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I'm doing great and I'm excited about what I've got cooking!

Ramda Dakimakura - Wondering what on earth happened to Furrydakimakura's plans to make Ramda available, I checked in with them and found out that they got everything ready but just forgot to tell me they were ready to launch this week. They said all they needed a short description for her daki page, so I wrote:

When Ramda’s not commanding a starship, she’s busy with her fitness routine. This makes sure she’s soft and hard in all the right places. She’s used to being top dog, but she’ll roll over if you ask nicely.

Remiel's Enlightenment - After re-reading the first 10 chapters and making a ton of notes, I've gotten chapter 11's draft all done including the sex scene with Aeidou and Mei, the dragon-tailed tiger that won the last Remiel vote!  The chapter should be out later this week.  

More New Year's Presents - There's a few more on the way and I have a feeling y'all will really like them. :D One of them is a project that won the vote a few months ago and I finally caught the artist when they were open for commissions.

Your New Name (Interactive TF Story) - I've been doing some worldbuilding and other preliminary stuff so I can set up a vote for y'all in February. You'll get to choose the first species that is included in this interactive story.

Here's the description of this interactive story from when y'all voted for it:
As you enter the Fey forest, you introduce yourself to a beautiful herm centaur. Not knowing the danger, you give your name when you introduce yourself. Suddenly unable to remember your name and wanting it back, you chase the centaur deeper into the woods.

The whole time she refuses to call you by your original name. Instead, she calls you by a new name, a name that feels more like it belongs to you more every time she uses it. And each time you hear it, you take on animal traits as your gender changes. 

Eventually you're a herm like her and don't need your old name. Because the forest is your home now and you've found your true self.

Can expand this idea to include M to F and F to M easily. I'd just start with herm being the endpoint.

What are you the most excited about? Vote for as many as you like!


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