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There will be multiple presents for y'all this year and it will take, possibly till the end of January to get everything in. As I mentioned at the top of the werewolf story, a patron threw money at me to combine with the remaining art budget so I could do even more than I'd planned. 

One of them will come out around Christmas, another will come out around New Year's, and another will come out in later January. The stories for these art presents will probably come out a bit earlier than the art in most cases.

Once all the presents are done, I will be going back to Remiel and making sure things y'all voted on get time from me. I think the presents will include something for just about everyone and I rarely surprise y'all and want to make this Christmas special. This year, this Patreon sustained me through two moves and the beginnings a new relationship with Sarahvixen that has made my life even more happy and joyous than it was just writing porn for y'all.

Thank you for your support, thank you for your patience while I was bouncing along the country. I've finally gotten my living situation in NM figured out so I don't freeze and have a nice area to work. I'm feeling more productive and getting more writing ideas than I have in ages. It's amazing and I hope y'all love the surprises you'll get over the next month.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Happy Thursday for those that don't observe the festivities at the end of the year. Every one of you rocks and has made it so I wake up with a smile almost every day. I love what I do and I am looking forward to doing a lot more!
