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Sarahvixen is continuing the Elara and Sarah shenanigans into a kink I haven't played with much yet. Enjoy our newest collaborative effort!

It’s dinner and a movie, the staple date, and Sarah isn’t expecting anything too crazy to happen. But when Elara finds out about one of her kinks, the bunny will drag the fox along onto a night of sizzling passion and forbidden thrills.

A Pet's Night Out
by Sarahvixen
(Edited by Zmeydros)

I was running around the house, trying to find the right dress for tonight’s date and couldn’t decide what to grab. Something casual and simple? Something slinky and sexy? Something in between? This was supposed to be simple, dinner and a movie, but sitting in the dark next to each other led to so many ideas in my mind that it was hard to pick exactly what to wear.

Luckily, I had already picked out my underwear, or rather my lingerie. Lacy, shimmery, red that stood out from my light cream fur, it was certainly meant for a special occasion. The bra lifted and pressed my breasts together, making my cleavage stand out. The panties were so thin they didn’t really hide my balls or sheath, and they were skimpy enough that the tip of my sheath was poking over the top anyway. These were clothes I was hoping would wow Elara when my dress came off. Though, I’d have to pick a dress to take off first.

I had narrowed down the options to three choices when there was a knock on the door. I jumped because I hadn’t been expecting Elara this early. She was normally late, something that happened because she could get easily distracted and often took on too many responsibilities. I grabbed my robe, throwing it on as I moved toward the front door of my apartment.

“Hey hun, I’m really sorry, I’m not quite done yet.” I said, letting Elara inside. It looked like she had gone more casual, a long flowing skirt to cover her sheath, and a simple lilac t-shirt that clearly showed she wasn’t wearing a bra under it. The shirt said “Warning: Contents under pressure” in black text with smaller text saying “Emergency Relief Valve” and an arrow pointing down toward her crotch. Now I felt a bit silly for worrying so much about my outfit, but I still wanted to dress a bit nicer than usual.

I went back to my room, hanging up the dresses I had picked out. They were obviously overdressing for this date and a nice blouse and skirt combo would be fine. As I was digging through the freestanding hanger in my room, Elara followed me in and started going through my closet. I wasn’t too concerned, we constantly looked at each other’s clothes and commented on our fashion choices.

“Okay, what do you think of this blouse with this skirt?” I asked, holding them up as I turned around. I didn’t expect to see her there, holding a black, leather leash as she looked at me.

“So, what is this for?” she asked, holding it up. I didn’t know what to say, I had forgotten that it was hung up in my closet. I didn’t have any pets, my landlord wouldn’t allow them, so that excuse was right out the window.

“Well, you see…” I paused, realizing I had zero reason to cover it up. She would understand, and even if she didn’t, she would never judge me for it. “Okay, it’s for me. I have a collar that goes with it and sometimes I just… like to wear them, pretend someone is gonna… oh geez.” I paused, blushing as I just started to stammer and her eyes were just locked on me with an unflinching stare.

I was just about to start squirming when she turned around and rummaged through my closet. Then, she pulled out my little black dress and tossed it to me. “Oh, I know exactly what leashes are for. If you want me to use yours as intended, put this on.”

I was left staring at the dress, stunned into silence. This was my party dress, my going to a club dress, when I needed something that was simple, but easy to accessorize and showed off my figure. In other words, it was a dress I almost never wore. I’d simply been told that every woman NEEDED a little black dress, and this was mine.

Elara sauntered toward me, acting suddenly much more sultry than she had a moment before. When she was standing right in front of me, she reached up and grabbed my chin before gently pulling me down to her level so she could look me right in the eye.

“While you’re putting that on, tell me where your collar is.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, I felt like a deer caught in a camera flash. I just lifted my hand and pointed to my bedside table, then took the dress and started to slip it on. I could hear her rummaging through the drawer before a jingle of metal told me that she had found it. As I was zipping up the dress, she came up behind me and helped pull it up the rest of the way. Then, she slipped the collar around my neck.

“Want to be my good pet tonight?”

I blushed again, my fluffy fox ears flattening against my head. I figured we weren’t going to the movie after all. “Oh yes please.” I said eagerly, nodding my head.

She buckled the collar and gave me a kiss on the nose before hooking the leash onto the front ring. “Good girl. Now, grab your purse, we’ve got 20 minutes to get to the theater.”

I froze up again, but a tug on my leash got me moving. “Wait, we’re going out like this?”

She gave me a smile that was pure sugar and sent a tingle up my spine. “Yep. How else am I supposed to show off how good a girl my pet girlfriend is.”

My tail started to wag behind me and I didn’t even try to answer. My brain was pretty much overloaded right now anyway. I snatched up my purse, pulled on my strappy high heels and sauntered out the front door with Elara leading me by my leash. She even told me to stay when she put me in the passenger seat. It was quite a bit more than I ever expected, and I found myself hugging my tail on the drive over.

Pulling up to the theater was the moment of truth. Elara looked at me and held me with that intense look again. “Last chance, pet. We can take off the collar, go to the movies, have a wonderful time and try something less intense later on. It’s up to you.”

I paused for a moment. I didn’t think she would be happy with a snap decision, so I considered it and really took the time to think it over. But, even just thinking about stopping this here, letting it be nothing but a quick game that we laughed about later left me feeling regret. I wouldn’t do this to myself again, I wouldn’t let my timidity and my overthinking get in the way of doing something fun. I mustered up as much confidence as I could before returning Elara's gaze.

“Let’s go make them all jealous of you for having such a good pet.”

Elara was beaming, then her expression became more mischievous, her eyes narrowing and her grin getting wider. “Good girl. Now stay while I open the door.”

I shivered again at her calling me a good girl. It still hadn’t become normal and I kinda hoped it wouldn’t. It felt so damn good when she called me that. Then the door opened and she grabbed the leash. With one last deep breath to calm my nerves, I stepped out.

The walk through the parking lot was easy. Not many people there and it was empty enough between the rows of cars that it was very unlikely someone would just glance our way and see what was going on. No, the real hard part was when we got into line. Waiting there, surrounded by people in other lines, all waiting for tickets, I felt the first real twinges of apprehension. Then I felt Elara’s hand, petting down my hair, stroking in a soothing pattern and I relaxed. That’s right, she was here with me, this wasn’t about them, this was about me and her and having fun together.

Surprisingly few people seemed to notice as we got closer and closer to the window. Most of them were looking up at the marquee, trying to pick the best show time or make a last minute decision on which movie to see. With Elara petting my hair, I didn’t spend much energy looking around, mostly just staring forward with a serene expression. It was actually so comfortable I started murring, just basking in the moment.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a few people sparing glances, but I was surprised to realize that some of them were more embarrassed to be caught staring at me than I was to be seen. The nervous tightness in my chest that I had felt since getting out of the car was slowly starting to loosen, right up until we got to the front of the line. Behind the window was a human teenager. He looked bored right up until we approached. Once again, Elara stepped up.

While she was ordering the tickets, the teen kept glancing back at me. It was obvious he was curious, or at the very least slightly confused. I blushed at first, but then seeing him keep glancing back over and over, I couldn’t help but feel a bit cheeky. After he handed Elara the tickets, I paused a moment to wink at him and give him the peace sign with my tongue sticking out. I knew it was a bit childish, but I was feeling playful.

I suddenly staggered forward when Elara gave my leash a gentle tug. It hadn’t been a hard pull in the least, but I was distracted and wearing high heels, and that was enough to throw me off balance for a brief moment. Elara propped me up with her thick dragon tail pressed against my sternum.

“Now now pet, don’t bother these nice people.”

I blushed and sputtered, but she just placed a finger against my mouth and silenced me on the spot. God damn, her confidence and presence alone made my knees weak. I followed obediently behind her as she took me into the theater. We slid into our seats, about halfway up and we just sat there, watching the previews as she held my leash. I settled in a little, thinking that she wasn't going to be doing as much during the movie itself.

The movie was alright, kind of a generic action comedy. The plot wasn’t that great, but the actors were fun and some of the jokes landed pretty well with me. At one particularly daring point, I suddenly felt something press on the inside of my thigh. I instinctively clenched my thighs together, but it wiggled and pressed a bit further. I realized it was Elara’s tail and I looked over at her. She wasn’t even looking at me, just watching the movie, pretending she wasn't doing anything at all, while snaking her tail closer and closer to my panties.

I wiggled a bit, biting my lip, but then her tail got to my panties and the tip started to stroke over my slit. In the process, she also caressed the bottom of my balls, and I couldn't help but let out a moan. Suddenly I felt a tug on my leash as I was pulled closer to Elara.

“Quiet pet, no moaning during the movie.” she whispered in my ear, making sure no one can hear her but me. Her face wasn’t completely clear in the dim light, but I swear I could see an evil smirk there as her tail pressed again, stroking between my legs even harder.

I leaned back into my chair, pressing my thighs together, trying to do anything to lessen her ability to tease me, but that only drew out my torture. Her tail continued to squirm and press against me, pushing my panties into my cleft slightly and leaving them soaked with my juices. At one point, I was forced to bite my arm to keep from squealing as she managed to make the lacy fabric drag directly across my clit. After just under an hour of this, she finally withdrew her tail only to slide the tip up to my mouth. I could smell my arousal coating her fur and when she prodded my lips I knew exactly what I had to do.

I managed to suck and lick her tail clean just before the movie ended. Elara took me directly to the family restroom afterward so we had some privacy. I didn’t even have time to wonder exactly what was going through her mind before she turned around and smiled at me. “Did you enjoy the movie pet?”

I smiled back at her. “I was a bit distracted, I don’t really remember much.”

Her grin got bigger, and she held out her hand toward me.

“Panties, now.”

I was slightly stunned, but I still managed to object. “But why? We still have dinner later.”

She smiled and made a ‘give it here’ gesture with her fingers. “Exactly, and no pet of mine is going to parade around in dirty panties.”

I blushed and my panties were in her hand before I had too much time to think about it. She wrapped them in a bundle of paper towels before tucking them into her purse, then led me out of the restroom. I could feel the cool, air-conditioned air against my pussy, which was still wet from her earlier teasing, and it made me shiver as I walked behind her. More people were in the theater now that it was later and even more of them stared at me as we walked past. A few scoffed, but some looked like they were blushing or even transfixed by the sight.

Getting to the car was only a relief because Elara had to focus more on driving than teasing me. Not that she didn’t do both. Every red light, she reached into the plunge neckline of my dress and teased my nipples. By the time we got to the restaurant, my nipples were hard enough to be seen through my bra and dress both. Waiting for her to let me out of the car was the closest thing I had to relief as the cool night air washing over me and right up my dress didn’t help me calm down in the slightest.

By the time we had gotten inside, I was barely thinking about why we were here. Elara’s casual teasing had gotten me in a needy heat that was slowly eating up whatever rational thoughts I had left. When Elara asked for a table for two, the host, a taller, elegant horsegirl, only gave us a raised eyebrow before taking us to a table. A few of the other diners spared a second glance at us before going back to their food. Luckily, this was a rather upscale restaurant, so there weren’t any children around.

We were brought to a smaller, round table near the center of the restaurant, with a squat candle inside a faceted glass dish and a long, cream-colored tablecloth that hung almost all the way to the floor. Elara led me to a seat.

“Sit!” I tucked my legs under the tablecloth as Elara sat me down. I was blushing, practically melting in my seat.

“Stay!” was the next command. Elara threaded the leash through the back of the chair and unclipped it for a brief moment, drawing the clip through the hand loop before reclipping it. She had effectively tied me to the chair, much like one would with a dog that you didn’t want running off.

“Good girl!” Elara’s praise made me blush even more.

I was biting my lip and fidgeting by the time the waiter came up. He was a lanky ferret, dressed quite well with a button down white shirt and a black apron around his waist.

“Can I start you with something to drink… ladies?.” He asked, pausing only a moment when he saw the collar around my neck and the leash tying me to the chair. He looked over at Elara, who smiled coyly and replied for me.

“Just two waters for us, please. I need a little more time to look over the menu.”

The waiter looked at me and I just nodded softly, not saying anything before he walked off. I let out a small sigh of relief. I wasn’t sure if the waiter was going to make a comment or not, so it was nice that he was willing to just let it go.

Next, I turned to grin at Elara. “Am I going to be allowed to pick my own meal, or would you like to do that too?”

Elara returned my grin with a smug grin of her own. “You can pick what you want, but just know I’ll be expecting something in return, pet.”

I didn’t even ask what she meant by that. Given how the rest of the night had gone, I had no doubt she had something sexy in mind. I didn’t notice that her hands had disappeared for a few minutes as I looked over the menu. The chicken parmesan was calling out to me, even if it wasn’t fancy or exotic.

It wasn’t until the waiter had brought our water and taken our orders that I finally felt it. Something warm and soft was gently bumping my leg under the table. At first I thought Elara was playing footsies with me, which would have been a bit uninspired but still fun. When she suddenly shifted her chair to be even closer to me, I felt that warm thing land in my lap. I suddenly realized it was her cock. She had been teasing and stroking herself under the tablecloth and now was big enough to flop that monster right in my lap.

When I looked at Elara, she just smiled back and said “I told you I’d require something from you. I expect you to keep petting it all night, and when you need to use both hands to eat, I expect it to be pressed up against your cock.”

“Well that won’t be hard NOW,” I said, blushing since my cock has pressed its way out of my panties and is making a tent in my dress.

“Seems you can't resist getting hard when your mistress does and that makes you a very good pet. Show me how much you love my dick while we wait for our food and you have both hands free.

I stuck my hands under the tablecloth and tried to look as nonchalant as I could. But stroking that cock without any reaction was a hard ask from the beginning. It was so damn big, hell it felt bigger than usual, and my brain kept reminding me how good it felt when it was inside me. I had to pull my dress off my own shaft quickly to make sure I didn’t have any stains. I ran my hands up and down her shaft, feeling every bump, tracing every vein. It was such a magnificent cock, sometimes I felt like I didn’t deserve someone as amazing as the girl that came with it.

When the food finally came, I tucked her cock against mine as I slowly cut the chicken into manageable pieces. Feeling her throb against me was enough to make me moan softly, and her sly grin was so adorable. This was quickly becoming the best night of my life and I couldn’t imagine how it could get better. Once all the chicken was cut, I quickly put down my knife and put one hand under the table to continue petting and stroking Elara’s shaft. I swear I could hear her precum hitting the carpeted floor under the table and for a brief moment I felt bad for the crew that would have to clean that up.

Dinner passed slowly this way, but soon my plate was clean. I didn’t stop petting though, I was having far too much fun. Elara looked like she was having fun too, though she was doing a pretty good job of keeping her face straight. When she leaned over and wrapped her arm around me, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I heard a faint jingle of my collar, and then a click as she undid my leash.

“Now my gorgeous pet, you’re gonna have to drink my mess so that it doesn't get all over the floor.” she whispered in my ear. I shivered again as she continued. “When I say so, I want you on your knees under the table putting your mouth to work. Drink every drop and you'll get a big reward.”

It only took a few seconds of glancing around the room to make sure no one was looking directly at us before she gave me the command and I slid under the table quickly. I was immediately transfixed by her cock, it was long and dark in color, with a lovely medial ring halfway down and the sexiest flared head I ever could have imagined. I loved sucking her off, even though there was almost zero chance I could fit all of her in my muzzle. One of these days I was going to figure out how to fit all of her down my throat.

I started licking and sucking on the tip, cleaning up some of the precum that was still streaming from her throbbing head. The tangy flavor of alfalfa with a touch of honey flooded my senses, easily washing away the taste of dinner. I kept stroking with two hands now, trying to get her to cum and fill my mouth. Fortunately, my earlier stroking and teasing was about to pay off.

I started with teasing and licking, but Elara took things into her own hands, literally. She reached under the table and gripped my hair, pulling my mouth onto her shaft. She started to rock me back and forth, her cock shoving into my maw before pulling back only just far enough for me to lick the tip. I was trying not to whimper or moan as she used my face for her pleasure. It was amazing and her precum was pouring over my tongue in no time. I could feel her flare expand on my tongue and I braced myself for her seed. She came right down my throat and I gulped it down as fast as I could. I heard her cough as she came, but I paid it no mind until she suddenly let go of my hair.

As I was swallowing, I heard a familiar voice from over the table. “And how was your food tonight, ma’am?”

I nearly choked on the last shot of cum; it was the waiter and of course he had walked up just as Elara was emptying her balls right down my throat.

Elara herself was panting softly, but managed to answer in an even voice. “It was delicious, I had a wonderful meal. I was lucky that my girlfriend really stroked my appetite.”

I rolled my eyes at that. It wasn’t even the proper use of the phrase. I didn’t have time to think too much about that though as Elara’s tail suddenly wrapped itself around my cock. It started stroking up and down, forcing me to press her flare further into my mouth to muffle my moans. If the waiter was thrown off by what Elara said, I couldn’t hear it in his voice. “And where is your companion? I hope she also enjoyed her meal.”

“Oh, she went to the restroom. I’m hoping she comes soon.”

I nearly moaned, feeling my shaft leak pre. I was already hard and throbbing from a full night of teasing. At this rate I was going to cum fast, but I just had to hold out until the waiter left.

“Will you be wanting any dessert tonight?”

“Oh no, thank you so much, but I know my girlfriend is quite stuffed. I doubt she could swallow another mouthful.”

I was squirming, trying to hold out, but my cock was twitching and streaming precum onto her tail and I could feel my prostate burning. I was going to cum any second. I was mentally begging the waiter to just leave.

“Before you go, I have a question. What was the cheese blend in the chicken parmesan? My girlfriend just couldn’t stop licking… the plate.”

Somewhere around the word ‘cheese’ Elara wrapped her tail around the base of my cock, right behind the knot and squeezed. I shoved more of her shaft down my muzzle to keep the sound of my squealing to a minimum, but even so a squeak got out. I was too busy cumming to notice though, my whole body trembling as my willpower shattered like fine china.

“We use a five cheese blend of mozzarella, parmesan, romano, provolone, and manchego.”

“Ah, no wonder it looked so thick and creamy, though it might be too salty for me. Thank you very much.”

“Very well, I’ll be right back with your check, thank you for dining with us tonight and I hope you’ll be returning again soon.

I don’t know if the waiter heard any of it, all I remember is huffing through my nostrils around Elara’s shaft. She suddenly pulled her cock out of my mouth, only to replace it with her tail, which was covered in my cum. I cleaned it off lovingly, enjoying one last meal of cum, this one with faint undertones of vanilla and a strong tang of toasted cinnamon.

When her hand appeared under the tablecloth and gave me a ‘come here’ gesture, I figured that meant the coast was clear. I slipped out from under the table and sat somewhat limply in my chair. Elara had a soft, content look on her face, looking just like she had finished a satisfying meal, not fed an extra one to me.

“Did he notice?” I asked, trying not to be too loud. There wasn’t anyone sitting directly next to us, but I didn’t want to risk it anyway.

“If he did, he has a fantastic poker face. He's going to get a big tip.”

“Yeah, I shouldn’t be the only one to get a big tip tonight.”

My attempt at humor was met with a small smile. “I think you enjoyed yours more, my pet.”

My attempt to joke back was interrupted when the waiter brought the check. I was so nervous that I wasn’t sure if the smile he gave me was a normal one or a knowing one. Either way, Elara was right, he did deserve a nice tip for his hard work.

As we left the restaurant, the cooler night air felt great blowing through my fur. My whole body felt heated as we walked, my nethers in particular. My cock had been taken care of, but my pussy was still aching and horny from all the teasing earlier in the night. I squirmed a bit as Elara sat me down in the car. My pussy lips were sliding against one another as I wiggled, my dress had a wet spot on the inside lining.

As we drove home, I was gazing out the window, thinking. I’m sure Elara intended to fuck me nice and hard there, but for some reason I wanted more. Suddenly, we passed a park. My brain just seemed to connect all the dots at once and I planted my hands on the window. “Pull over!”

I could see Elara’s reflection turn toward me in the window, full of concern, but she did as I asked, pulling over and parking. “What’s wrong hun? Did I do something wrong tonight?”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong, it was incredible, but I just thought of one way to make it better. Please let me out of the car.”

I stayed firm in my role as the pet, waiting patiently as she got out and opened the door. She barely grabbed my leash as I bolted out the door, giggling as I almost dragged her behind me. I pulled her into the park, away from the road on a well-maintained bike path lined with benches. I looked for a bench that was in a good spot and pulled her to it before climbing onto the seat with my knees and leaning over the back of it, raising my tail.

“Please, I can’t wait until we get home, please fuck me, please fuck your good pet.”

She was shocked for only a moment before she grinned and pulled her skirt down to let her half hard shaft slip out. “Well, since you were such a good girl tonight, I guess you deserve a reward.”

I started whimpering and wiggling my rear back and forth. She yanked up my dress, even taking the time to pull my tail out of its hole so it wouldn’t be pulled back down even by accident. I was wet and aching back there and the rush of cool air against my soaked labia just made me yelp in surprise and arousal. Fuck this was so hot, being fucked in the open like this. I knew it was late enough it was very unlikely someone would come by and see us, but still, it was a thrill.

Suddenly, she grabbed my thighs and twisted me so that I ended up sitting on the bench. I was a bit confused until she started lifting my dress even higher, pulling it up over my head before tossing it aside onto the bench. She then grabbed my bra and pulled it up over my breasts, letting them hang free while leaving the bra on. I was about to ask what was happening when she leaned in and wrapped her mouth around one of my nipples, making me moan instead. She nibbled her front teeth on my nipple carefully, flicking my piercings with her tongue in just the right way to make me thrash.

The cool air blowing across my body was making me squirm. It was especially noticeable on my cock and pussy, both of which were throbbing and aroused. I had been soaking the fur between my thighs practically all night and now that was coming back around as the breeze made that area tingle with the cooling effect. When Elara switched nipples, the one she had been sucking instantly went hard as the saliva cooled. Feeling her warm tongue and the cold air at the same time was such a contrast, I could barely keep up with all the sensations washing across my body.

Elara started kissing down my body, leaving my other nipple wet and hard. I moaned and thrashed as she kissed and nibbled along my belly, my hips, my thighs. She gave one long lick to a patch of wet fur near my pussy, then avoided it completely to take my whole cock in her mouth. I arched my back and gasped, not expecting this at all. I didn’t think I could want her to fuck me more than when I hopped up on the bench, but Elara was quickly proving me wrong.

She slowly pulled off my cock, leaving it wet in the night air to tingle and throb. Then she grabbed my thighs and flipped me over again, putting me back into the same position as before, but now with even less clothes. Fuck, I wanted her so badly; after the night she had given me, I needed this. When she pressed her blunt flare against my lips, I squealed and pushed my hips back, trying to get her in faster. It was so warm against my tingling, cold quim. It felt like she knew I would shove back against her though and was careful not to push in too quickly. Slowly, carefully, she spread my cunt, before, with a satisfying squelch, she got her flare inside me. I moaned as she finally popped in, wanting her to just press into me faster. I got my wish as she started shoving deeper.

She knew what I could take now, and she eased her way in, working her massive horse cock into my body with the finesse of a surgeon. I felt four inches, eight inches, twelve inches slowly disappear into me. I was moaning and begging her for more. When she hit all eighteen inches inside me, it settled into place like it belonged there and I let out a cry of bliss. It felt bigger than ever and I didn’t even want to think about how it all fit.

“Oh fuck, hun yes oh God it feels so good, I love how you fill me up!”

She smiled and tugged on my leash, making me press my rear even tighter against her hips and making me squeal from feeling her shaft press even deeper in me. “I love filling you up, you fit me perfectly, it’s like you were made for my cock!

I nodded affirmatively, unable to form words as she started to pull back before giving quick thrusts back in. Every time she did that, any thoughts just vanished, popping like soap bubbles as her cock stirred my insides. Fuck yes, I needed this so badly, I was so happy I didn’t wait until I got home. Then I felt the tip of her tail slide past my thighs and wrap around the base of my cock again.

“I bet you enjoyed cumming like a good girl right under the table at the restaurant, only a thin cloth hiding you.” She pulled on my leash, tugging my head up so she could whisper in my ear, fucking me more roughly while her tail stroked me to full hardness. “But we both know you wanted to be seen, didn’t you?”

“Nooooo,” I moaned out, but my body betrayed my lie, my pussy clenching around her shaft and my cock jumping in her tail.

“Good pets don’t lie, hun. We both know you wanted to be seen being a good girl while sucking mistress's cock.. You don't honestly think anyone would've missed your squeak as you made a mess all over my tail and your dress do you? I bet you came even harder at the thought of him hearing you.”

I didn’t bother to say no this time, the way I shoved myself onto Elara’s cock while my dick was throbbing gave away how I felt about it.

“And you were the one that asked me to stop at a public park so you could be fucked out in the open where anyone could walk by and see your butt rippling every time I slam into you your big bouncing breasts…” she leaned down and whispered in my ear for this one. “And watch your cock cum all over the park bench.”

My eyes rolled back in their sockets as I squealed loudly, my whole body shivering and clenching. I was going to cum, oh fuck I was going to cum right out in the open.

“Even if they don’t see it tonight, they’ll see your puddle of cum all over the bench tomorrow morning and they’ll know exactly what happened here last night.”

That sent me flying over the edge. I screamed as my cunt clenched around her shaft, milking it and throbbing as my cock fired ropes of cum all over the bench. It wasn’t much, due to cumming back at the restaurant, but it was enough. Elara thrusted more as I came, neighing as she started to cum in me. She avoided shoving her knot in me, filling me with seed only to let it ooze out from around her cock and splatter onto the ground and the bench as she continued to shove into me over and over again. I knew nothing could hide what we had done out here and that just made it hotter.

It felt like an eternity before my body calmed down, my breath coming in gasps and shuddering moans. I was barely holding myself up on the bench and when Elara started to pull out of me I nearly tipped over. She caught me in her arms, gently laying me down next to my dress, avoiding the puddle of cum we had made together. She licked my pussy, cleaning off some of the cum splattered around it with her long dragon tongue, then knelt down next to me, gently petting my hair and telling me what a good girl I was. She reached up and undid the collar, removing it from my neck as I floated in the afterglow, murring as my body slowly returned to my control. My first action was kissing Elara full on the lips.

“I love you so much, hun. Thank you for such a wonderful night.”

She smiled back at me. “You’re very welcome, my vivacious vixen.”


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


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