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This draft may be fully complete already. This story was written to go with the attached images.

Elara the herm laquine has a surprise for her herm fox lover, Sarah. Because this is the first time their heats have been synchronized, Elara has a very naughty plan to help them deal with it together.

DRAFT - Sarah's Surprise
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Sarahvixen)

The lights along the walls of this wood-lined hallway were the soothing color of late afternoon sunlight. My heat had my pussy feeling like it was going to light on fire and my horsedick so hard that the end of it was sticking out beyond my knee-length skirt. It was way too much cock for a five-foot-tall bunny like myself, but everyone I'd been in bed with was a fan, so I didn't mind it. My thick furred dragon tail with scales on the underside was lifting up the back of my skirt. My body was hoping someone would come by and fuck my needy equine snatch. If I hadn't been in this hallway, I would've had some modicum of control, but this was the lewdest hallway I'd ever seen in my life. Luckily, I wasn't the one seeing it for the first time. That was Sarah's lot.

"Okay, hon, before I take off your blindfold, I want you to use that vulpine nose of yours and tell me where you think we are," I said.

She sniffed and then whined and covered her nose. "In the middle of an orgy?" Her prick swelled to full hardness in seconds, lifting up her frilly red skirt.

"Good guess, but not quite," I said, pulling off her blindfold.

Her blue eyes sparkled under wisps of her long black hair that had been disheveled by our earlier make out session. As she surveyed what was essentially a hall of naked butts, her maw fell open. It was quite the menagerie including three canines, a couple dragons, a giraffe, a hyena, a tigress, a leopard, and an otter.  All the gorgeous rear ends were sticking out through holes in the walls on either side of the hallway and their knees were bent so their paws came out two lower holes. Portraits were affixed above their exposed backsides so one could put a face with the sexy bits. The night club this hallway was attached to was one of the queerest in town and just about every arrangement of genitals was represented, including two herms.

The female red-scaled dragon was getting pounded by a rather handsome possum and he was so devoted to his work that he didn't pay us any mind. Most occupants had been used, the ones with crops and other tackle hanging next to their bums had been lovingly abused, while a couple of them had just arrived and were waiting for suitors. Some of the thoroughly used ones had been cum in and on to the point that drops of pearly white were falling to the floor as we watched.

The two herms were near each other, the giraffe on the left, and the otter on the right. The otter was very hung and had equine parts like me, which gave me serious tingles. I wanted to get my face in there and lick that equine pussy so bad.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to stop myself if I kept staring, I looked at Sarah and gestured toward the two empty spots between the otter and giraffe, saying, "And here's my surprise: those are our spots."

Sarah couldn't form words at first because she'd started panting and wagging her tail. I wasn't doing much better. My body needed to get off as badly as hers did and the only reason I was able to maintain my composure was that I'd been here before.

Grabbing her to hold her steady, I asked. "Do you like my idea?"

She nodded, her prick making her skirt bounce.

Leading her to the wall, I pulled out pictures I'd printed to put above our spots in the wall. As I handed her her portrait, I said, "After we put these up, we can go in the back and get into position."

When she bent forward to affix her portrait to the wall, she moaned and nearly dropped it. I held her steady until she was done with hers before doing mine. I led her through the tall wooden door at the back and we saw the front ends of the sexy individuals who'd put their asses on display.

The herm giraffe tried to say something, "Howdy gi--UUHH! God he's big and--NGH!--feels so good!"

We both blushed as was saw her body jostle from the sudden intense fucking she was getting. Past her was our slots, the herm otter who had a big package and a bright purple mohawk, and a male hyena whose mane was nice and long with some gorgeous curls. The organizers of this sex venue liked to group all the herms together, which was nice because herm camaraderie was a real and wonderful thing.

"Time to get naked," I said loudly to make sure I could be heard over the giraffe's moans.

"Yes, right!" Sarah said, pulling her eyes away from the action.

Our clothes flew across the room as we stripped at lightning speed. Neither of us cared where our garments landed, we just wanted to get fucked ASAP. However, once we were completely naked and our eyes met, Sarah bent down so her muzzle met mine and kissed me furiously while grabbing my head. I slid my prick between her legs and pressed my entire front against her. Her luscious breasts squished against my small pert ones. Her hard canine cock was throbbing against my belly as I felt the hot wetness of her snatch rub on the top of my knotted horsecock. Our tongues entangled as we both started thrusting and moaning against each other.

The well-hung otter cleared her throat. "You two are gorgeous and I could watch you make out all day, but you probably should get in position or you're not gonna get any business."

Sarah broke the kiss and looked at me blushing from the otter's compliment. "Wait, we get paid for this?"

"Yep, I think it's a win-win," I said and then winked at the otter hottie. "We need to be fucked and people are willing to pay for that privilege." I cupped her balls with my hand and added, "Plus, it makes things kinkier, doesn't it?"

The otter grinned and winked back at me. Sarah was eyeing her too as she squirmed and gasped, her pre leaking onto my wrist. Before the day was done, we were going to exchange numbers with that otter.

"You know me too well," Sarah said, her pussy clenching against the tips of my fingers.

I whinnied softly as my pussy winked. Then I said, "Let's get you situated. It can be a bit awkward to get into position."

"You've done this before?" she asked.

"Yep, a bit before I met you." The insides of my ears blushed. "I got a little desperate during a heat."

She started climbing into position. "I'm assuming it worked well?"

I helped her get her hands into grips and lay her belly on the support. Then I grabbed her tail and helped her aim her butt straight for the hole. "Honestly, I was holding off on going back here because I hadn't talked to you about whether it was okay for me to do stuff like this while we were dating. But then I thought about how kinky you are and how compatible our tastes are and decided to surprise you."

She moaned when I grabbed her tail and then said, "I'll admit that I'm a bit nervous, but with you here I'm totally up for trying this."

"Awesome, I'm so excited," I said, holding the adjustable armrest still because it was getting away from her. "Now aim dick and your balls so they're pointing out the hole and then just back into it nice and easy."

As she did so, she gasped. "My dick isn't as flexible as yours."

"You're actually pointing it down enough for it to work. Get a bit above the hole and go in at an angle," I said.

She was able to get herself right in after that.

As I got myself in the wall, my heart started to race. My pussy and cock ached to be used and I could feel my own wetness trickling down the back of my equine sac. Now that I wasn't trying to help Sarah figure stuff out, my heat had my full attention and it was bad.

The otter looked at us, a confident smirk on her muzzle. "Damn, you two are adorable!"

Sarah and I moaned at being called adorable while we were so deeply in need.

I said, "You're adorable too, even more so with that giant package you have."

The otter giggled happily.

Just as I was about to continue the conversation, Sarah grabbed our attention.

"Haah!" Sarah yelped. "S-someone's cupping my balls."

"Big hands, small hands?" I asked.

"Small." She moaned. "Oh! They're licking my pussy lips. AAAH! They're pushing their tongue inside me!"

"I wonder what--AAHH! Someone's kissing my cock head." I shivered as they licked around and around, paying special attention to my flare and medial ring. Their hands were tipped by retractable claws and their paw pads were round and springy, but it was their rough tongue that gave their species away. "I think it's a cat of some sort. They keep using the underside of their tongue to contrast with the rough upper part."

"Oh wow!" she said. "Mine's standing up and--YES!" She yowled as her breasts started jostling from her getting railed.

I tried to say something, but then my expert cat started licking and sucking on my flare. The roughness of their tongue hurt when they went too hard, but they paid attention to my wincing as they worked to figure me out. Soon, they had me intensely pleasured, riding the edge of overstimulation. I started thrusting as best I could, even though I was rather restrained. What drove me wild was when the cat revealed she had breasts by pressing them up against my huge balls and rubbing her hard nipples against me. She giggled, probably due to the fact that my balls were nearly as big as her tits. Then she moved her mouth up to my sac. I squeaked in delight and pre shot out of my shaft as she started kissing and licking at my smooth equine ballsack.

"Oh no! I think she's figured out my balls are sensitive."

"It's not like it's a secret," Sarah said. "Ngh! God this shaft has an amazing taper. I think I'm being taken by a rather hung deer. He's grabbing the base of my tail. Haah! He's pulling--FUCK!" Her whole body was moving with every thrust.

The feline femme tending to me stroked my dick with her hands while sucking, licking, and toying with my balls. When my knot started to swell, she did the exact right thing: she grabbed it and squeezed with both hands. My knot was big enough that one dainty hand just wasn't enough. I didn't have a chance to warn anyone that I was cumming. It just happened and the cat was nimble enough to get her face down there and put her mouth over the end of my prick. Then she drank down every shot while still groping my knot, even though it was an awkward position for her.

Shooting into her hot wanting maw got me whinnying and bucking like a stallion.

Just as I was making my last shot, Sarah yowled and shook as she came hard. Her fox ears laid back, her head thrown upwards, her arms flexing as she used her handholds to press against the lover who was emptying himself in her.

My cat pulled her mouth off of me and I was surprised that she hadn't touched my pussy before she left. I say surprised, but I was more annoyed. My pussy juice was now dripping off my balls and my clit was so swollen it was parting my teardrop-shaped equine snatch. As I was about to mention this to Sarah, someone dragged their index finger through the ample wetness from my pussy and my whole body trembled. Then they stuck two fingers in me, feeling around to see how I'd react.

"I think I'm about to be fucked," I said.

"Ooh! Good for you. I got someone licking up the last person's mess," she said.

The flat head of a horsecock started stretching my mare cunt, making my instincts run wild. As his massive flare popped in, my pussy winked and I whinnied. Then he just kept going, stretching me so much that a visible bulge was traveling up my belly.

Sarah looked at it with wide eyes only to moan sharply as the person licking her out hit a good spot.

The stallion stuffing his dick in me slowed down when things got tight, but he was insistent. Every time I stopped clenching around his dick, he'd add a bit more. And I was  close to orgasm when he finally parked his balls against mine. They were nearly as big as mine, so warm, and their weight felt really good as he pulled out a couple inches and slammed back in. The stretch he'd put in my pussy was making it so my clit was getting tons of sensation and every time the base of his dick hilted in me, I cried out in bliss. He grabbed my dragon tail with one hand and rode me like a rodeo cowboy: slapping my buttocks and bucking wildly into me.

The clapping of his balls against mine, the way his medial ring popped in and out, and the wonderful girth of his cock got me off suddenly. I just started cumming around him, yelping and moaning. He kept pounding me right through my orgasm, his flare starting to get thicker. I was so wet, he was able to go even harder, which added this nice friction to everything. He was grunting now, trying to hold on.

But then I came again and he shoved forward so hard I thought he'd break the boards the wall was made of. His balls hit mine with a nice big smack and his whole shaft started lurching. His flare engorged, getting big enough to be seen in my abdomen. I muttered, "yes, yes, yes, oh fuck yes," under my breath until my voice broke into shrieks of pleasure. His cum was so thick, so voluminous, that my orgasm gave me stars in my vision.

Sarah's eyes were locked on me the whole time and she was only able to take ten seconds of me losing myself before she came herself. Her yowls mixed with my whinnies as we both had a wonderful, lingering release.

When my stallion pulled out, someone new was already at my back end. As I wondered what was going on, a long forked tongue licked deep into my pussy, tasting what the stallion had left behind. "I think a dragon or lizard is checking me out?"

"Me too!?" One of Sarah's fox ears folded down in confusion.

That forked tongue and scaly snout worked to lick up the stallion's entire load. Meanwhile, I was getting closer and closer to another orgasm. The flexible and mobile tongue was making waves in me, coiling, and uncoiling. It felt familiar, like someone who already knew how I worked. I could hardly remember to breathe with all the good spots it was hitting. Sarah seemed to be in the same boat, gasping and groaning and moaning randomly.

Then the tongue was gone and two cock tips were poking at my labia.

Sarah and I both looked at each other, both of us saying, "Two cocks?!"

Then the cocks were shoved in, and I noticed their owner didn't have legs, just one scaly snake-like lower half and a big plump pussy slapping against my balls. I now knew exactly what was happening.

"A herm naga?" Sarah said between moans.

"They're--AHH!--twins! I told them about my surprise for you, but I didn't expect them to actually show up," I explained.

"You--NGH!--know them?" she asked.

"Yes, they hit on me during an open mic," I said. "Gah! I think they know we're talking about them. Mine's going harder!"

"So--OOH!--is mine!" she said.

The one fucking me, coiled the end of her tail around my prick and and started stroking. As I grunted and moaned from all the stimulation, Sarah groaned and thrusted.

Sarah and I locked eyes, bringing our muzzles toward each other. We kissed with a lot of tongue, parting our muzzles as we got thrust into and stroked at the exact same pace.

The naga's cocks were side by side and pretty thick since they were large creatures. Every little tilt of their hips or change in the angle of thrusting, changed the relationship between the two cocks. This resulted in never getting bored with their thrusting. I knew they were equally skilled, so I knew the pulsing, milking sensation I was getting from my naga twin's tail, Sarah was getting too. Most unique of all was feeling a sopping wet scaly pussy slapping against my sensitive balls and a big throbbing clit pressed into my own at the end of each thrust.

I couldn't take it, my dick started to spasm as my well-used pussy started clenching rhythmically. A cascading bliss thrummed through me like a struck bell and I was in heaven. As my knot and flare inflated, I whinnied. Then I shot my jizz all down the wall as I came from both parts at once.

Sarah's yowl as she came both ways was unmistakable. Her voice broke and she growled and yipped at the same time while her tongue hung out the side of her mouth like the world's happiest fox. She looked so beautiful in that moment, so in pleasure that her eyes weren't perceiving anything and her whole body was undulating.

As we came down from our twin peaks, we kissed lazily.

My naga lover stayed inside me, but started moving with purpose. I moaned at the added stimulation and Sarah joined me as she said, "She's rubbing her pussy against me, digging her clit into mine. Fuck that feels amazing!"

"Yeah, mine tooOOOH! UUNNGGH!" I arched my back. Something about feeling pussy lips against my balls was unspeakably amazing.

The motions became urgent and fast, my clit fencing with hers, my whole body heating up until I felt like I was on fire. Finally, she slammed against me, her pussy twitching as she shot more jets of jizz into my pussy. Sarah screeched and balled up her hands as her naga finished. We kissed feverishly, sharing our joy throughout our orgasms and a couple minutes afterwards. The naga twins stayed inside us, rubbing themselves sensuously against us as we basked in afterglow.

When we broke the kiss, I looked into Sarah's deep blue eyes and said, "Experiencing this with you, knowing you'd be willing to try it with me, this is the best day of my life. This might be the heat talking, but I think we should look into living together."

"I thought you'd never ask!" She kissed me on the lips.

"So, that's a yes?" I asked.

She giggled. "Yes, maybe we should ask these naga twins if they need a couple herm lesbian roomies?"


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