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Clarissa is a handful, even more so as she becomes furrier, more hung, and voluptuous in surprising ways. As Fiona takes in Clarissa's new attributes, she finds herself drawn to Clarissa's unique confidence and casual sexuality. Soon she's milking her time with Clarissa for every bit of pleasure and sensation she can get.

###A rather polished draft, but I'd happy to have suggestions as to how to improve it.##

DRAFT - Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 3
-> Udderly Gorgeous
by Zmeydros

Straddling Clarissa's leg, I put the head of my dick at her quickly-plumpening pussy. Her vagina had been crafted skillfully and with care by a plastic surgeon, but it didn't have a clit. That was until she started transforming. As she groaned and white fur spread across her inner thighs, a clit sprouted at the front of her muff. Her labia swelled, becoming light snowy pink while her clit throbbed bigger with each beat of her heart. Then her snatch winked, the clit getting pushed forward and spreading her labia wider and wider. She moaned at first and then grunted when her mare parts winked again, her clit doubling in size as she did so. Moaning at how fucking hot that was, I popped the head of my cock in.

It was so warm, so stretchy and slippery inside her that I just shoved deeper, on instinct. This got her to wink again and the contractions inside her nearly pushed me back out.

"NGH! Winking feels so much better when something's in there." Reddish brown fur traveled up her back and her tailbone grew longer stretching the skin around it.

Entering a pussy while someone was laying on their side was very new. My prick was being squeezed on the top and bottom, the ridges and barbs meeting more friction as they popped in. She was moaning and trembling as her whole body enlarged, the white fur on her front skipping her lower abdomen and dusting the area just under her ribs as it moved upwards to the underside of her breasts. As I shoved half of my cock into her, my wet, cum-dripping pussy dragged on the inside of her thigh the whole way. When I reached the end of her tunnel, I cried out and ground my cunt against her.

Pulling back, I moaned, my clit dragging on her growing fur. The more my fem juices soaked into her fur, the better it felt and it was tempting to just keep gyrating my hips. Resisting that temptation, I shoved forward again to find her snatch was a little deeper. She reached past her belly, which was furless and expanding outwards faster than the rest of her, and grabbed her changing dick. Even though it was thickening, turning pink, and a sheath was forming, my eyes stayed fixed on the odd shape developing on her belly. Then I got tingles all over as I saw four teats grow in on that expanding very light pink belly flesh.

"Never seen an udder before?" She chuckled.

I'd stopped moving completely. "No, I have, but I've never seen one grow in like that."

"Don't just stare at it, touch it." She grabbed a teat with the hand that wasn't on her cock and groaned happily.

As my paw pads met her udder, my cock twitched at how erotic it felt. It had that wonderful stretchy, warm, and satiny feeling of the skin on a human dick combined with being softer than breasts. Fondling it, I felt it quiver, getting regular growth spurts as it enlarged and filled with. I grabbed the teat closest to me, which was as big around as my pinky, but a bit shorter. Then I squeezed near the base and tugged the way I'd done when I was on a field trip to a dairy farm in grade school. A stream of milk shot out and I immediately blushed crimson as my dick twitched inside her.

"M-MOO!" Her voice came out loud and resonant, her jaws pushing out while her nose flattened and her nostrils spread apart from each other.

"Sorr--AAH!" I got interrupted by her pussy winking powerfully, the muscles inside her caressing the ridges on the top of my dick, the bumps on the bottom, and the soft barbs that ran along the sides.

"Milk my udder, fuck me, and do not stop until you knot me." She looked into my eyes, not a hint of embarrassment at her begging.

I automatically said, "Yes ma'am," before shuddering at how she'd just given me an order. I stopped worrying about making a lake of milk on the floor and went for it.

As I shoved two more inches into her and milked the teat I'd started working on, the pressure on the side of her pussy closer to her front increased as a bulge moved toward her crotch. She mooed and fidgeted, her thickening cock getting ever longer.

"Are those your balls coming in?" I said aloud without meaning to.

"What did I say about stopping?" She narrowed her eyes.

If I hadn't cum recently, I would've been very close already. I pulled back and shoved deeper, timing my milking of her teat with my thrusts. Her udder was now larger than her two G cup tits combined and the streaks of milk on the floor were starting to join up, forming puddles. It was hard to concentrate on milking her because her balls kept moving toward their exit which constantly changed the friction on my thrusts. The further down they got, the more of my dick I shoved past the bulge they were making in her vaginal wall. Her pussy was opening up and feeling ever more stretchy. When I looked down at it, it was now reminding me of a mare's snatch, a rather gorgeous one with a humongous clit and some loose pale pink flesh just in front of it that her balls would soon pop into.

Reaching down to the teat below the one I'd finished tending to, her dick brushed against my wrist. As I continued to milk her, she thrust her cock into the space between my wrist and her udder. Soon, my wrist and her udder were slicked up with her precum. This added movement of her hips made me gasp and screw up my tempo because I could feel her elastic tunnel shifting around my length as the angle of my penetration changed. This movement also made her thigh muscles clench, which rubbed against my cunt. I'd have no problem getting off with my pussy and I knew she'd cum when her balls dropped, but it seemed no amount of stimulation could get my cock close to firing its load. My knots were just kinda at this half-hard state and my dick wasn't quite at full mast. Nikki and Paul had done a number on me.

With every single thrust of her shaft, it gained another half inch of length and soon her stallion length was all the way up her udder, over eight inches long. Her cock head broadened as the shaft became unmistakably like a stallion's, complete with a medial ring about two-thirds the way down. I was suddenly reminded of my time with Maria and moaned even louder. My pussy had wet Clarissa's fur so thoroughly that it was bunched up, offering a bit of a rolling texture that felt incredible as I thrusted. I could feel her body heat too, making it even better.

Then, as her balls continued their descent, she pushed, grunting and making her pussy incredibly tight. I grunted along with her once, and then two more times as she pushed them down. I could barely thrust, but I tried anyway because she'd ordered me not to stop. The pressure became almost too much and I grit my teeth until two thuds inside her coincided with the pressure going away and her ballsac being full of her expanding nuts.

She came around my cock, mooing at the top of her lungs while her foot-long dick spurted ropes of cum all over her front. Even while she was cumming, her changes were finishing up. Her ears lengthened, her prick reached fourteen inches long, her cow muzzle finished forming as fur started covering her head, her toes merged forming cow hooves, and above her temples, two horns sprouted that curved to the side a bit as they reached forward.

"DON'T TRY TO LAST! KNOT ME RIGHT NOW!" she yelled between moans while her pussy was still milking me.

My knots were bigger, but not the size they normally were before I came. Hoping my body would obey her anyway, I shoved forward, feeling her mare muff stretch for my first knot and then her clit fall into the cleft between my knots. I kept going, her fat clit getting flicked as it came out of the cleft only to get smacked by my groin as I buried the second knot in her. Knowing her pussy was super stretchy and that my knots weren't at full size, I pulled my knots out and started fucking her with them, giving her clit the bumpy road treatment. She came again, just as hard as the first time, more jizz spurting from her shaft as milk leaked from her teats. She mooed so loud I could feel her whole body rumble from it. It was so fucking sexy.

I ground my pussy on her leg, deciding I had to get off somehow or I'd lose my mind. My hands went to her cock and felt its sheer size and weight and I came on the spot, my snatch leaving behind a deluge of my feminine nectar as I screeched and threw my head back.

Our orgasms carried on long enough that I kept grinding on her leg, completely unaware of the passage of time. She milked the top two teats on her udder that I hadn't touched yet while bending down to swallow her last few shots of spooge.

At some point, my body stopped and I just looked down at her. A large puddle of milk that was mixing with droplets of her jizz was soaking into the fur on her side and my knees. She milked the two upper teats I hadn't made it to yet, her pussy clenching around me as she did so. Her groans and grunts of satisfaction as she relieved the pressure kept my cock half-hard inside her.

Rubbing the smooth flesh of her udder, now much less bulbous looking since it was no longer taught with milk, she looked at me and smiled. It was a lazy, comfortable smile that gave me warm tingles.

I leaned down and hugged her side, enjoying the feeling of her massive tits against my arm and her heavyset, thick body.

"Wow, it felt so good to release that sexual tension." She ran her fingers through my hair. "I'm so glad I found another herm to play with who's almost a good girl."

I cooed and nuzzled her side, but then I realized she'd said "almost" and grimaced.

Grabbing my hair she moved my head so she was looking me in the eye.  "Since you didn't cum inside me like I asked, I'm gonna stuff you with my dick and make you cum all over your face." She slid off my cock and then rolled onto her back. "But first, you're gonna taste the milk I saved for you."

My tail wagged, brushing against the base of a massive stage speaker laying on its side. Biting my lip, my eyes begged her to keep playing with me.

As she put my face against her upper left teat, I moaned, feeling her soft udder flesh against my sensitive canine nose. Then I started sucking obediently while stroking the bit of her dick that was still out of her sheath. At first, I wasn't sure how to suck on a teat, but I soon used my tongue to help squeeze at the base and mimic the milking motion. That worked really well and my tail wagged even harder as I drank it down. Her milk was like a toasted toffee protein shake: thick, delicious, and satisfying. She played with her tits wetting the top of my head with squirts of milk from her nipples as she thrust gently into my paw-padded hand and her shaft spilled out of her sheath rapidly. After I'd had over a cup of her milk, that teat stopped providing it and I switched to the other one.

When there was no more milk to drink, her prick was quite hard and she pushed my face against it. "Lick."

I licked her shaft, moaning and quivering as my pussy dripped my wetness onto the floor.

After I licked at her cum hole and tasted her pre, her strong hands grabbed me under my arms and lifted me right off the floor. She tossed me onto my back on top of the giant stage speaker and spread my legs. Her prick wasn't fully hard, but she put her flare at my entrance and popped in anyway. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my snatch stretch to accommodate her girth.

"My god you're wet." She kept her thrusts small, only using the first third of her dick.

With each of those thrusts, her shaft got bigger and harder. My prick was doing the same and she stroked it as it pushed out of its sheath. When her prick reached full mast and mine only had a bit more to go, she gave me two-thirds of hers in one big push.

I screamed, my cunt wet and stretchy enough to engulf her length without much resistance. When she popped her medial ring inside me, it hit right against my clit. As I came, she railed me so hard our tits flailed wildly and my snatch quivered from the movement of her medial ring and flared cock head.

Yipping and screeching, I held my head. My boobs flailed while my balls bounced against the bottom of her udder, which wasn't as much in the way now that it wasn't full of milk. One of her hands held my hip while the other toyed with my boobs, which were growing bigger along with my prick. My extreme arousal was causing the tingle of magic to flow through me and my tits were soon nearly as big as hers while my prick was pushing up past her udder.

Once it reached a size that rivaled her horsecock, my shaft got harder and more sensitive, finally ready to make a mess.

She took notice of my dick, pulling it up against her udder so whenever I thrust my hips, I felt its satiny, smooth warmth rub against the sensitive bumps on the underside of my shaft. Just feeling her udder against my dick got me to yip in delight and she started making tiny hard thrusts that let me grind against her all I liked. I went into a frenzy, precum streaming down my shaft as I ground against her.

Finding my silken tunnel was now nicely stretched, She went even harder, thumping my ass with her apple-sized balls. I was intimidated by how much power she could put into such short thrusts. It was like being bred by a demigod.

I could feel her flare getting a bit larger as her prick reached a level of hardness that added a bit of girth. Putting my hands on the rise in my belly from her titanic shaft, I felt her flare and medial ring. Knowing she was so close to flooding my depths with her seed, my whole body throbbed.

One of her hands massaged my ridges and kept my cock against her udder while the other slicked up my swelling double knot with my pre. As she fondled my knots, she picked up her pace. A surge of white hot pleasure radiated out from behind my balls, my well-pummeled clit, and the depths of my snatch.

"Time to prove you're a good girl after all and CUM!" She grabbed behind my knot as her shaft twitched inside me, getting ready to blow.

I saw a flash, like I was staring into the bright, kaleidoscopic light of the lantern that transformed me. My dick lurched while my pussy came around her, milking her shaft for all it was worth. Her flare got huge as gush after gush of her thick spunk made my belly swell. After the third gush, the pressure inside me caused her mess to leak out around her cock, splashing her crotch.

Yelping and shrieking like a banshee, I fired my first volley at the ceiling, hitting the AC vent and sprinkling us, and our surroundings, with pearly white rain.

She immediately grabbed my dick and shoved it into my mouth. "Ngh! There's expensive equipment in here." Her explanation was delivered between moans and soft moos as she continued to fill me.

My seed was delicious, like maple syrup with a hint of lemon, and I drank it down happily, my tail whapping Clarissa's legs as it wagged. Something about swallowing my own cum while she watched was extremely satisfying. By the time my length stopped lurching, I was quite full.

When it was all said and done, I was just looking into her eyes adoringly, my dick still in my mouth because she had a firm grip on my hair and she hadn't told me to stop.

She returned my adoring look, a gorgeous smile on her muzzle that curled up sharply at the ends. "See? I knew you were a good girl."

My tail waged again.

Letting go of my hair, she slowly scritched the underside of my muzzle. My right leg started to move as if to scratch it. It's like she knew my instincts better than I did. "Such an adorable, disappearing tiger-dragon-fox-doggie." She sounded like a pet owner talking to their prize-winning show dog.

When she stopped scritching me it took me a while to come back to the present moment and when I did, I was overflowing with gratitude, and all the cum she'd put in me. "Clarissa, you turned one of the most terrifying nights in my life into one of the best I've had. Thank you so much for looking out for me." As I spoke, my voice quivered. I didn't know much about Clarissa, but I was totally falling for her.

"You're welcome!" She booped my nose.

I squealed excitedly.

"My God, you're definitely running fox software."

I laughed. "So, what now?"

"I get a mop and clean up cow creamer lake while you wet some paper towels and carefully go after your cum rain." Holding onto me to steady herself, she reached for something with her hoof. "But first, I'm gonna sop up the cum I put in, and around, you."

"My threesome also made a mess." I blushed.

"True, but the mop should take care of that too." She grabbed the blouse from my maid outfit off of her hoof. "Sorry, but this was what was closest." She put it right under her shaft as she pulled out of me.

"Wait, I have to wear--"

"Bup-bup. You're already wearing my cum, dear." As her medial ring popped out, I felt a bunch of her jizz flow out of me and then even more as she extracted her flare.

I gasped, feeling her cock slip out of me and then squirmed at the idea of her making me wear her cum on my clothes.

Looking down at her dick, she chuckled. "I wish I could've stayed in longer, you fit like a glove."

"I wish I could've knotted you." I bit my lip as I sat up, my prick slapping my belly as I did so.

"The night's still young, Fiona."

I squeaked as my dick and pussy twitched.

"Being well-endowed herms is the best damn thing there is. Physical exhaustion is the only thing in our way." She used my maid top, my skirt, and then my bra and panties to sop up all the cum that had gotten on my crotch, her crotch, her front, the stage speaker, and the floor. Then she handed me my cum-soaked clothes. "Get dressed so you can go grab some paper towels. I'll find a mop."

I tried to get off the speaker, but my legs were so wobbly she had to catch me. My entire body was warm, like if I'd had a big gulp cup full of hot cocoa. If I didn't have evidence to the contrary, I would've thought my head was floating above the floor.

"Maybe you should just stay here and try to get dressed. I'll go find the stuff we need."

She went over to her clothes and carefully stretched her cow-spotted shirt over her upper half, not bothering with her bra because it was way too small now. Once she squeezed into her shirt, it looked like a crop top and was exposing her udder. The overalls she'd been wearing were clinging to her comically as if they were an overall catsuit and weren't meant for someone with balls that were each a handful.

Tossing my bra off to the side along with my ripped panties, I got ready to put on my frilly French maid top. "Are you sure you don't want to transform back?"

"Yes." She walked toward the door carefully and then swore as a seam popped.

I laughed.

"What about you? Are you sure you don't want to change back?"

"There's no way I'll be able to calm down enough to do that right now."

"Even more reason to get you training." She went into the hallway, making sure to close the door behind her.

Because my clothes were frilly and stretchy, I managed to get them on without destroying them. But then I noticed my prick was holding up my skirt at a forty-five degree angle and the tip was visible. I blushed so hard my ears ached. The smell of her cum was making me tingle all over and it was soaking into my fur through my clothes. I was gonna smell like her for hours at this rate and her scent made my dick reluctant to go back into its home.

She came back with a mop bucket and wet paper towels. As she went about mopping, I tried to step away from the stage speaker. My legs twitched instead of moving the way I wanted them to.

"Are you gonna help?" She raised one of her cute cow ears.

"My legs are like wet cardboard tubes."

"Have you ever thrusted that much before in one night?"

"No, never." I bit my lip as my tail curled between my legs.

"Let me guess, you weren't all that sexual until you became a herm." She wrung out the mop and then went after the last third of the milk puddle.

"Yeah, I didn't even know I liked girls."

"How old are you?"


"Well, you're ahead of me. I didn't know I wanted to be a herm until I was twenty-six. A year later, I got my penile-preserving vaginoplasty. I found out about Maria's farm only four months later. At first, I felt like I'd thrown away a lot of money on that surgery, but it worked out." Having mopped up the mess on the floor, she went over and turned on more lights. Then she started cleaning up my cum which was splattered here and there.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Thirty one." She got a drop of cum that was on the front of a bright red MIDI keyboard.

"I hope I'm as confident as you by the time I'm your age."

"Oh, you'll get there, just keep getting to know yourself." She cleaned up another spot and then walked over to me while grabbing my phone out of a pocket on her overalls. "If you can't help clean up, make arrangements to visit the farm tomorrow." She handed it to me.

"Tomorrow?" My eyes widened. "I don't think I have enough vacation time to--"

"Call out sick for a week. You have to learn how to control your power better or you'll be having a really bad time." As she spoke, she got a few more droplets of my spunk.

"I wouldn't have a job when I got back."

"You'll be fine." She threw away the wads of paper towel she'd used. "I'll use one of Maria's connections to get you a fake doctor's note."

"O-okay." I unlocked my phone and saw a text message from Nikki.

Clarissa rolled the mop bucket to the door. "Be right back." She left the room.

I replied to Nikki telling her I'd be out of town for a while and then I sent a text to Maria to tell her about what happened.

When Clarissa came back into the room, the seams on her overalls' thighs looked like they were ready  to give up. "Can you walk now?"

I took a step and wobbled again. "I think I need a few more minutes to rest."

"Poor thing." She came over to me. "Time to prove I'm a better fireman than the one you just boinked." Leaning over, she put one arm between my legs and got my torso over her shoulders while pulling my arm across to grab my leg.

As I was lifted off the ground with her barely even grunting, my tail wagged. She'd done a perfect fireman's carry like it was no big deal. And I was blushing madly because I could feel all the cum in my clothes soaking into her shirt.

"Wanna come to my place? If we have sex again, I'll do all the work, I promise." She chuckled.

"Yes to both!" My tail was whipping back and forth now. Clarissa was the woman I wanted to be someday and she was taking me home with her.

Clarissa carried me out of the club, her clothing somehow hanging in there. As she walked past the bar, I saw many eyes on her bulge and and even more on her udder. That made me feel even more proud to be over her shoulders. Sure, not everyone seemed pleased with what they saw, but their looks didn't seem to phase her at all. Someday, I hoped, that would be me. Someday I'd be able to be myself without shame. Maybe just live in my transformed state without having to actively control myself to avoid making a scene or worrying constantly whether my ideal body was offending someone.

I continued to feast on the looks she and I got as she brought me to the stairs and then walked up them with me still over her shoulders. A couple of her seams popped and I had to pull my legs in a bit, but we made it to the top. As we went through the doors and stepped outside, my tail started wagging again. People were gasping, pointing, and blinking. All eyes were on us, and for the first time in my life, I very much wanted to be seen.

Craning her neck to look at me, Clarissa grinned. "See how jealous they are? They know I'm bringing home the prettiest girl at the dance."

I giggled. "You flatterer."

"It's the truth." She strutted toward her place like she owned the whole neon-lit street.



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