in your body was ten minutes ago. My own body has both sets of parts, scales, a tail, and four tits.*

*That's weirdly similar to--* Sawyer hid what he was thinking from hir as he put their left hand under his chin. "Could we have...maybe, with these symptoms...I gotta look at that PDF again."

Sadie took the hand under their chin and lightly smacked their cheek. *Stop psychoanalyzing things. I've never even been in your parallel reality before. For all I know, McCrowley's could be called McDonald's here and have that creepy clown mascot that a lot of universes have to put up with.*

*Shit, I need to find a therapist. I think you, I mean we, might have schizophrenia.* Sawyer's anxiety was so bad that their chest was hurting.

*FUCK YOU!* Sadie paused for a moment. *Okay, Mr. Analytical, explain this away. The body I left in my universe is nothing like this one and I can prove it.* Sadie worked to remember hir four tits, what it felt like to squeeze hir two lower ones, then hir bigger upper pair. Oddly, as shi remembered all this, shi felt a fizzy tide of magic rise in Sawyer's body. It was warm, ecstatic energy and shi wasn't sure what was attracting it.

Sawyer leaned on the nearest wall as the clear sensation of Sadie's supple, scaly breast flesh being squeezed between hir fingers hit him full force. His dick throbbed in his pants: having tits felt more incredible than he'd imagined. "HNNGGG!"

Neither of them noticed that the chest of their human body was swelling outwards in four places, pressing their nipples more firmly against their shirt while two more nipples came into being below them.

*Feels good, doesn't it? I get the feeling you've wanted tits for a long looong time.* Sadie chuckled, feeling how weak their knees were, how aroused this body was getting. *And what about a pussy, huh? I bet you've wondered for ages what it was like to have one, well, it feels like this!* Sadie brought up the memory of what it felt like to rub the giant clit at the front of her pussy, the rubbery, velvety texture of hir equine-like labia and the satin tunnel they led into.

*Oh wow! OH MY GOD! OH FUCK! NGH!" Sawyer fell to his knees as magic tickled behind his balls. The flesh there started to change, to pull inwards. The sensations were beyond anything he'd daydreamed about and extremely visceral. There was so much heat, so much sensation, and having something inside him felt satisfying in a way he'd never experienced before. Like a missing piece of his being had been reattached. Their cock was rock hard, precum leaking from the tip and making a wet spot in his jeans.

*Sorry I did that to you, but I don't have time to fuck around with your doubt. I came here to rein in a threat and I need your help to find a student named Emma Torrero so I can find Ezzie Singlais: the only person who can help me stop Shelein.*

*I don't know if I even want an apology.* He gasped, his dick still straining in his jeans.* What the hell did you just do to me, though? How are you having those thoughts? I've never met any of those people. How do I know what it's like to have a pussy in so much detail?*

*Because I'm not you, I know metallurgy and chemistry you've never been taught before. Experienced things you can't even imagine.* Heat treatment curves, the chemical makeup and crystalline structure of cobalt steel, the material properties of boron nitride, and the steps for synthesizing estrogen were all brought into mental focus by Sadie along with hir deep understanding of how all of it worked. Shi also let him feel what it was like when shi used hir special power to phase through matter: the sense of pushing through a brick wall like it was made of corn syrup.

*Holy fuck!* He breathed deeply, frozen in thought for a moment. *Okay, if I believe you, what do you need from me?*

*I need you to get up and find Emma Torrero, right now.*

As Sawyer got up, their labia slid against each other and it felt way too good. *What the?*

*Hmm, maybe I hit you too hard with those memories. Left you with a bit of a phantom pussy, it seems.*

*I-I don't know if I'll be able to walk straight with that going on.* Absent-mindedly rubbing at one of the two new tender spots on his chest through his shirt, Sawyer stumbled toward the exit. Those spots itched a bit as he put on his dark green winter coat and zipped it up.

*No judgment here, that phantom clit is really erect, like, dang!*

*What's this ache? I thought it was indigestion, but it feels different, like pressure that's not bloating?* Holding onto the railing, Sawyer made his way down the steps that led to the art-deco-inspired, five story, concrete brick monstrosity that was the Psychology building.

*Oof, I can feel it too. That's what I like to call being 'girl horny' and it means your body is aching to have someone inside you.* Sadie made the mistake of letting hir mind wander until shi remembered waking up in the middle of the night a couple days ago. Shi'd been so desperate to be filled that shi had to stuff hir tail in hir snatch and get off.

Their forming folds reached deeper into their body at Sadie's memory and Sawyer nearly fell over. The sensation from between their legs was far too intense for them to notice magic collecting in their tailbone. Extra vertebrae formed as their tailbone pressed out against the back of their pants. The girl horniness was so intense now that Sawyer was stuck there, hunched over and clutching their abdomen. His cock was raging again, precum soaking into his boxers and jeans.

*Fuck, Sadie! You're going to force me to find somewhere private and deal with this. My whole body is hot and my skin feels weirdly sensitive.* Sawyer was panting, shivering. Patches of dark fuchsia scales were forming on their forearms, shoulders, thighs, and back.

*This is totally my fault and I'm sorry for doing this to you out in public.* Sadie thought for a moment. *Your ideal body is a lot like my body, isn't it? Every glimpse I give you, it feels like you don't want me to stop and that it's somehow familiar.*

*N-no.* He lied. *It's just that I've always been very curious what it's like to have breasts and a pussy and you're satisfying that curiosity.* He'd walked down all the steps, but was still clutching the cold railing with his left hand.

*What I'm sensing is desire, not curiosity, dear. If you get any harder, you're going to start popping seams.*

Sawyer steeled himself and pushed back against the immense arousal gripping his being. *Let's say I believe you, that you're not from this universe and you ended up in my body by accident. In that case, can you leave?*

*Looks like I struck a nerve. I'll back off.*

*Does that mean you can't leave or don't know how?* Sawyer's anxiety was twisting up inside their chest again.

*No one ever told me ending up in the wrong body was possible, or how to fix it, and the only way to possibly figure it out is to find Ezzie and her team.*

*Okay, let's go find this Emma person you're looking for so we can find Ezzie, then.* Sawyer let go of the railing, his hand aching from the cold.

*That eager to get rid of me, huh?*

*I was doing fine as one person in one body. Two of us trying to share, especially when you'd be much happier in your original body, seems unnecessarily depressing.*

*Are you starting to actually believe me?*

Sawyer toyed with the edges of his coat sleeves. *I both believe you and don't believe you. I can't explain anything you've shown me and I've felt you letting me control my own body, like getting out of my way in there, but I also know that this could be a mental breakdown of some sort. That said, I think it's harmless to meet the people you want to talk to and see what happens.*

*I like this plan.*

*Do you have any idea where Emma is?* He looked down the sidewalk toward the castle-like buildings to the north of the Psychology building and numerous ancient trees that towered over them.

*She's on the third floor of the Snell-Burton Courts dormitory, but I don't have a room number. That sort of thing can easily vary between universes and we weren't able to get more intel on it before I was sent here.*

*Can you show me what she looks like?*

The first memory Sadie got a hold of was Emma's herm back end as she railed Val on the breakroom couch at the Transdimensional Operations Facility. Her gorgeous, swept back antlers poked out of her bright red hair which went well with her reddish-brown deer fur. In addition to her having white fur go up past her knees so it always looked like she was wearing white stockings, she had a cute deer tail, a round ass peppered with adorable white deer spots, a plush pussy with white fur all around it, and a pair of balls as big as her fists which were slapping against Val's equally huge balls while her F-cup tits flailed. As she thrusted her huge, tapered deer length into Val over and over, her breath puffed out of her adorable deer nose. Val was a more fit and compact, but equally hung, version of Emma with a nose ring, some goth jewelry hanging from her antlers, and pink-tipped, black hair. In that moment, while Sadie enjoyed the show, hir prehensile prick had found its way down the leg of hir jeans and was squirming. The sensation of being impossibly hard was so clear in hir memory, along with hir desire to join in.

Gasping and stumbling on his feet, Sawyer doubled over. A burst of effervescent, chaotic magic swept through them as their prick tapered and lengthened in their pants, their balls growing as well. They felt it as increased tightness and what neither of them realized is that their dick no longer looked fully human. Even though they were unaware of what was happening, it felt wonderfully sexy.

Sawyer's arousal was powerful, desire and need coming in waves. Having spent more time in Sawyer's head, Sadie could feel that all of this desire was tangled up in shame. The most stomach-churning part was that shi could also feel Sawyer's disgust with his own body contrasted with his delight at the hermarific interplay from Sadie's vivid memory.


*Stopping!* Sadie pulled away from the memory, gasping with their mouth as shi felt a twitch between their legs. It felt almost as if this body had a pussy. This phantom pussy situation was weirdly pervasive.

*Do you remember anything that isn't sexual?*

*Yeah, lots of stuff, but I'm really pent up right now and so are you. On top of that, your strong affinity for herms makes me feel really sexy.*

*No, that's not, damnit...* Sawyer blushed so fiercely that his face was tingling. *I've talked to Val a bit, actually. She sat near me in chemistry 101. Emma was the first person Shelein tested her infectious magic on, I believe? I remember seeing her on the news. I don't have either of their numbers, but I do know Diana, so fixing that should be easy.*

*Who's Diana?*

*She was my lab partner in chemistry and is friends with Val. Diana and I don't have a lot in common beyond helping each other with our coursework, but she's a good bean. Lemme text her and ask for Val's number.* He pulled his phone out of his jacket's right front pocket and unlocked it.

* * * * *

The tree-lined street that led to the Snell-Burton dorm looked kinda sad when the trees had no leaves. The buildings in this area of the University of Chicago campus were the same ugly, brutalist concrete structures with beautiful art deco adornments that pervaded much of the rest of the campus.

Two blocks from the dorm, Sawyer was taking wider steps due to something obviously sliding back and forth between their legs. *Sadie, am I the only one that's noticed how slippery it is down there?*

*This whole time, I haven't been thinking about my body. That phantom pussy thing I started won't quit. Neither will the girl horny we've got brewing.*

*Are you sure it's all in our head? My jeans are wet halfway down my thighs and honestly, I should check down there.* Turning right, Sawyer went up four steps and ducked into the doorway of a concrete-bricked art-deco house with wrought iron railings and lantern-like lights hanging out front.

Facing a wall, he unzipped his pants, undid his belt and zipper, and then reached into his boxers. Before he could even check on what was behind his balls, he furrowed his brow at how big his balls were.

*Those are very hefty for a human,* Sadie said.

*They've got to be twice the size they were before.* Sawyer felt each of their testes individually, marveling for a moment. *If these changed, does that really mean...* Reaching under his balls, he hit a sensitive nub with the tip of his middle finger. Incendiary pleasure, like all the sensation at the head of his cock concentrated into something smaller than the end of their pinky, hit him so hard that he yelped. Their jeans and boxers were soaked there and he could feel a pair of thick labia rubbing against their finger as he rocked their hips. The tip of their not-quite-human cock shoved itself further down their pant leg.

*HNNGGG! Okay, it's not a phantom pussy. It's on the way to becoming the real deal.* The horniness Sadie had been pushing back against was winning. Shi couldn't help but think about the last time shi stuck hir prehensile pricks in hir own snatch. About running hir dicks up between hir tits and sucking down hir pre, an appetizer to hir thick, delicious cum.

The tightness in their shirt became noticeable, a turbulent flow of magic making their tits swell outwards. Their two extra nipples, along with the two they already had, were hard as could be. Their tits were sore as they stretched their skin, nipples, and areole. White-orange belly scales removed this tightness as they replaced their skin. Sawyer groaned as their prick flexed in their pants, a sheath forming at the base while the testes hanging below swelled larger, white-orange scales spreading across them too.

*What the hell is going on? What did you do to my body!?*

*I don't know! I'm too horny to think straight and every stray thought about my body seems to draw magic into yours.* Shi trembled as shi envisioned hir beautiful dicks, how good they felt inside hir own cunt. Hir tail felt good in there too! That thick, meaty, dragon tail that could stretch hir to hir limit.

"HAAAH!" He couldn't keep from making noise as his prick got longer and longer, his balls taking up more and more space in his jeans. Popping sounds were coming from his tailbone as it pushed against his boxers and jeans echoed in the entryway. The dark fuchsia dragon scales growing on top of his tail helped it slide down the left leg of his boxers. He gathered some willpower and pulled his hand away from his pussy. *Sadie, you need to stop!*

*You're right, I need to focus on something else or the tide of magic and lust is going to sweep us away while destroying your clothes.* Sadie took deep breaths while focusing on the lacy detailing carved into the stone shelf that jutted out from the wall just in front of them. On the shelf was a long-dead plant with broad leaves.

*Hah, thank goodness..." Sawyer looked down to try and figure out why it felt like his cock was moving in the tight confines of their right pant leg. His eyes bulged as he witnessed the outline of their dick. The pointy tip was nearly all the way to their knee. "There's a fucking sea monster in our pant leg!!*

The bumps along the sides of the tapered shaft were clearly visible in the taut fabric. A darkened line from their pre ended in a larger dark spot at the tip. To make things even more unbelievable, the entire length was well-muscled and squirming. Sawyer couldn't get their legs closer together without pain. Their balls were making a huge bulge while pressing firmly against their pussy.

*If you ever wanted a bigger cock, you're welcome?* Sadie winced internally, knowing this was probably the wrong time for humor.

*Jesus, Sadie!* Sawyer waddled down the steps. *This thing belongs on an orca, not on something my size.*

*It gets longer than that, actually. The taper gets really slender, so it still fits in people just fine.*

*Oh yeah? Who? Who does it fit in?* Sawyer's heart was racing.

*Other anthros.* Their cheeks blushed as Sadie got self-conscious. Shi hadn't told him about hir second dick yet. *Does it help that I'm seven feet tall?*

*We're going to be seven feet tall?!* Sawyer grabbed their head, feeling dizzy. Then he closed his eyes and breathed normally. He'd been hyperventilating. Opening his eyes once he recovered, he walked as fast as his awkward gait could take him toward the Snell-Burton residence hall. *We gotta find Emma, we gotta get you your body back and fix mine.*

*But I thought you liked the changes. They're certainly making you horny. This horniness isn't only from me.*

*They're not my traits, they're yours.* He was making pretty good time even though their right leg could hardly move without hurting their dick.

A student in a maroon coat with her fur-lined hood pulled up stopped racing down the sidewalk to get to class and froze as she contemplated whether to offer help. That contemplation ended when she noticed the giant prick running down their leg. With a hearty "Nooope!" she resumed dashing to class.

*My counterpart in this universe doesn't exist, so you wouldn't even be a duplicate. So, if my traits make you happy, I don't mind you having them, dear.*

*I-it's something I find sexy yes, but I'm not sure it's me? I think living as anything other than what I am is just too much for me. I'm so indecisive that I haven't started hormones or looked for someone who's still contagious from Shelein's herm TF magic. I'm a coward and I'll probably die before I actually do anything about my body.* He hobbled up the steps to Emma and Val's dorm building.

This building was much like a five story version of the psychology building, complete with concrete bricks and wrought iron adornments. The main difference was that most windows had blackout curtains installed and no two sets of curtains were open the same amount.

As Sawyer took out his phone and texted Val that he'd arrived, Sadie said, *I had a conundrum a bit like that before I got myself transformed at an augmentation parlor.*

*An augmentation parlor?* Sawyer tilted their head.

*Places that house magic looms specifically for transforming people's bodies into their desired form.*

*That sounds awesome!* Sawyer paused. "What's a magic loom? Never mind, I'll ask about that later. How did you get the courage to go through with it?*

*A friend told me that my not being able to settle on what I wanted, being terrified that people wouldn't accept my true self, and constantly second guessing myself was anxious brain fog from my mind trying to exist in the wrong body. She told me to pick a form that I thought fit me the best, no matter how lewd or over the top it was, and go for it. Trying to find the perfect solution was an anxiety-driven fool's errand and she helped me see that.*

*I see what you're saying, but I bet you a million dollars that even she couldn't have gotten me to make a decision. Don't worry about me, let's get your message delivered, put you back in your original body, and return me to my indecisive and cowardly existence. It's the only way I know how to be.* As Val opened the door, Sawyer bit his lip. Their pants felt like they were about to bust at the seams.

Val had little quartz crystals dangling on short chains attached to the branches on her antlers. Rose quartz, herkimer diamonds, amethyst, smoky quartz, and moss agate. She was at least eight inches shorter than Sawyer with a compact, fit build. Her D-cup cleavage was on display in the deep, fishnet V of her long-sleeved black top. An anodized, deep blue and cyan nose ring hung in front of her cute deer snoot. She was wearing a pair of dark gray leggings that cupped the huge bulge between her legs beautifully.

"Hey, Sawyer!" Val's eyes went wide as dinner plates as she looked down. "Is that a whale dick going down your pant leg!?

"Please don't encourage it." Sawyer sighed. The sooner he got inside, the better.

"Sorry, let's just say I'm a slut for variety." Val's expression softened and she bit her lip before motioning for Sawyer to follow.

"I bet you'd get along really well with Sadie, the cause of said variety." He followed Val up a set of stairs, slowly. Their cock was only halfway down their pant leg now, but it was still very in the way. He spoke quietly so he wouldn't be overheard. "I don't know if you've had experience with this before, but shi says shi's from another universe and accidentally ended up in my mind. I'm hoping you can help hir so my life can go back to normal and that I haven't gone insane."

Val's long deer ears turned to face behind her as she listened. She responded without turning her head. "Never heard of quite that scenario before, but between me, Emma, and Ezzie, we can probably figure something out." She stopped at the third floor and leaned against the chocolate-colored wall as she waited for Sawyer to make it up another half flight of stairs. "Is this Sadie person like a voice in your head?"

"Yeah, but shi knows things I've never been taught and seems to be a whole person with hir own memories separate from mine. Shi showed up in my head in the middle of class."

"Given the shit I've seen, I'm going to assume everything shi's saying is true. We'll have to see what's possible."

*If I do get my body back, I'm going to ask Val for some quality time with her ass. Look at how round it is! No wonder Emma can't leave it alone.*

*Can you be serious for one minute? We're getting hard again.* Sawyer followed Val down the hall, past old, beat-up, orange-stained doors.

*Sorry, I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen and I'm trying to focus on happy thoughts.* Blood and magic were rushing back to their crotch and Sadie knew shi was responsible, but there was a scent coming from Val that was like clothes fresh out of the drier and it was making their body warm all over.

Val was walking funny as she got up to the fifth door on the right. When she turned toward the door, six inches of her cervine prick were sticking out of the waist of her stretch pants, visible to the whole hallway. As it kept emerging from its sheath, pre beaded at its tip. "Damnit, why did you have to have a whale dick? Like, that's near the top of my fuck-it list."

Their pussy clenched so hard that Sawyer lost his balance.

Val turned gracefully and caught Sawyer under their arms just before he fell on their knees. Now he was face to face with her tapered shaft and the scent wafting off it was mind-numbingly intense. This time, it wasn't Sadie's lewd thoughts that caused issues, it was Sawyer's. Everything else in the world fell away as he leaned in toward her sheath and took a deep sniff.

For the first time since shi entered Sawyer's mind, Sadie took a step back, giving Sawyer full access to motor control, sensations, everything. He needed this.

Val grabbed his straight auburn hair and shoved his face down with one hand while pulling down her pants and panties with the other. She put his face against her fuzzy sac full of two fist-sized balls. Her sheath was against his nose. "Mmm, we didn't even make it inside before you put your face down there. You must really like me."

Sawyer drew in her scent, finding a hint of lavender in it that made it even more difficult to come to his senses. That pussy between his legs was wetter than ever, quivering. As his body reacted to Val's scent, a powerful, bubbly burst of magic hit him, his vagina deepening as his balls swelled even larger and then divided. Two new ovaries popped up into him and traveled up his vaginal wall as he pre-ed in his pants and his dick reached all the way down his pant leg to his knee. In his mind, a vision of Sadie's body surfaced that hadn't originated from Sadie hirself.

In that moment, Sadie caught sight of a memory of Sawyer's hands typing out a response to an artist who was drawing a reference for Sadie's form. Then a memory of Sawyer hard as could be while using Sadie's form to RP with a friend. There was also something that stopped Sadie cold: he also embodied Fiona to RP, a tiger-striped fox herm with a beautifully-textured dragon shaft. Fiona was a part of Sadie he couldn't have known about. And with that, it finally made complete sense as to why Sadie had ended up in Sawyer's body. Hundreds of memories were now spread out in front of hir: so much joy, so much shame, and so much painful yearning to be in the forms he was roleplaying as.

A sharp, angry edge of emotion passed through Sadie. No wonder Sawyer had been so skeptical, so sure he was losing his mind. Shi could've allayed his fears if he'd just been open about this from the beginning. Part of hir wanted to punish him, but shi had a much better way to channel hir annoyance.

*If you had my muzzle, you'd be better able to sample her spectacular scent,* Sadie said in a singsong voice.

*What? I shouldn't be doing this. I need to stop.* He started pulling his face away from Val's crotch.

*But you don't want to, dear. You need to listen more to your pussy and less to your doubting brain.*

*I'm in a hallway, I'm making a fool out of myself, I--*

*This scenario is straight out of one of your RPs, hon. Embrace it.*

"I think it's time for you to meet my pussy." Val lifted up her balls and put her clit right against his lips. Her balls were now draped over his nose.

*Just think about what you could do to her pussy if you had my long, muscular forked tongue.*

That lavender scent was so much stronger now, and he couldn't resist licking across her labia. The tart, salty goodness of her fem nectar had a floral finish that made her juices irresistible. Magic followed his thoughts as he envisioned Sadie's muzzle and dragon tongue. His teeth pinched in his gums as fuchsia scales spread across his flattening nose. Feeling like it was pulled taffy, his tongue reached past her pussy lips, the end forking. She tasted even better inside. There was this sweetness that balanced out the tart notes. As his muzzle pressed out, he was able to detect a hint of vanilla that made everything better.

His tail and tits started growing again, forcing him to unzip his coat. A tear started near the center of his shirt, exposing white-orange scales and the cleavage between his second pair of boobs. That tear grew as the seat of his pants and boxers popped stitches, his tail busting out of the back, lengthening by the second. A rush of cool air touched his feverish pussy lips while Sadie got so turned on shi wasn't even thinking in words.

A blonde-haired girl in a white and blue tracksuit glanced at the situation briefly, blushing. Then she stepped over his tail and continued down the hallway.

"Haaah! So eager!" Val's hand moved to the scales on top of Sawyer's growing muzzle. "And you're getting more beautiful by the second."

He pulled his head away, tears in his eyes along with a wave of self-hate.

*Hey, what's wrong? You seemed so happy.* Sadie tried not to panic over the abruptness of Sawyer's emotional shift.

*I'm not beautiful, this is your body I'm stealing. None of this is my idea, I must've somehow tapped into your form years ago. I'm a fraud.*

*Hon, it's not about originality, it's just raw probability. There's an uncountable number of alternate universes and in one of them I just happen to exist. And because I actually exist while my counterpart in this universe doesn't, you can take on my form.*

"Are you okay? You look like you're going to cry." Val's playful grin had been replaced by a look of genuine concern, her long deer ears drooping.

"Am I just fooling myself? Am I just fixating on being a herm to avoid dealing with my real issues?" It felt like a knife was being drawn through Sawyer's being as he uttered these words. They'd come directly from Sawyer's dad when Sawyer had tried to come out as a trans herm at eighteen.

Sadie just started crying along with Sawyer. There was enough pain welling up inside Sawyer to sink a barge.

Val grabbed Sawyer under his armpits and lifted him to his feet. "What?! No! Whoever told you that is a fucking psychopath. Until I got a dick, I was a depressed lump who couldn't even get herself out of bed at times. Being a herm lifted the dark veil that I was viewing myself and my life through. Wanting to be herm isn't only valid, you deserve to experience it."

"But I'm probably not even a real trans herm like you and should stop sexualizing people like you."

"Do you see how hard I am right now? I want you to sexualize me. And there's no such thing as a real trans herm. If you'd be happier in a herm body, that's all it takes. Stop making excuses to yourself why you're not allowed to be happy and fucking dive in!" Val tried to step out of her panties, but they caught on her left hoof and she had to kick them off. The way she was just casually bottomless and erect in the hallway made Sadie's infatuation with Val way worse.

*What I feel inside you, it's what I felt before I became a herm. I'm extremely flattered by the fact that my body is your ideal form. And after all you've been through, you deserve it every bit as much as I do.* Sadie hugged him in their shared mental space, comforting him. *Plus you already have a pussy, dear, you're already a herm. Why not go all the way?*

Something broke inside Sawyer as his eyes looked down at Val's tapered cock. The need in his pussy suddenly connected with all the times he'd RP'd having one.

"Sadie saying some good things in there?" Val smiled, her look of concern softening.

"Very good things." Sawyer nuzzled Val's cheek.

"So," Val grinned, "You wanna be trapped between two nude deer and get a nice, warm cream filling from my massive deer cock?"

"Haaah! Yes!" Sawyer's pussy clenched. "Please!"

Val opened the door, grabbed her pants and panties, and dragged Sawyer inside.

The inside of the dorm had college-provided walnut-stained wooden furniture with University-of-Chicago-maroon upholstery. The living room was square and had a flatscreen TV opposite a blocky maroon couch. At the far end of the living room were two bedroom doors, the left one was cracked open while the other was shut. A hallway next to the right bedroom door led to the bathroom. To their immediate right was a closet and just past that closet was an open doorway that led to a small kitchen that looked recently renovated to provide extra counter space.

On the couch and in the nude was Emma, her deer antlers hooking over the far arm rest while her bent legs pushed her sizable balls up against her sheath. Her wide hips made the couch look more cramped than it should have.

In her furry, white-fingered hands was an e-reader. Her violet eyes darted across the words with a soft, relaxed expression on her muzzle. The world's smallest frown turned down the corners of her lips, giving her an adorable hint of resting bitch face. Her bright red hair was splayed over her big tits. Her long cervine tongue flicked up across her deer nose before she reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the e-reader to look toward the door.

"Hey, Emma. We've got a hermergency!" Val announced.

"God damn it, Val! You need to tell me when you're going to bring company over!" Emma pulled a couch cushion over her crotch and tits.

"All this planning was last minute so I had no idea what was going to happen, all of us are essentially pantsless so it doesn't matter that you're naked, and what part of hermergency don't you understand?"

"I don't know, all of it?" Emma's eyes found the tits being exposed by Sawyer's ripping shirt and the huge prehensile cock sticking out of the tatters of his jeans. She put the pillow and e-reader aside as she got off the couch to inspect Sawyer more closely. "Wait, did Shelein set off another TF bomb somehow?"

"No, there's some sort of interdimensional shenanigans going on that I doubt our poor hermifying girl can explain right now. She's pretty desperate." Val started pulling Sawyer out of his clothes, starting with his coat.

Sawyer bit his lip, looking at Emma's curvy form while the end of his dick curled. Getting undressed by Val was pretty damn exciting.

Emma's eyes went half-lidded as she sniffed the air. "Oh wow." She blushed at what her instincts had made her do and looked at Sawyer's muzzle. "What's your name?" The pointy tip of her prick slid out of her sheath.

"Sawyer, but Sadie's in here too. Shi's part of that interdimensional stuff Val mentioned." He looked down at his scaly, four-breasted chest as Val pulled his shirt off.

*We're going to get with both of them? We won the lottery!* Sadie cheered. *You ready to be your ideal self? I'm going to stay a bit back so you have full access to everything. I want you to enjoy this. Just envision our body, dear.*

Sawyer looked at Emma and then Val nervously. He'd never been in a situation like this and he had no idea what to do beyond focusing on Sadie's true form, his desired form.

Val got Sawyer out of his shoes, her eyes darting to his prehensile cock. Then she helped him out of his destroyed pants and boxers.

"You sure you want this? You seem a bit nervous." A couple inches of Emma's dick were out, but her eyes were still a bit wide in surprise.

"She was begging me to stuff her just before I opened the door, so I'm assuming..." Val looked Sawyer in the eye. "You want us to double team you and make you explode both ways like a good herm?"

Sawyer covered his muzzle and nodded shyly as a deep blush reddened the fuchsia scales on his cheeks and the white-orange scales on the front of his neck.

"I think we've got a sub on our hands." Val groped Sawyer's ass, digging in her thick fingernails which were like little hooves.

Arching his back while the rest of his prick slid out of his sheath, Sawyer gasped. His ass was so much rounder than before and it was becoming even more plush as Sadie's form became clearer than ever in his head.

Emma bit her lip, her dick pushing out of her sheath rapidly. "Let's get this girl to my bedroom." She grabbed the base of Sawyer's dick and led him toward the right bedroom door.

Sawyer was aching even more in his abdomen and that aching was now accompanied by a pulsing in his sheath. He didn't know it was possible to be this horny.

*If you need anything from me, just ask. I am here for you, hon.* Sadie hugged and nuzzled Sawyer in their headspace.

*Whoa!* Sawyer stumbled as he felt Sadie's scales against his cheek and hir breasts against his back.

*Whoops, didn't know I could actually do that.* Sadie pulled away.

*That felt nice! You just surprised me is all.*

*Surprised both of us.* Sadie nuzzled Sawyer again and then did hir best to whisper even though no actual sound was transmitted. *You're going to be so beautifully fuckable when you're fully transformed, girl.*

"NGH!" Sawyer's pussy winked while his thighs were pressed together and he felt his scaly labia rub against the scales spreading down his legs. He felt tightness in his spine, legs, arms, and neck as he got a couple inches taller.

A grunt came from Val as she got painfully hard in expectation and when they entered Emma's bedroom, she shut the door behind them. The room itself wasn't big, but Emma had everything organized and kept off the floor so that it didn't feel cramped. Random electronics and other things related to her artificing projects were on a corner electronics bench. The double bed was neatly made and the light blue comforter on top had snow flakes and horse-drawn carriages depicted on it.

"I have a plan." Val pulled the covers off the bed and then guided Sawyer to lay on his back.

*Scoot further away from the headboard. You're gonna be seven feet tall, girl.* Sadie's entire being was exuding excitement.

That excitement was contagious and Sawyer's heart picked up its pace as he scooted down a bit. "Sadie says I'm going to get a foot taller." He blushed.

Val grinned and Emma squirmed.

Grabbing Emma's upper arm, Val maneuvered her onto the bed until her face was inches from Sawyer's prick. "We gotta get Sawyer as hard and wet as possible. I want her first time to be as special as ours."

"Is it okay if we use female pronouns for you?" Emma's eyes never left Sawyer's flexible length.

"Yes, please!" Sawyer grabbed his upper set of tits and let out a heated sigh.

*Such a good girl!* The tone of Sadie's voice was almost patronizing.

Pre spurted from Sawyer's prick as her balls got even heavier and her pussy clenched. *Damnit!*

*Mmm, I can feel what happens to you when I press your buttons. It's going to be very hard not to tease you.*

Emma's breath on Sawyer's prick pulled Sawyer's attention away from her inner life. Then Emma licked across Sawyer's cock tip with her long, dexterous cervine tongue and Sawyer moaned loudly. Sawyer's muzzle pushed out further, her dragon nostrils gaining definition. Her breasts gained in size too, pressing back against her hands.

With her right hand, Val lifted Sawyer's balls out of the way while shoving her left index and middle fingers into Sawyer's scaly snatch. Sawyer yelped as she clenched around those fingers. Val moved her fingers slowly in and out, causing waves of pleasure in Sawyer. Magic flowed into Sawyer so exuberantly that she felt weightless. Her body expanded in every direction, gaining, muscle, voluptuous curves, and inches in height. While this was happening, her tail pushed out, feeling sore while new vertebrae formed and scales covered it.

As Emma took the end of Sawyer's dick into her mouth, she put a hand at Sawyer's sheath. The stimulation to Sawyer's pussy combined with Emma toying with her sheath, made Sawyer moan loudly while something stirred in her sheath. Emma's eyes widened as a second tapered cock head pushed out. Sawyer didn't quite understand what was happening at first, it felt like the tip of her dick was both inside and outside Emma's mouth. Craning her neck to see what was going on, Sawyer saw the second tapered length pushing out of her sheath on the left side of her other prick and gasped in surprise. Emma grabbed it and stroked it while she sucked Sawyer's right length. Sawyer threw her head back and moaned sharply as her left prick stretched her scaly sheath more and more. Like her other cock, it was slender near the end, but got delightfully thick near the base.

"Double the trouble, double the fun!" Val chuckled.

*Oooh FUCK! You have two?!* With her pussy being fingered and her dicks being played with, Sawyer was having a lot of trouble finding words.

*That's the one difference between us.* Sadie caught sight of a mote of memory in Sawyer's mind. *Aww, you should've just gone for it. Who cares if some people would think it's too over the top?*

*I cared way too much about what other people would think. Now I'm just...these things are incredible. Love the little bumps on the sides that are sensitive and add texture. God, your body's perfect!* Sawyer tried to move the cocks, but his eyes started to cross as they both bent in an arc that he didn't intend. *Might need help learning how to control these things.*

*How about I guide you by controlling them? Over time, I'm sure you'll get it.*

*Ngh! Yeah! Please do that!* It was a challenge for Sawyer to talk to Sadie at all because Val was adding a third finger to Sawyer's snatch.

*Such a polite girl.* Sadie giggled.

"I can't take it anymore." Emma straddled Sawyer and put Sawyer's right dick at her sopping entrance.

Sadie helped manipulate their dick, shoving it into Emma's hot tunnel. It wasn't tight at first, there being lots of evidence that Emma's pussy got thoroughly used on a regular basis. Her muscles gripped and relaxed rhythmically as she moved her hips and moaned. Moving her hands to Sawyer's second set of tits, she leaned forward, which pressed her tapered cock firmly against Sawyer's plush, white-orange-scaled belly. Sawyer marveled at how Sadie made waves inside of Emma, fighting her inner muscles and making her squeak and yelp at the intense, novel pleasure.

*Are you going to try to put both in her?* Sawyer asked internally.

*No, I have plans.* Sadie let loose a maniacal laugh in their shared mental space only to moan near the end because Emma was clenching especially hard.

Sawyer's tongue lengthened, the magic flowing through her feeling like warm chocolate fudge mixed with champagne. She was now over six and a half feet tall with a massive dragon tail and her balls were bigger than her fists, embarrassingly large. It wouldn't be long until her whole body was covered in smooth scales. She was becoming so soft, a layer of blubber under those scales, making her ever so cuddleable. A pattern of wide, swooping, plum-colored stripes that were reminiscent of the ocean were forming amongst her dark fuchsia scales. Her ears felt achy as the cartilage in them expanded, pushing longer and longer. They got bigger than Emma and Val's ears, looking like they belonged on a rabbit, but somehow elegantly fitting in with the rest of her body.

As Val got a fourth finger inside Sawyer's cunt, Sawyer felt her depths opening up as magic tugged and pushed and prodded her insides to make extra room for her vaginal canal. Sadie could take massive cocks and now so could Sawyer. After that wave of changes, she felt her whole cunt contract. The inner muscles and her brain forged a partnership, giving her control of her new anatomy. With that newfound control over her scaly equine-dragon pussy, she squeezed Val's fingers tight.

"Mmm, you ready for my dick, slut?" Val pulled her fingers out.

"YES!" Sawyer didn't even really get to think about it. Every part of her being wanted what was going to happen next.

Val straddled Sawyer's tail, her wet snatch dragging against the white-orange scales on the underside as she lined herself up and then shoved her pointy tip in. As Sawyer's pussy stretched wider and wider, Sawyer couldn't stop moaning. Every vein, every little dimple and bump on Val's shaft could be felt as it slid into her. Just as Val tried to push her cervine medial ring in, things got very tight.

"You're clenching a bit too much for me to get my medial ring in. Just take some deep breaths, dear." Val backed off an inch, which left over six inches of her dick inside. She was so damn hung!

Sawyer hadn't realized that she was tensing up too much and had to focus to relax. As she relaxed, Emma got the rest of Sawyer's right prick inside herself. Emma groaned as she felt the obvious bulge in her belly with her left hand. Sadie moved the cock inside Emma, making waves that went from base to tip. The waves got mighty disorganized when Val popped her medial ring into Sawyer's pussy and then stuffed Sawyer with the entire rest of her thick shaft.

Feeling Val's balls parked against her butt and having her own balls pushed up against the base of her shafts while her clit was trapped between her balls and Val's groin was too much. Stars flashed in Sawyer's vision as a hot tingle radiated out from her clit, prostate, and a textured patch at the back of her pussy that was wonderfully sensitive. She roared as her muzzle finished forming, her lowest set of tits grew to F cups, her upper tits reached H cup in size, her ass rounded gorgeously, her toenails and fingernails became retractable claws, and her height reached seven-foot-one. She was a massive herm dragon, in an even better version of the form she'd started dreaming up during her junior year of high school.

Emma yelped at the crazy flailing of Sawyer's right prehensile shaft, her hips freezing in place due to the intense, unfamiliar pleasure.

*This is unbelievable! Having a pussy feels completely different and being inside Emma at the same time, it's so incredible!* There was no way Sawyer could share this comment outside her own head because she was still moaning and feeling the tail end of that orgasm.

*Just wait until you're inside Val too!* Sadie felt around with their left prick until shi managed to slip it under Val's balls and curl it upwards.

"Oh my God! Oh my GOD! OH MY GOD!" Sawyer was twitching under Emma, her legs spasming as she felt the satin embrace of Val's hot, wet folds.

Wanting to impress Val, Sadie shoved that dick in as fast as Val's body could take it, which was quite fast. Val even took a couple deep breaths between her hearty moans to make sure she didn't tense up. When a good foot of their left prehensile phallus was inside Val, Val tried to thrust only to cum as her clit rubbed against the top of their left shaft. As her snatch trembled, Sadie moved their left cock in little circles, making Val screech and lose control of her hips.

Val's length was harder than ever and as she came down from that orgasm. She made short-but-vicious thrusts into Sawyer's muff. Sawyer grabbed her head and squeaked as a gasp and a moan tried to make it out at the same time. Sadie, being a lot more used to herm pleasures, moved their dicks in waves, circles, and flicking thrusts that drove everyone wild. Emma and Val were making such a racket that Sawyer was struggling to hear her own moans. All that motion had Sawyer's breasts bouncing along with her balls and for a moment Sadie focused on the sensation of Emma and Val's balls, as well as Emma's precum-leaking shaft as it rutted the pre-soaked patch of scales under it.

"You sound ready to--" Val shoved all the way in and then reached around and rubbed her hand on the top of Emma's cervine medial ring. "Cum, girl!"

Emma's moans soon became the loudest as her shaft thundered, her pussy milked Sawyer's right length, and her whole body gyrated atop Sawyer. Emma screamed, but her voice soon cracked as her whole body tensed up for a few seconds. Then she screamed louder, a true deer scream, as her tapered prick shot massive ropes of her seed all over Sawyer's four tits, neck, and into Sawyer's maw as she opened it. Emma's cum tasted like salty-but-slightly-sweet chamomile tea, delicious.

Sawyer was seeing stars and fuzz at the edge of her vision, her whole body feeling tense, on the edge of something huge.

*FUCK! We're about to cum both ways. NGH!* Sadie could hardly contain hir delight.

The moment Val started moving her hips again, Sawyer's snatch went off, the feeling of her balls smacking into Sawyer's scaly ass while the base of her dick stretched Sawyer's entrance to the limit. Sawyer's clit was against her sheath and her medial ring was touching that textured patch on the back wall of Sawyer's snatch. It felt like electricity, but it didn't hurt, it felt like a wave of the-best-feeling-possible spreading outwards from Sawyer's depths. A second wave spread out from the base of her dicks, joining that first wave. It now felt like pure, relentless heat was exploding inside her and as that heat traveled, everything felt so incredibly good that her body had to move.

Sawyer's dicks throbbed as they undulated inside Emma and Val, the right one feeling Emma cum before spurting jizz into her hot, silky folds. Val came around the left dick just as it started filling her. A screech came out of Sawyer that turned into a roar as her dicks continued erupting.

"YES! TAKE IT!" Val barked out as her cock jerked inside of Sawyer, flooding Sawyer's depths.

Feeling two separate pussies milk her shafts while Val came in her cunt caused Sawyer to roar again, but at a much higher pitch.

*GAH! HAAAAH! GOOD GIRL!* Sadie managed to say as the waves of bliss caressed hir being.

For the next few moments, Sawyer wasn't aware of anything other than the pulsing of their bodies as they came in and around each other. She felt one with this body in a way that she never expected and feeling Sadie was there with her, helping her experience this, gave her affection for Sadie beyond anything she'd yet felt. This dragon had been so kind and understanding throughout all of this and when Sawyer finally trusted hir enough to accept hir gift, shi'd given it freely.

As Sawyer's orgasm wound down, she groped her breasts and then groped Emma's breasts. Something about feeling Emma's breasts in her hands or her own breasts when she could also feel their dicks and pussies felt so damn right. Like some great travesty in the world had been corrected. Having all the parts was what Sawyer was supposed to have. Being an orca dragon hybrid with ears so big they were nearly goofy and huge prehensile cocks was the answer to a question Sawyer had been asking her entire life. Tears streamed down her face as she just started crying. If she'd known she could feel like this, she would've sought this out ages ago.

"Are you okay?" Emma leaned down to look into Sawyer's eyes, her big breasts swinging as she did so.

"Better than okay. Never been this happy before."

"My dick has that effect on people." Val made a little thrust.

"HAAH!" Sawyer blushed.

"Yep, I can attest to that." Emma giggled.

Val chuckled, very pleased with herself.

*Welcome to hermdom, Sawyer. I'm so happy I could share this with you.* Sadie hugged Sawyer in their mental space, and oddly, Sawyer felt like her form was the same as Sadie's now.

*I literally have no idea how to thank you enough. This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.* Sawyer smiled wide while tears continued to fall. *Why don't you take the lead for a while? I know you had something you wanted to do and I'm baked. I've never felt this cozy before.*

Sadie felt Sawyer loosen her control over their body and mind. Gently, shi stepped into that opening and moved to the front while Sawyer naturally fell in a bit behind hir. Sawyer's leftover smile gained a confident smirk as Sadie reached up and tugged on Emma's nipples, just to make Emma moan.

After teasing Emma a bit more and enjoying the way Emma's tunnel clenched around hir length as shi did so, Sadie let go of Emma's nipples and put on a more serious face. "The moment one of you is able, I need you to contact Ezzie. I ended up in Sawyer's body because the other me I was supposed to swap with doesn't exist in this universe and they didn't stop the transfer in time. I need to deliver a message and help with an impending threat."

"Oh? What impending threat?" Emma's smile faded as she matched the gravity of Sadie's tone.

"Shelein has escaped and if we don't find her, she's going to do to your universe what she did to ours."

"Oh shit fuck!" Emma said before putting her hands over her mouth.

Val craned her neck to look over Emma's shoulder. "As scary as that is, the first order of business is for us to clean up all this spooge so we can even use a phone screen."


To be continued in an upcoming project where our heroes will have a an epic parallel-universe-hopping showdown with Shelein!

I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


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