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Below is my proposed roster for the next Patreon Short Vote. It'll run a bit into next month before it closes. Comments and Constructive Criticism Encouraged!

Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 9 is in the hands of proofreaders. It'll be out before the end of the month! I'm going to be getting ready for a move to the west coast in January. My word count over the next two months may take a hit, but I will still be getting chapters and stories out to you. Some of the preparations I had to make time for this month is why this vote is spanning into December.

Due to how things keep going with me writing stories y'all like but not knowing how long they'll be, I'm thinking it's way better for me to try for 6-10k words each month of shorter content you can vote on. That's the average number of words I've been putting into non-novel stories each month since the "super sexy short" goal was reached. It feels sustainable and I think puts me in a better headspace for figuring out voting. If the first story I have y'all vote on is smaller than that target number, I'll open up for a second round of voting that month.

Please let me know in the comments if this works for you. I think it's important to have short and long projects going because variety is good!

Okay, here's the contenders for what I'll write once the current arc of Remiel's Fall From Grace is complete. There's only a few chapters to go.

TF Hoop Story - A quick transformation caused by a simple hoop one can step through or get dropped on them. The advantage of this TF trope is that the transformation is near-instantaneous and leads to the story being more about exploring one's new form than the process of changing into that form. Who's transforming and into what? If this gets picked, I'm gonna run another vote so we can figure that out. ^_^ (If you've been wanting me to try my hand at this TF idea, pick this option.)

Eileen Comes First - Wanting to try out their new transformative powers during Halloween, Zack and Bella have invited people to come forth to be changed. Deloy and Eileen ask Bella and Zack to surprise them with something hermy, well-hung, and wild. Letting Eileen go first, Deloy watches her transform into a horse-hung cat taur with a beautiful white coat and striking black horse bits. The whole time Zack's working his magic on Eileen, Bella's teasing Deloy and once Deloy finally gets to try out his love's new form, they have the best sex of their lives. (Zack and Bella are from "Shifting Consequences." It's been a long time since I've done anything in that universe. ^_^)

The options below will help me develop details and characters for a the story world I mentioned in the previous Patreon vote.

Here's a refresher in case you need it: It's going to be set in a tubepunk world that has the feel of a post-apocalyptic martial arts flick combined with contagious were-creature tropes and vault-like underground dwellings for humans who don't have the were-curse.

Suddenly Laquine [working title] - Normally, getting bukkaked by a bunch of horny stallions is a rather safe bet for a good time, but Elara might have gone a bit overboard in a world where transformation magic is laced into the very fabric of reality. Growing a horsecock is a fine thing for anthro-horses and centaurs to do, not so fine for a petite female bunny who gets paid to show clients a good time during the day and helps out at her friend's tavern at night. No, being a petite bunny means every inch of that gigantic cock is even more ridiculous on her frame.

Luckily, this new cock goes away once it's been thoroughly satisfied. That makes walking and living one's life a lot easier. However, when it sprouts between her legs and shoves its way all the way up her blouse to hit the underside of her chin, things get very hard to deal with, very quickly. (If you've wanted to see a certain bunny, from a certain popular movie who teamed up with a fox con artist to solve crime, have to wrangle a huge horsecock, this story is for you.)

Safe as a Werewolf - Henry has been working on manipulating magic with tubes since he was eleven years old. A decade later, he's playing things fast and loose, taking on projects almost faster than he can finish them and making all the money. Working late into the night on a big project that's going to put him in the history books, Henry touches the wrong wire.

Eight minutes later, his lifeless body is found on the floor of his lab by the healer next door and she saves his life. But it takes so much magic that another being gets caught up in the flow and enters his body. When he wakes up, he finds he's got company and that his body can shift into the form of a female werewolf. He's not too enthused about sharing his mind, or body, but when this other presence takes control, he experiences the ecstasy being a big curvy werewolf offers. Perhaps sharing isn't as bad as he thought. (If you like the idea of true inner dialogue and M to F transformation where one's inner female werewolf takes control for a while, vote for this one.)

First-Time Centaur - When Agida's centaur form didn't manifest by the time she was sixteen years old, she was given to the humans, thinking she'd be happier there. The humans made her live as a boy simply because of her anatomy and she hated it there. So she soon went back to the were-centaurs and resumed her happy life there. It's been three years and she still hasn't been able to transform. Now everyone's wondering if she's a were-centaur or just a normal human that was born to centaur parents.

But today she's getting all the weird tingles. In fact, she's late for an outing with her boyfriend because every time she stands up, she falls right back into bed. Soon her prick is marching up her chest and the space behind her balls is feeling mighty odd. Agida didn't expect she'd ever be a centaur, let alone a herm, but with the help of her boyfriend and her gorgeous neighbor, she's able to fully appreciate her first time as a centaur. (If you want to see a coming of age story that's got a hot centaur threesome at it's center, you've gotta pick this one.)


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