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Rose has been waiting for you to wake up. It's a wonder you didn't hear the little vibrating bullet she's taped so that it's sitting right on her clit. Not only does she need you inside her, she needs something to put her giant herm dick in once she fully transforms. Are you up to the task?

Stuffed by Your Herm Werewolf Lover
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

Morning light has found its way through a crack in your blinds, but that's not what woke you up. What woke you up are little gasping noises, twitchy movements, and an incessant buzzing. As you open your eyes to see what's going on, you see a form on all fours on the bed. After wiping your eyes, you realize it's Rose, your girlfriend with a bullet vibrator taped to her clit.

"Ngh! I've been holding my wolfiness back for twenty minutes and now I can finally let go," Rose says as her back cracks and her tailbone pushes out. Her torso widens as all of her gets bigger. White fur sprouts to cover her buttocks and legs while her face pushes out into a muzzle and her breasts hang heavier.

You gasp, watching her transform faster than ever.

"Stop staring and fuck me!" she growls.

You scramble onto your knees and get behind her, slowly pulling the tape off before tossing the vibrator to the side. The moment you press your dick against her pussy, she shoves backwards, plunging your cock into her hot, needy folds. Her pussy is so wet that you feel a cool breeze every time she pulls part-way off your dick.

"RRRGH!" Her jaw bones crack as her muzzle quickly gets past the half-way point and fur spreads up her back. Her tail pushes out, starting to brush your belly. "GRRab me! Fondle me! Fuck me!"

Placing one hand on her breast and the other on her crotch, you feel her clit reach out from her body, becoming a canine shaft. As that shaft moves forward a bit, a new clit buds off of the base of it. She grinds against you as you toy with her new clit only to end up rubbing her ball sac as it forms. You move your hips faster, wanting to hear her moan even louder. Her prick pushes past five inches long as balls pop into her sac, giving you more to grope. Tugging on her balls, you get her to yip in ecstasy. Meanwhile her tail is now long enough to hook around your side and is wonderfully fluffy. Her ears point and elongate as her muzzle finishes coming in.

After gaining a foot, she's now six feet tall and still going. The muscles under her fur are becoming more defined and she's slamming back against you hard enough that her balls are smacking yours. Neither of you can speak with how much physical effort you're putting in.

Her heavy balls feel so damn good in your hand as they swell larger than plums. You love how they hang, how they sway as you rut her. Also swaying are her large tits that started off as little more than a handful and are now easy to squeeze and dig your fingers into. The plush fur spreading across her chest is making feeling her up even more pleasing. All of her is getting larger and she's having to spread her legs wider and wider apart to keep her snatch at the right height.

"Stroke my cock!" she commands.

Her prick is massive, cresting a foot long as you wrap your hand around it. It's so thick that your fingers can't fully encircle it. She starts thrusting into your hand, getting her pre all over your fingers. This thrusting changes your rhythm, which sets her off.

"CUM INSIDE NOW!" She cries out as her pussy milks your dick.

Doing as you're told, you slam home. Then your dick pulses from the base to the tip as you tip over the edge. Jizz spurts out of your dick as she presses back against you, howling in delight. As your orgasm makes every part of you warm, you grab her round the middle to stay steady. She rocks her hips until you've given her everything.

Her dick doesn't go off during all this, so you're not surprised when she pulls off of you and then says, "Face down, tail up!"

You blush and quiver as you do so, your spent cock tingling and dripping cum onto the bed as your body gets ready for another round. The pop of a lube bottle and her fingers on your opening only increases your neediness. Then you hear a schlick, schlick, schlick as she lubes up her humongous canine erection.

"Mmm, you look like you need to be bred badly, dear," she says as the tapered tip of her prick starts spreading you open.

Each of your moans eggs her on and she's got a few inches in you before she slows down. You're so much smaller than her and you're having to stretch wide to fit her. Your ears burn from the pleasure and overwhelming sense of fullness as she gets to the halfway point. She stops and pulls almost all the way out and you whine from feeling empty, words completely failing you. She shoves back in fiercely, stuffing you with over two-thirds of her shaft. You dig your fingers into the sheets, moaning so hard your voice cracks. Even though it feels like she's going to break you, you want more and she knows it. Her hips work her shaft in and out, getting in deeper with every thrust until her uninflated knot pops in and her balls meet yours.

She growls as she grips your shoulders and pulls halfway out. Then she shoves back in. "Mmm, you're so wonderfully tight," she says before repeating the motion over and over.

You gasp and groan as she works you open, making it so you can take harder and harder thrusts. Your prick springs to life, the immense pleasure from your passage preparing you to go off again. Then her paw-padded hand grips your dick and starts stroking in time with her thrusts. She increases the pace until it's a constant thumping against your backside. Red hot lust floods your body, making you feel feverish. Then her knot starts popping in and out and you're screaming from the jolts of bliss shooting through you. Her prick is harder than ever, on the edge of exploding inside you. Meanwhile, your dick is leaking pre and she's stroking it like mad.

"RRR! You're MINE!" she growls, slamming forward. Popping her knot in you one last time, her cock thunders inside you.

As hot ropes of her jizz coat your inner walls, your entire body freezes up and you gasp. The orgasm hits so hard you feel lightheaded and can't do anything but screech. Then you lose your load into the sheets, your dick lurching in her grasp as she strokes it lovingly. You start thrusting your hips along with your spurts, feeling her knot pull at you. Moaning and squirming, you cry out, completely beside yourself as your belly swells from the combination of her dick and all that cum she's put in you. You've never felt this full and wonder just how pent up she was.

Then your body feels heavy. You're completely spent and offer no resistance as she rolls you onto your side, spooning you from behind.

Into your ear, she whispers, "That was perfection. Exactly what I'd been hoping for." She kisses the top of your head.

Her breasts are on either side of your head and you feel like the world's smallest spoon. You sigh before telling her that it was exactly what you needed too.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Tiliquain, and Warialinth, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


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