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(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)      
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)      
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)

In some random back room Fiona stumbled into, a hot couple is about to get it on. Fiona's a bit of a mess from her horrifying experience being intangible and needs some comfort. While she's being comforted, hands wander and things get pretty stiff. After some tension relief, Fiona realizes she has no idea where her clothes are and the way she gets them back leads to a lot more fun and answers to some important questions.

Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 2
-> Substantive Threesome
by Zmeydros
(Edited by WolfJacobs and UBA)

There were heavy-duty black storage bins, spare speakers, lighting rigs, smoke machines, spare mike stands, rolled-up cables, keyboards, and various specialized sound equipment on gray metal shelves that went up to the ten-foot-high ceiling. I was in an open space next to a giant subwoofer and across from me was the couple I'd been behind in line. They were half dressed and looking at me with less fear than I thought made sense. Something was off about them, a familiar sort of off, though.

"Dang, that molly we dropped is hitting hard." The guy's thin white tank top was pulled almost all the way up, exposing his toned pecs and his attractive bit of weight around the middle.

"Either that or the world's most realistic fursuit." His punk woman date had her bra off and her fishbone-embroidered vest open, showing off two very round breasts. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"F-Fiona." I sniffled, tears still streaking down my cheeks.

The guy looked happy, but there was concern in his eyes as he got up and moved toward me. "Are you okay?"

"Not really. I think I nearly just died." I sniffled and shivered as I tried to hold back tears.

"Want hugs?" He got down next to me and held out his arms.

"Please?" I was just barely hanging on.

He wrapped me in his strong arms and I immediately started bawling.

His date came over the moment I started crying and she hugged us both. Their bare chests felt so reassuring and I cried harder simply because I'd never had strangers be this nice to me. Sure, they were on molly, but their concern still felt genuine. I let it all out, all the frustration, fear, and anxiety, and they just held me from both sides.

When I'd quieted down a bit, the woman stroked my head. "Your fur is so soft."

He pet my tail. "It's plush as hell."

They were now both petting me, feeling my fur in a very drug-addled way. It was kinda adorable, actually. I was like a sensory buffet for them. The guy giggled when he tried to touch my pointy canine ears and they flicked away from his finger. He started playing a game where he was trying to find exactly how much pressure caused my ears to move away from his fingers.

He was so focused that he was biting his tongue like a cat trying to catch a laser pointer dot and I couldn't help but laugh. It was so adorable.

"So, you're a hybrid?" The woman felt along my side, almost going for my right boob, but deciding against it when her hand touched where my boob connected to my side.

"Yep." I hoped they didn't ask me to elaborate because I had no idea what to tell them. The paperwork I'd signed at the farm strongly suggested I didn't offer too many details when people saw me in my transformed state. I was supposed to just say I got rare full-body plastic surgery done. They even had paperwork that had just enough detail to make it believable.

"What's your fitness routine?" The woman felt the firm muscles under the tiny bit of fat on my belly.

"Just being regular at the gym." I bit my lip as she touched my belly. Her hand wasn't anywhere near my cock, but blood was rushing down there nonetheless.

"I wish it was that easy for me." She admired my thigh with her hand, putting pressure on the muscles there. "I don't think I'll ever be this cuddleable and ripped at the same time."

"Don't be jealous, Nikki. Just because you take estrogen doesn't mean you can't gain more muscle. It just takes time to figure out the right routine." Paul cupped my ass letting out a sigh as he dragged the tips of his fingers through my fur.

"You can't blame me for being jealous when I'm right next to a gorgeous woman like Fiona, here." Nikki hugged me tight, pressing her entire front against my back.

Nikki's package smooshed against my tail. As I realized she had a package, my cock tip pressed out of my sheath. I gasped, feeling a rush of arousal from being between them and euphoria from being in my gorgeous herm body. I moaned, my pussy twitching with excitement.

Leaning on his elbow, he looked behind me at his girlfriend. "Can we play with her, Nikki? If she wants us to?"

"Definitely." Nikki rubbed my belly, moving her hand down toward my crotch. "So, how do you feel about playing with us?"

"Oh yes, please," I said as another inch of my prick came out.

Nikki stopped her hand just short of my sheath. "Are you good with trans men and women?"

"I'm pansexual and I want to experience all the things." I sounded more desperate than I wanted to.

"You heard her, Paul, it's time to take your pants off." Nikki grabbed my cock. "My God, she's got so much texture."

"She's so hot, I can't even." Paul pulled away from me and unbuttoned his pants before taking off his tank top. Then he pulled off his pants and boxers and where I expected to see his junk was a pussy with a rather large clit dick from the testosterone he was taking. Curiosity and horniness brought my hand down to inspect him and he tilted his hips toward me. I found wet pussy lips and as his prick hardened against my fingers, I marveled at how much it reminded me of a dick.

"This is amazing." I stroked his shaft as the ridges and soft barbs of my cock popped free of my sheath.

"Haah!" He thrust into my fingers. "Nikki, her paw pads feel so good!"

"You can't wait to get her fantasy dildo of a cock in you, I bet." Nikki spread my pre over my dick, encouraging it to come out further while grinding her quickly-hardening prick against my tail. "You're such a slut."

Paul and I moaned as if she'd said it to both of us.

"Oh ho! Did I score two sluts for the price of one?" Nikki sounded very pleased.

We both said, "Yes!"

Nikki let go of me and pulled off her clothes quickly before reaching between my legs and finding my muff. "Both parts, you're something else, girl."

"Fuck, she has both?" Paul shivered.

"Yep, I heard some hybrids are like that." Nikki got my wetness all over her fingers as she pressed her hard prick against my tail.

Paul hefted my balls for a moment. "Geeze, these are like tennis balls."

"Just imagine how much she cums." Nikki helped him fondle my balls.

"NGH!" I squirmed between them, feeling like a cast iron pan that had been tossed into a five hundred degree oven. My prick hardened as my abdomen ached with horniness.

Paul reached behind my balls and felt up my snatch. "Oh wow!"

He pulled his hand away and licked off his fingers before diving between my legs to lick at my pussy, my huge balls pressing against his face. I yelped and quaked as Nikki stroked me relentlessly, teasing the uninflated double-knot at the base periodically. This went on for a good couple minutes, him taking the time to suck on my clit before he took my cock into his mouth, sucking on it greedily. She seamlessly moved her hand back to my pussy, rubbing at it and dipping her fingers into it. I moaned louder and louder until I was starting to get close.

She grabbed his shoulder. "No getting her off before I'm inside her and she's inside you."

He obediently moved so he was back up to where my hand could get at his cunt. I trembled and gasped, only to squeak when Paul sucked on my left nipple. As he flicked his tongue and teased my sensitive flesh, he humped against my hand, getting so slippery down there that my fingers were easily entering his hot needy flesh. He switched nipples and kept sucking so exuberantly that my snatch was soon as wet as his.

Nikki pulled her hand away. "Lift your leg and tilt your hips toward me."

I did so and she grunted as she shoved her length into me from behind. There was so little resistance from how stretchy my passage was that she hilted herself in me with one long push, her breasts bouncing against my back as she did so. I let out a long, satisfied sigh at feeling her just go for it. Her length wasn't huge but it was hard and it was thick enough for me to thoroughly enjoy being stuffed with it.

Without missing a beat, she smacked Paul's ass. "Ride her cock. I know that's what you want, slut."

Paul moved further up my front and looked into my eyes as he grabbed my shaft with one hand and guided it into his silky tunnel. As he took me in, he rolled his hips almost like he was belly dancing. This teased the ridges and bumps on my cock so much that I was gasping and fidgeting as he went. His strong hands grabbed my shoulders and he kissed all over my muzzle while pressing his pecs against my breasts. The kissing soon took precedence over everything else as he became fascinated by French kissing my muzzle. It was as fun as it was hot. My prick was at least a foot long at this point and after he'd buried half of my shaft in him, I kept expecting him to stop, but he was unrelenting.

Eventually, between kisses, I said, "You don't have to take all of it."

"Don't worry, he's a size king. I think you two have. that. in. common." Nikki grabbed my hips and punctuated her teasing with delightful jabs into me. "Your pussy can take everything I've got!" She used her long, toned legs to go even harder, making my snatch send waves of bliss through me.

My tail wagged when she teased me and then the end of it curled when she went at it even harder. Paul's body was so well muscled that when he wasn't flexing there was a unique, reassuring softness. When he flexed those muscles to grab and caress me, I felt like I was bedding a wild animal that could eviscerate me on a whim. All that power was being used to give me the best possible experience, like the way his silken inner walls were worshiping my dick, offering just the right amount of tightness to accompany my thrusts. Meanwhile, she had pert breasts and that wonderful feminine softness that came along with estrogen. Her cock was a perfect contrast to the rest of her, slamming into my depths while hard as could be.

I grabbed his ass and started thrusting harder, loving the feeling of his huge testosterone-enlarged clit cock dragging against my prick as we fucked.

He looked into my eyes sheepishly after struggling to get the last third of my prick inside. "You're so damn big."

"I told you that you didn't have to take it all for a reason." I grinned, euphoric pride welling up in me.

"You've taken things as big as her, just take a deep breath and relax." She reached across me and stroked his side before reaching between us and grabbing my left breast. Putting her mouth right next to my ear, she spoke in a low, growly voice. "I want those knots inside him, you hear me?"

Something about her voice, her confident dominance, made me growl and get horny tingles all over. The moment I felt him relax, I pulled his hips toward me, stretching him open.

"Yes! Yes! RRRRAAAAAAH!" He cried out as his cunt stretched wider.

My cock had two knots stacked right on top of each other with a small cleft between them. I thrust harder than I intended to, stuffing the first in and then the second in quick succession. He grabbed onto me, threw his head back, and came hard, grinding his two-inch shaft against the base of my sheath as his depths twitched wildly. I tried to last, I really did, but he was gyrating so much that my uninflated knots were giving me orgasmic pleasure. My knots swelled, my shaft pulsed, and I dug my blunt claws into his ass as my prick surged inside him.

"That double-knot is so fucking good! I'm gonna--" He cried out again, cumming right on top of his other orgasm as my knots reached full size inside him. The feeling of his shaft twitching against me as his depths milked me was amazing.

"You two aren't gonna cum without me!" She pounded me so hard she shook both of us and then grunted on the last one. "I don't have a knot, but I can do this!" As her dick lurched inside me, she made quick little thrusts.

Right as my prick started filling Paul, my pussy convulsed along Nikki's shaft. Being filled with cum while filling someone else, I lost my mind: as I yipped and yowled and screeched, my whole body thrashed, including my tail, which made her sputter a bit because it was thumping her in the face. Having a full herm orgasm between two lovers like this was like being thrown into the collision chamber of an erotic particle accelerator.

My herm parts were sending out such intense pleasure that I felt like my entire body was pulsing along with them, making every part of me an erogenous zone. Just feeling my breasts bounce against his chest was making me moan louder. Then there was the way she was continuing to thrust and gasp even as her hot jizz splashed inside me over and over. Feeling her lap smack against my ass was like icing on a piece of cake that was already half icing.

It was several minutes before we all caught our breaths. Hugging him against me, I nuzzled his cheek and wagged my tail. "You two were incredible!"

"Not as incredible as you." He gave me a kiss with his head turned to the side, continuing his exploration of kissing someone with a muzzle.

She bit my neck and then asked. "Are you local?"

"Yeah." My tail wagged.

After moving my tail so it wasn't in her face, she reached for something I couldn't see. Then she moved to get her other arm free and unlocked her cellphone. "What's your number?"

I gave it to her.

After typing a bit, she tossed her phone back on her clothes. "You should have a text from me."

"Cool, when I find my phone I'll text you back." My shoulders tensed as I realized I had no idea where my stuff was. "Could you two do me a favor before you leave the club?"

"Sure!" Paul bounced on my knots excitedly as he spoke.

I gasped. "I need you to find a woman in a cow costume who's got a big nose ring and ear tags. She's got all my stuff and we got separated during the party."

* * * * *

In the fifteen minutes or so I waited for them to come back, I had euphoric flashbacks of the sex I'd just had with them. At first, I just ignored my herm parts, trying to relax enough that I could change back to my human form. It was going to be plenty awkward when she arrived and I wanted to limit the number of variables. My body had other plans, though. My cock was soon fully hard and aching while my pussy twitched and drooled Nikki's cum. Even thinking back to the terrifying experience of becoming insubstantial couldn't keep my libido in check.

One hand wrapped around my cock while the other found my pussy. Fingering and stroking, I moaned and shuddered, trying to get off fast before my cowgirl showed up again. Minutes later, I was still going and feeling kinda lonely. It was silly, but I'd masturbated alone so much in the past that there was something empty about it. Not all the time, but I had my moods.

When the cow woman came through the door, I was squeezing my shaft between my breasts while thrusting the end into my mouth.

"I've got your--Heck." Her thick body, hefty tits, curly hair, and dark-but-freckly skin was as gorgeous as ever. Statues probably got erections if she hung around them too long. She bit her lip as she stared at my towering length and her hand tightened around my clothes.

Pulling my maw off my prick, and very ineptly hiding myself with my hands, I looked up at her. "Sorry, just have a huge libido in this form."

"I can see that." She tilted her head. "That dick makes me think you have a bit of dragon in you."

"It's exactly what I wanted." I felt like I was lying by omission at first, but I realized I was doing the best I could without spilling the beans.

"Maria does very good work." She walked over and set my clothes down near me.

"You know Maria?" One of my ears folded down in confusion.

"Quite well. She mentioned you were new and might need someone with similar experiences to talk to. I haven't been spying, not that I'd need to with you glowing like a neon sign." She sat down next to me on the floor and put her arm over my shoulders. "Name's Clarissa by the way."

"You're like me?" I raised an eyebrow, my heart speeding up in my chest.

"In a few ways. I've been hit by the light of that lantern, for one." Clarissa smelled really good, like a field full of clover.

"So you weren't surprised when you saw me transform and then disappear? You certainly seemed surprised." Pre was just streaming down the front of my dick.

"Oh, I was very surprised. I didn't expect you to be this powerful or hot. That phasing through matter ability you have is something else."

My eyes widened and my neck muscles got tight. "Wait, H-how did you know I'd be here?"

"I was supposed to call to check in on you next week, but Maria sent me a text right after you told her you were going to this rave, asking me to be here in case you transformed accidentally or something and caused a scene. She didn't have time to give me much in the way of details, but the moment you got here, I felt a strong aura on the dancefloor and suspected it might be you. When you started transforming, it confirmed you were the girl I was looking for." Clarissa's eyes followed the river of pre that was gradually soaking my balls as her scent got heavier.

"My aura?" One of my ears folded down.

"Anything touched by magic has an aura. People can learn to hide them, but someone new like you? With my acute senses you stand out like a ten foot tall sunflower in the middle of someone's lawn."

"Does that put me in danger?"

"Not with me and Maria looking out for you." Her confidence was infectious. I felt safer just being in the same room with her.

"Is my phasing through matter thing dangerous?" My jaw clenched as I remembered the sickening feeling of passing through people on the dance floor.

"Honestly, I don't know anything about the risk to you for sure, but it would be really counterproductive for the lantern to grant gifts if they were deadly to the user. Not to say there's zero risk, but that can be mitigated by getting proper training."

"Is it dangerous to the things, or people, I pass through?" I braced myself for bad news.

"Oh, they're all fine, you didn't even disrupt their auras." She rubbed my back to calm me. "Take a deep breath, relax. If you harmed people or objects with your gift, we'd be having a very different discussion. One where I'd be posing immediate training as mandatory. But as things are, we can take our time, get to know each other's tastes." With her free hand, she gathered some of the pre on my dick and then licked it up. "Mmm!"

I gasped from the feeling of her hand running across the bumps on the underside of my shaft and then blushed so hard it felt like I'd been hit by a sunbeam. It took me a few seconds to remember where we were in the conversation. "I'd love to get some training because right now I'd rather never experience what I just went through again." I grimaced.

She sniffed the air. "A threesome?"

"Hey!" My blush was burning now.

"Sorry, couldn't resist." She chuckled. "What did you go through?"

Explaining my ordeal kinda killed the sexy mood, but the fact that she listened and actually thought about what I was saying was so damn helpful. Especially with how confident and determined she was.

"I remember when I first discovered my gift. It was terrifying because I managed to trap myself with it and I didn't know how to get out. It took a month of training before I was sure that wouldn't happen again. Your gift appears to be more straightforward, so I have a feeling you might get a handle on it in a week or two." She grabbed the base of my tail and squeezed. "You sure you want to know more about all this right now? Your scent is telling me that your body wants you to finish what you started."

I gasped, my crotch tingling. "You're so forward."

She moved her hand off my tail. "Was that a complaint?"

"No, I love it, there's just so much I don't know." I fondled her ass. "What's your gift?"

"I make mazes, it's complicated." Letting go of my side, she repositioned herself in front of me. "You probably have a thousand questions about how it works, but I'd rather show you later because that'll answer most of them." Her free hand rubbed my thigh as she spoke, gradually moving toward my package.

I suddenly remembered how sexy she was while that pent up feeling in my balls returned. Trying to keep the conversation on track, I realized I had another question. "Huh, I was just thinking it's odd that there's training for our gifts when it seems like the lantern gives out random ones."

"Oh, that's easy. All you need is someone who's well versed in magic, a caster, to help you learn to control it. I'd qualify, but my interests mostly center around my own gift, so we should arrange for you to spend a week at the farm." Her hand rubbed my sheath in little circles. "We need a change in topic. Ever since I saw you giving yourself a titfuck, my blood has been rushing everywhere except my brain."

"Ngh!" My cock tip poked into her palm almost instantly as I blushed. "Just one more question. I'm assuming they had no idea whether I'd develop a gift when they sent me home?"

"Yep, less than thirty percent of people get one that's powerful enough they need help. And out of them, maybe one percent have something as dramatic as what you and I have." She reached under my balls and rubbed at my pussy lips, letting the tips of her fingers slip a tiny bit into me.

I moaned and arched my back. "What happens if someone can't learn to control their gift? Is there a way to remove it?"

"That's two questions. I'm cutting you off after this one. Yes, there's a way to remove it, but I encourage you to learn more about yours before you make a decision. It's very likely it won't kill you and the benefits tend to be huge." She stroked my prick when she said the word, "huge."

I gasped and thrust into her hand, my cock spilling out of its sheath at an alarming rate. "So, first step is for me to figure out another trip to the farm?"

"Nope, the first step is for you to get fully hard." She took my cock into her mouth and pressed three fingers into my snatch.

"Haaah!" I grabbed hold of her head, reflexively trying to slow her down. I'd been prepared for her idle teasing, but her mouth suddenly sucking my dick? I felt like someone had just floored the accelerator after turning onto a residential street.

Wrapping her hands around the shaft, she stroked as she bobbed her head on my dick faster, her tongue doing an excellent job at stimulating the bumps that ran down the underside.

As my prick got to full mast, she pulled her mouth off of me and I pred on my chest, right between my boobs. "You want to do it right here?"

"Right now." Clarissa pulled off her cow-patterened long-sleeve-T and her bra, letting her massive tits fall free. It looked like she had teats for nipples, at least they were long enough it looked like one could easily milk them. Pulling down her boxers, she revealed a slightly-below-average cock and a snatch behind it that was puffy, but had no inner labia. She had no balls. "I got a penile-preserving vaginoplasty before I went to Maria's farm."

I moaned, stroking my prick, so horny I couldn't form words.

"Pretty hot, huh? Just wait until I transform." Her nose flattened against her face while her prick thickened, a sac started forming in front of her pussy, and Hereford cow fur spread across her belly. White on her front, reddish brown when it reached her sides and back. Laying on her right side, she lifted her upper leg, offering me my first chance at trying the scissor position. "What are you waiting for? Me to transform all the way? Soft jazz to start playing? Let's get it on!"


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)       
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)       
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)


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