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Violet and Crystal's TF won the Spiritdancer vote!

Only problem is that Spiritdancer's Commissions filled up within one minute of opening and because I was in a doctor's office trying to get help for George's Parkinson's, I couldn't respond until three minutes after they opened.

TF-comic-making artists are not as common as I'd like them to be and I've been looking for some other options without finding anything that's quite what I need. The artists I'd most like to give this to are gone or on hiatus right now. I am happy to keep looking, but I also feel that Spiritdancer is the best option.

But I'd love to let y'all decide what happens next because both options are good:

Do you want me  to wait until Spirit Dance opens for September/December commissions and try getting a slot one more time?

Or do you want me to keep searching for an artist to do the Violet and Crystal TF comic?

If you vote to wait for Spiritdancer to open again, I'll set up a new art vote for something simpler we can get done in the meantime.


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