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After two weeks of waiting, Pink Fawxxx's brand new equine package is finally able to respond to her desires. Just touching it is giving her orgasmic pleasure. She wants to give in and just blast her incredible load, but she's promised her viewers that they'd see her first time getting off with her cock. Will she tap out early and cum when she doesn't mean to or will she hold out and make a massive mess that will impress her subscribers?

This story is meant to go with the attached animation by UBA.

Pink Fawxxx's First Herm Cam Show
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and UBA)

The lights were finally set, coming at me from either side of the small cube of my recently-purchased 3D camera which was sitting on a tripod at chest level. A featureless dark blue curtain was hanging on the back wall of the dining room portion of my kitchen. Behind the camera, against the cabinets, my foldable orange table was finally leaning without having its feet slip on the laminated wood-like floor. Today, after a couple weeks of waiting, my newly modified body was finally ready for my first livestream and there was only one thing left to do.

Actors often had to go over lines, pianists had to warm up their hands doing exercises, and herm pornstars like myself had to get our blood running hot. One of the perks with my particular business was that I could record my “warm ups” and share them with my higher tier subscribers, it was a win-win in my books.

Turning on the camera and then walking in front of it, I said. "Pink Fawx here from the little dining room attached to my kitchen. Your behind the scenes access means you're about to see me get hard for the first time." Using my implant to control the tripod and camera, I zoomed in on my dick, saying, "And since I know your eyes are gonna be down here first, let's talk about my dick. Yes, I'm a fox with a horsecock that's already massive in its flaccid state. This is by design because I'm proud to be a horse-hung herm." I tilted the camera back up and zoomed out for a full body shot. "I'm about to record the teaser for my porn business. You probably saw it the moment you got to my page. Well, now you get to watch me try to get myself hard for the first time so I can record that teaser."

Moving my hands sensuously down my belly, I fondled my light-pink-furred balls with my left hand and lightly rubbed at my thick flaccid cock with the other. "Oooh fuck! I've--haaah--only had my dick for two weeks and today's the first day it's been responding to the rest of my body. "

I reached under my balls and started rubbing at my clit. Since I was already excited, my dick started straightening immediately while my medial ring and flare gained more definition. Pre started dribbling out and soon there was enough for me to use it as lube to jack myself off with. I asked for that extra pre feature and it was already proving to be very handy. "Fuck this thing is gorgeous and--Ngh!--just the way it's throbbing is sending shivers through me. I can feel my skin stretching there. It's so intense." It felt so good, but I wanted more, so I stuffed fingers in my pussy, hooking them over my clit.

"Fuck! The shaft's already five inches long. I can feel it pulsing through the wall of my snatch. There were so many times over the last two weeks that I felt like I should be getting hard, but my dick didn't react. It was so frustrating, but what I'm feeling now makes it all worth it!"

The feeling of my big balls sitting atop my hand as I fingered myself was taking my breath away. I'd felt it before, but with my prick getting aroused, my balls were way more sensitive. I could feel both sides of the interaction clearly now, the warmth of my paw pads against my sac, the satiny warm fur brushing against my paw pads, and weighty resistance from my balls pushing back. I moaned and gasped in front of the camera, knowing others were looking at my dick with as much wonder as I was feeling.

As my thick horsecock neared its full eight inches, my flare became beautifully defined. I wrapped my hand around my shaft and moaned sharply as pleasure hit me like a ten ton truck.

"This feels so good, so amazing! It feels like a giant clit, but powerful and sexy and--" My dick started throbbing powerfully as my pussy clenched around my fingers. "Oh shit! I can't cum yet, I gotta do the shoot." There was this burning just behind my balls and up against the front wall of my pussy as my prostate tried to squirt out my load. I grit my teeth and took deep breaths while clenching the muscles at the base. Pre drooled from the tip and then a few gobs of cum. I tugged my fingers out of my pussy and caught the bit of cum before licking it up. "Mmm, tastes like creamy toffee and strawberries, just like I'd hoped. And woo! I just stopped my first orgasm with this thing which means I'll cum extra hard on the livestream.'" I winked at the camera.

"Okay, gotta practice my little dance number next," I said, getting into position with my back to the camera. The whole point of this dance was to rock my hips back and forth, but the moment I tried it, I gasped and nearly fell over. I laughed and looked back at the camera. "My pussy's too sensitive for me to concentrate, so I guess you'll have to stare at my balls while I finger myself."

Bending forward, I lifted my tail and shoved three fingers in. Then I moaned and murred and yipped as I worked my pussy nice and hard. My prick just raged between my legs as I did so and as I kept going, I stared at its flat equine head. God that thing was hot and it felt so right twitching in front of me and it was so damn big. Watching it bounce and feeling my balls swing between my legs as I went at it put me over the edge in under a minute. I howled in pleasure, clenching around my fingers as my snatch gushed. My prick nearly went off again, but I managed to hold back.

"Oof, I needed that," I said before pulling my fingers out and turning so I could lick them off in front of the camera. "Now, let's try that little dance again."

I started with my arms out and swayed my hips back and forth as I brought my arms down to my sides. Then I gyrated my hips and tail back and forth quickly. After that, I did a quick turn to the side, firing a confident grin at the camera as I showed off my breasts and my eight-inch hard-on.

"And that's the end of my first behind the scenes video! I'm going to take a look at the footage and see if I nailed it or I need to reshoot. Hope you enjoyed your daily dose of girldick!"

I shut off the camera and then watched the video, staying hard through two more shoots of that same little five second dance sequence. The third one turned out the best because my timing was just about perfect. Using a video editor, I cut it out and cleaned it up a bit. The way I'd set up my lights, I'd purposefully made it so there were two shadows cast on the blue backdrop. Using my video editing software, I made one of the shadows brighten the background instead of darken it creating this playful effect that really polished the final product. After that, I slapped my logo on it and uploaded it before adding it to the beginning of the behind-the-scenes video. Editing the behind-the-scenes video didn't take much because those videos were supposed to be simple and in a more raw format.

I grabbed the self-inflating queen mattress I bought to use in my videos and laid it out on the dining room floor; before pressing the button to get it on its way from shriveled flat composite-reinforced-plastic thing to a bed.

Lowering and tilting the lights on their tripods and then bringing the camera down to around the right level was followed by me making dinner. It was just a simple strawberry, sim-chicken, and asian citrus dressing salad affair that I threw together based on a recipe a friend had sent me. Until I added some garlic bread croutons, I wasn't all that into it. But after adding them? I loved it. Eating something light wasn't just for my health, my rambunctious libido had taught me that sex was rather serious exercise and having a heavy meal in my stomach slowed me down.

The inflatable bed was ready and I only had to adjust the camera and lighting slightly before everything was set, which was good because it was only a few minutes until my livestream. Those minutes practically evaporated as I made last-minute adjustments to the gain on the microphone and angle of the video camera. Then I started the livestream and counted down from five as my brand new intro played.

"Hi everyone!" I looked at the viewer count, finding I was already over three hundred. "Wow, there's a lot of you tonight. Thanks so much for joining!" I gave the camera a thumbs up. "In just a couple minutes, y'all will get to see me cum for the first time with this sexy beast" I hefted my sac and flapped my flaccid member around playfully.

The livestream chat was full of things like: "I want to put my face there, hummina hummina, and it's so big already, just how big does that thing get?"

"Oh my, you are a rowdy bunch. Y’all are gonna make me blush!." I giggled while feigning bashfulness. "Can't wait until y'all see me at full mast." I started rubbing at my prick, gasping and groaning as it hardened. My eyes drifted to the chat and I caught a tiny discussion. "No, she's a herm, she has both parts...Really? I just joined because I saw her teaser posted online today...I wanna see!"

“For all our curious newcomers,” I repositioned myself so that my legs were off the side of the bed and I spread them, lifting my balls. "See? I really do have both. For all of you that are seeing your first herm pornstar, welcome and thanks for supporting me!"

"FUCK YES!...Her pussy is so cute :D...Those balls tho...Is she getting hard just from showing off her pussy?...My God she's hot!"

Those comments got me to moan and shove my fingers inside myself while gripping my dick and pumping it. The rush of being watched as my prick throbbed in my hand was like rolling down a steep hill on a bike. "NGH! I love being on display!" Everyone could see that I was finally a horse-hung fox herm, something I'd wanted for myself ever since high school. My whole body was shivering as I felt more exposed than ever before. I couldn't stop my hips from bucking or my fingers from thrusting in faster and faster. My moans were so loud I was worrying about my audio levels, but my hands were on autopilot. I couldn't stop stroking and I desperately wanted to cum.

When I was fully hard, I showed my dick off to my thirsty viewers, pointing it straight up and then tilting it toward the camera. The responses were perfection: "Is-is that thing over seven inches long?...I wanna suck it...Never would have thought about a fox hybrid having a horsecock, but now it's my favorite...At first, I thought there's no way that she was actually giving us her first time with that monster. Now I believe it. Just listen to those moans!...Is she going to cum already?"

The knowledge that it would be better for my business if I held off longer just wasn't enough and as I felt my cock flare and my balls burn with ecstasy, I couldn't hold back. As the orgasm hit, I kicked the tripod with the camera and it fell over. My chest tightened and I yelped, so startled that both me and my body forgot what I was doing. I'd meant to lay mostly sideways to the camera, but them asking about my pussy had gotten me to be in a position I hadn't planned for.

The stream chat went wild. "Nononono! Did we miss it?...Tragedy strikes...Oh no!..Fuck!...WHY!?...Oh, the Hermanity!"

I laughed at that last one as I picked the camera back up. "Well, the good news is that the falling camera r startled me so much I didn't cum. The bad news is that I need to get back into the stroking zone." As I made sure the camera was pointing in the right direction, I said, "One thing’s for sure, my new horse mod produces so much pre that lube is practically a non-issue. I can’t wait to test this out while dicking someone with this thing!"

The chat went wild with lewd offers from my fans and I replied, "I'm planning on fucking some of you through events that you can sign up for at higher tiers, so hang on to those lewd thoughts."

This got them even more excited and I just let them simmer for a half minute while I laid on my back on the bed with my right side to the camera. Then I started stroking and gasping, feeling beautiful. Instead of trying to finger myself, I just rubbed my clit in circles. This helped me focus more on the sensations from my prick and my groans got deeper and more breathy as I just went for it. Knowing I was being watched made everything more vivid and exciting. Now that it was about to explode, my dick was harder than ever and I could feel the veins, the smooth texture of my shaft, and my medial ring so clearly. I slammed my hips forward, shoving my cock viciously into my grip while imagining someone straddling me and taking me inside them. My pussy started convulsing. That burning behind my balls and just in front of my pussy became an inferno of pleasure and everything around it burst into ecstasy as my tip flared and my prick pulsed.

"HoooOOOOH! FUCK! I--I'm CUMMING!" I stuttered out as I bent in on myself, desperate to taste my first load.

A delicious jet of cum hit me right in the nose and mouth hard. Having it better aimed, I got all of the second shot in my mouth as I howled in delight.

It was good I could read the chat using my implant, because I was far too occupied to read a screen. "She shoots so hard!...Her flare is huge!...I want a taste...Ngh! She's still rubbing her clit and I'm wishing I was a herm...I wanna know what that feels like...Is she gonna hog it all, or will she save some for us?"

That last comment got me to aim my third shot toward the camera, but instead of missing by a little bit like I planned, I hit it directly and obscured their view! "Damnit!" I said as I kept cumming, not thinking about where my jizz was going.

"Hot!...Oh noes!...How is she still cumming?...Just how much cum does she have in there?...Wish I could see, but don't mind the reason I can't...Hottest. Pornstream. Ever."

Every rope of spooge that erupted from my prick came along with a full body clench. This was beyond my wildest dreams for both the amount of cum and the fantastic sensation of it. I could feel it in my toes and I was completely immobilized other than my hips, which were writhing atop the bed as I kept fondling my cock. I got cum all over my fur, all over my bed, and I even got some on the backdrop. During all this, my pussy came two more times. Having a cock felt so right and so amazing and touching it only made the sensations from my snatch feel richer.

I'd lost count of how many shots my dick had fired by the time it was over. For a good thirty seconds, I was silent and practically comatose. I didn't even have the wherewithal to laugh at the comments on my chat speculating as to whether I'd died from the strength of my orgasm.

Still laying unmoving on the bed, I said, "Just wait until y'all see the mess I made. When I asked them to make me as productive as they could, I didn't think they'd go this far."

I sat up on the bed and swung my legs over the side. Then I licked my cum off the camera with my tongue before wiping it off with a tissue. It was water resistant for a reason. Once I was back in view, I let them see the seven places I'd splattered cum on myself. "If I came much more, I'd be a white fox instead of a pink one."

I got lots of laughter in response. Detaching the camera from the tripod, I showed them the cum on the bed, the cum on the backdrop, and the cum that had gone up over my head and landed on the floor.

"It's like a war zone...Me on December first...Wish I could help her clean up...Want to ride her so bad!...Glorious...Impressive...She's like a herm bukkake factory."

"Herm bukkake factory, I love the sound of that." I put the camera back on the tripod and sat in front of it before licking some cum off of my arm. As some of my spooge dripped off my right tit, I said, "I think that does it for my first stream. There's going to be a lot more of me, so I hope all you hermlovers are ready for it. Peace out!" I shut off the camera and laid back on my bed, taking some time to enjoy the afterglow before I had to wash up.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!
