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(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (------) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)

To save the day, Pepper's going to have to be patient, resist temptation, and collaborate with a secret admirer on Charlemagne's team.

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 7
~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~
(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

The overhead lights in Septimus's lab were slightly dim even though it was still early in the day. On the three big flatscreen monitors for his computer was what looked like a robotic naga and some of its internal systems. 

Before I could ask him about it, he turned in his chair to face the door and said, "Looks like we have you to thank for saving the repository." His grin was almost too big to fit on his small mouse muzzle.

I stepped inside and quickly closed the door, saying, "Yep!" My grip on the box of gauze was a bit too tight.

He dashed up to me, eyes full of wonder, paws and whiskers twitching with nervous energy. Judging by the way he was sniffing around, there was something about my scent he was trying to characterize. I'm not even sure he was aware he was doing it and it was so damn adorable.

"How did your metamorphosis feel?" he asked.

Knowing he'd ask for all the little details, I gave him a rundown of my entire adventure dealing with the crystal generator. Only part I left out was the part where I was lying on the floor, orgasming so hard I couldn't move. We leaned on lab benches as we chatted about all this. My stomach growled a couple times, but I told myself I could wait until I got back to the habitat to get a proper meal.

As I spoke, his eyes kept darting down to the box of gauze I was holding, which kept my boner from going down. After I went over how I destroyed the crystal generator, he asked, "So, there was no information about it?"

"I didn't stay to ask the Librarian about it because I was naked and didn't want someone to find me like this before I figured out what to do." My stomach growled again. Maybe my appetite couldn't wait.

"Understandable. Mind if I look you over a bit more?"

"No, not at all."

After about thirty seconds of him looking really closely at my fur, I felt like I was gonna keel over if I didn't get something in my stomach. "Do you have anything to eat?"

He nodded and then went back to examining the fur on the backs of my hands.

"Could we get something heating in the microwave? I really need food," I said.

He stood straight up and with his tail between his legs. "Sorry, I don't always catch implied meanings. It's better to be fairly direct with me."

"Okay, I'll try to remember that," I said.

"Cool," he said. "Premade frozen yakisoba sound good?"

"Sounds perfect!" my tail wagged, trapped by my pants. 

I knew dogs mostly had muscles at the base of their tails, but my tail was different. It had muscles running the whole five-inch length. I was hoping it would get bigger, but also worried I wouldn't be able to hide it if it was bigger. At this stage, I didn't even know if there was a point in trying to hide things.

He went over to a mini-fridge and pulled out a box full of frozen yakisoba packets. Then he got a bowl off of the top of the microwave and tossed a packet in it.

The moment he got it cooking, he went back to examining me. "This clear fur is fascinating. May I touch it?"

"Sure." My nose and teeth were stinging a bit.

When he stroked the fur on the backs of my hands, we both made noises. His was one of joyous surprise, mine was a deep sigh. Being pet by him was reducing the tension between us, but I was starting to catch a scent from him. It was nuanced, like roasted tea leaves. There was also something peppery about it that made me want to pull him against me and...

I moaned.

He stood up straight and looked at me with raised eyebrows. The insides of his ears were bright pink and his scent was even deeper than before. As his nose twitched and sniffed the air, his eyes darted down to my crotch.

Then he was looking at the box of gauze as if he had X-ray vision. "Do you have a penis now? Is that why you're holding that box?"

"I think you know the answer to that," I said, blushing profusely.

"I, uh--" His blush deepened as he tried and failed to avoid staring.

"Fiiiinnneee. I should've known your scientific curiosity would extend to all aspects of my changed anatomy." I tossed the box of gauze onto a nearby lab bench.

"Yes, scientific," he said to himself as he rubbed his thighs together.

"Knowing Helja, this isn't the final size," I said as my boner throbbed visibly.

He started to say something, but was interrupted by the microwave.

After pouring the delicious-looking veggies and fat noodles into the bowl, he grabbed a pair of chopsticks out of the drawer under the microwave. Then he stuck the chopsticks in the noodles and handed the bowl to me.

I immediately dug in, having to breathe out to cool the noodles as I worked to scarf them down.

Now he was squinting and looking at my face. "I think you're getting a muzzle."

When I tried to touch my nose I gasped. It was flatter than I remembered. My speech slurred due to an ache in my tongue as I said, "Shit! I don't think I can protect Helja anymore. What am I going to tell them?"

"We need time and the only way to buy time, is to come up with a story that will satisfy them in the near term," he said.

I struggled to eat with my changing jaws. Things just didn't move in my mouth the way I expected and I had way too much tongue now. After swallowing far more than I should have even put in my mouth, I said, "I can't keep lying. I'm not good at it and I don't want to hurt Percy or Charlie."

"The damage is already done. You've been keeping the biggest discovery mankind has ever made a secret from them."

I swallowed another huge mouthful of noodles and then grimaced. Even with my heart aching, I was too hungry to stop eating. "You're right. I'm not sure either of them will ever trust me again." I sniffled, holding back tears.

After some indecision about how he wanted to hug me, he settled for hugging me from the side. "Hey, I'm not good with people and even I can tell that they really care about you. It might be rough, but I think you'll be able to work things out. But right now, Helja's safety is the most important."

I grabbed his upper arm and squeezed. "Thanks." I still wanted to cry, but I also had butterflies in my stomach over his embrace.

When he let go of the hug, I kissed him on the cheek and he bashfully turned away. The peppery part of his scent was stronger and it was driving me wild. Pushing that out of my mind, I tried to focus on the problem I came here to solve.

"I really don't want to lie to them anymore, though. I feel like I'm already too used to it," I said.

He sighed. "Wish there was something else I could think of, but your nose is now looking rather canine and your fur is turning golden. You'll have to offer some sort of explanation."

"Hmm, Helja's really nice and thoughtful," I said, examining my fur as it became more dog-like. "Maybe I should just tell them the truth and let them meet her."

"She's not fully healed yet, is she?" Septimus asked. "What if they cut her off from the materials she needs to continue living because they think she's trying to do something nefarious with them?"

That stopped me in the middle of eating the last bite. I had to remember to chew and swallow before I could respond. "Okay, you've got a point. But I don't think there's a big chance they'd do that. I could just start by only telling Percy the truth."

"Do you really think Percy could keep a secret that momentous from Charlie? They've grown very close."

"True. Sometimes I feel like the third wheel when I'm with them." I grabbed my head, still awkwardly holding chopsticks in my right hand. "Ugh, I have no idea what to do."

"Me neither." He rubbed at the base of his whiskers with the backs of his handpaws and then continued. "Honestly, I'm rubbish at predicting what people will do most of the time, especially Charlemagne, so I don't know how to calculate the risk of full veracity. The military wants to know only two things, who and what are threats, who and what are ways of defeating those threats. I don't want to see someone with as much military background as Charlemagne go into reaction mode over verified extraterrestrial life."

I sat there in silence for a moment thinking, but then a pang of hunger hit me and I asked, "Can I have another bowl of yakisoba?"

"Sure!" He grabbed my bowl and went back over to the microwave.

As the noodles cooked, my tail started to grow again, my ears felt like someone was tugging on them, and my thoughts just started crashing into each other. Nothing, nothing I thought of both kept Helja safe and kept my relationships intact.

"Since we're at an impasse, may I switch subjects?" he asked as he handed me the second bowl of noodles.

"Yeah, I'd love to think about something else for a bit." I started gobbling the noodles down.

"Even if it involves some personal questions about your anatomy?"

I groaned. "Always the scientist."

"I don't know how to be anything else." He picked up his tablet.

"It's fine, fire away," I said before stuffing more yakisoba in my mouth.

"Do you have six breasts?"

"Yes." I blushed.

"And Helja has two, correct?"

I nodded, still blushing while chewing my latest bite of yakisoba.

He started typing. "Huh, I was under the impression that Helja would hybridize you to be more like her."

"She gave me the impression that every hybridization her species does is unique and incorporates local stuff," I said. "And they consider anyone they've fully hybridized a member of their species."

"Interesting, that means their biology is highly variable."

I put the bowl of yakisoba I'd just finished to the side, but kept the chopsticks so my hands had something to play with. "Yeah, I always thought aliens would be like us. That they'd all look similar to each other and be biological. Or that they'd all be robots. I didn't imagine they'd look biological, but be synthetic and no two of them would look the same."

"Helja's species confounds my expectations as well," he said.

Looking into his eyes and delicately putting a hand on his knee, I said, "Hey, Septimus, did I do something wrong last time we were chatting?"

As his fingers felt along the edge of his tablet, his face and ears drooped in sadness. "No, it's my fault."

I gave his leg a squeeze."Hey, if you were having a panic attack or something, that's not your fault."

Putting his paw on top of mine he said, "I know, it's just, this stuff is always so hard for me. I don't know why I even bother."

"It's hard for me too. I'm always going a mile a minute and I get exhausted dragging everyone behind me," I said. "For some reason, I slow down when I'm with you."

"Y-you do?"

"You're quieter than most people. Whenever I'm around you, I get to borrow some of your calm." That tugging sensation was back and I reached up to find they were a lot pointier.

"Uhh, I don't feel very calm, I'm nervous all the time," he said, glancing at my ears.

"Maybe inside? It's just, you don't raise your voice, constantly make jokes, or try to tell random stories to try and get everyone's attention. You're much more focused and that does wonders for my ADHD."

He smiled. "I've never thought about myself that way. I always thought my extreme mental momentum just got in the way of normal conversation."

"You are different, but you're different in a way I really like. And I'm sure other people here value your ability to focus too."

He laughed. "I'm not sure I'd go that far."

"Fair. But I'm sure they have at least some respect for it because it's pretty damn useful."

"I'll just have to take your word for it." He smiled faintly.

"So, I didn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable?" My teeth hurt. Something was happening with my jaws.

"No, that was all me," he said. "I've had a lot of bad experiences because I don't consider myself to have a gender and there's intimate stuff about me that most people aren't prepared for."

"So you're genderqueer?" I asked.

"I don't like labels because they very often lack nuance and lead to misunderstandings, but that one's actually pretty accurate."

"Okay, good, so now I know not to call you ‘my man' and stuff like that."

His smile was even bigger. "Exactly!"

"And you prefer ‘he, him, his,' etc?" I asked.

"Yeah, I tried gender neutral pronouns for a while, but constantly correcting people led to far more social conflict than I wanted."

"I totally get th--OW!" I winced in pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"My gums are getting pinched between my teeth. I was trying to ignore it, but now it's really hurting."

"The pain will likely subside as your mandible makes more room, but maybe this will help?" He set down his tablet and massaged my face with his paw-padded digits. 

I could feel his little mouse claws poking my skin. Luckily, they were rather blunt. I'd soon have claws as well, my fingernails were burning as they became thicker and curved.

"Oooh, that's good, actually," I said as he massaged a bit harder. 

He didn't respond as he gave all his attention to trying to ease my pain.

After a minute or two, I said, "I think it's okay now, thanks." I rubbed at my face finding far more canine characteristics than before.

Grabbing his tablet, he said, "You're welcome."

"Guess I'm gonna be a full-on canine hybrid," I said, looking at the beautiful golden fur on the backs of my hands. "I have six breasts, pointy ears, I'm getting a wet doggo nose, and this fur reminds me of a golden lab I used to dogsit in highschool."

"True, I wonder just how many canine traits you'll end up with." He glanced down at my crotch. "I wonder whether--" He covered his mouth as he blushed, unable to continue his thought.

Answering his unasked question, I said, "Yes, it's canine too." Somehow, admitting that made me feel really giddy and throbby.

He squirmed in his chair as I looked at my hands. The palms of my were pinching as they became more paw-like. As I was engrossed by the changes, the chopsticks I'd been fidgeting with fell out of my right hand.

After picking up the chopsticks, he put them on the lab bench. "I'm assuming your penis came in without disturbing your vagina and that you now have both sets of genitalia like Helja?"

"Yep!" I said, my prick jumping in my panties. 

Septimus's scent was stronger than ever as he rolled his chair right up to me. "How do you feel about that? Any dysphoria?" He tilted his head.

"No, no dysphoria," I said, blushing.

"Judging by the scent you had when you came in, I'm guessing it's quite the opposite?" He smirked. I think I was seeing his playful side for the first time. Fuck, he was cute.

"Ngh! Yeah." I don't know if it was the fact I was now focused on the sensations of my crotch or what, but my balls felt too big for my pants.

He smiled. "I'm really glad, relieved even."


"I think it fits you and I didn't want to get too excited about you being a hermaphrodite if you were feeling dysphoric," he said. His eyes were back on the tent in my pants while he bit his lip. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept thinking better of it.

The more he stared at my dick, the harder it was for me to ignore how much it ached to be used. "You're excited?"

He immediately sat up and put a paw over his mouth. "Oh, I, didn't mean, I, um--"

"It's totally okay, you excite me too," I said, barely keeping my hands from diddling my crotch.

"I do?!" His ears blushed crimson as his scent became overpowering.

My muzzle was longer, with a sense of smell that was continually improving, so I knew exactly how much he wanted me. "That's why I felt up your crotch yesterday, hon," I said, spreading my legs so he had an even better view of my desire.

"B-but I'm not a, I'm, you're--" He was grabbing his tablet way too hard.

"Are you afraid of me not liking what you have between your legs or something?"

He nodded shyly.

"I don't care what you have there, I like you."

He grabbed my hand and led it to his crotch. The way our paw pads squished against each other felt amazing. There was so much texture. Like two patches of wrinkled leather sliding over each other.

I thought he was trying to get me to cup his groin with my hand from the outside, but when I took the initiative to do that, he tugged my hand away, saying, "No, in here." He undid his belt, hooked the waistband of his boxers with his thumb, and pulled them, and his jeans, away from his body. With his other paw, he guided my hand into his pants.

The fine fur of his crotch tickled the paw pads on my fingertips as I reached for the moist warmth between his legs. The phallus my fingers came into contact with was confusing until I realized it was a gigantic clit, like the gorgeous ones I'd seen on trans men. Attached to two-thirds of it was his inner labia and surrounding it was his wonderful swollen mound.

My dick lurched. "Oh fuck, that's so hot!"

As I reached under that three-inch-long clit and slicked up my fingers with his ample pussy nectar, he grabbed onto me and bucked his hips. "YES!" His paws couldn't decide which set of my breasts to fondle and had no idea what to do with my cock. He was all sexual energy with no agenda.

His mouth found mine as he was panting and squirming. My muzzle pressed out further while he licked at my lips and nuzzled my nose. It hurt a bit, but the kiss was getting more and more interesting. Then I started getting whiskers and when he brushed his whiskers against mine, I let out an exuberant little bark. The dance of his long textured mouse tongue against my slick lengthening canine one was interrupted by his squeaks and my yips. If I wasn't so busy making out with him, I would've been embarrassed about all the doggo sounds coming from me.

When we broke the kiss to catch our breaths, my nose was drawn to the crook of his neck. His nose was twitching against my neck as well. I sniffed deeply, taking in his unique peppery roasted tea aroma. I wanted to commit it to memory, to bury myself in it.

Just as I got the second knuckle of my index and middle fingers into him, he threw his head back and let out a high-pitched squeak. Then he wiggled in his chair as his pussy convulsed around my fingers. This went on for a good minute and a half before he was just panting and holding onto me.

"With how fast you came, I bet you still want more," I said as I retrieved the fingers I'd put in him.

"So much more, so so much more." He kissed me and then looked in my eyes. "I have the urge to do something very undignified."

"Do it," I said, licking his pussy juice off my fingers. He tasted a bit like cantaloupe oolong tea. "You're delicious, by the way."

He moaned, watching me lick my fingers clean. Then he pulled off his pants and boxers and got on his knees in front of my chair. Biting his lip, he looked up at me. I'd never seen him more embarrassed.

I spread my legs apart and scooted myself more forward in the chair. My cock was bouncing with my heartbeat, straining my tight leggings. "Trust me, I've done far more undignified things than whatever you're planning."

He dove, nose first, into my crotch and started sniffing so hard I could feel the air rush through my leggings.

Grabbing his head and holding him against me, I moaned. He was exploring every bit of my crotch: my shaft, balls, pussy lips, and clit. I growled and groaned, unable to sit still. The rush of air from his breathing was tickling my short golden lab fur. Meanwhile, he stroked his clit between his fingers like a little cock.

Then we both suddenly decided the cloth in Septimus's way had to go and, as he sat back, I got up and pulled off my leggings and panties. He stripped off his dress shirt and undershirt to reveal six small breasts with nipples as big as the end of my pinky fingers.

"I love your breasts!" I said.

"R-really? They're kinda small," he said.

"Get ‘em over here." I made grabby hands.

He walked up to me and I groped around, playing with his nipples and tit flesh. Each set had some give, but the top set was definitely the largest. Still small, though, maybe low B cup in size? But they fit him perfectly and were incredibly sensitive. I nearly made him fall over with how much he was gasping and fidgeting.

When I finally let him go, I said, "I love them!"

He let out a happy squeak and then kissed me. As the kiss lingered, he pet the fur on the backs of my pointy ears. They weren't fully canine in shape yet, but boy did it feel nice to have them stroked.

After the kiss, I put my leggings under me so I wouldn't make a mess on the mesh chair and sat back down.

Nuzzling, sniffing, and licking, he appreciated every little detail of both sexes. I loved the feeling of his whiskers and little mouse nose. Especially when he let my balls sit atop his muzzle and rubbed his nose against my clit. I got so wet that he actually had something to lap up.

When he took my bright pink dick in his mouth, he sucked on every inch until his whiskers were brushing against my furry inner thighs. I cried out and thrusted, unable to control my hips. My prick was under five inches long and was easy for him to handle, but it felt like it was growing again, reaching further into his muzzle. His tongue was strong and put some nice pressure on the underside of my length as he bobbed on it. While he did this, he lubed up his fingers with my wetness and then stuffed three of his digits into me. Now he was fingering both of us at the same time.

Just as I felt the hot rush of another dick-centered orgasm, I said, "Ahh! Keep sucking! I'm gonna cum!"

Pulling his mouth off, he said, "No! I have other plans." Then he nuzzled under my balls and sucked on my clit while he popped his paw pads in and out of my snatch. A rolling wave of pleasure made all my paw pads buzz and the top of my head feel weightless.

I came, mashing my muff against his muzzle and howling. Near the end of my orgasm, he hummed and licked his strong, slightly rough, mouse tongue over my clit. I grabbed my head and my short muzzle hung open as I gasped so hard I squeaked.

The moment it was over, he pulled his fingers out and stood up. I was still recovering as he took off my top, turned around, and grabbed my cock. While his body fell toward mine, I yipped helplessly. 

When his pussy parted for my cock, I growled and pulled him against me. He squeaked as I instinctually thrusted up to jam every inch of my shaft into its first snatch. I grunted and grabbed at his breasts while our laps clapped against each other. My balls were smacking more heavily each time he landed on me and I could feel more friction from my prick thickening and lengthening.

Adjusting to the crazed fucking he was getting, Septimus met my rhythm and used gravity to get me as deep as possible. "Unf! This is so nice! So good!" One of his paws was stroking his clit while the other was helping me tease his breasts.

"Yeah! I love fucking your pussy!" I growled, feeling my own six nipples rub against the soft fur of his back as my tail stretched out further and further from my body.

"AHH, Pepper! I love this so much!" he replied.

"I'm gonna cum in you so hard!" I growled.

He moaned sharply and arched his back. I don't know whether it was a small orgasm or him getting off on my words. Either way, it was wonderful to see him so happy.

I'd fingered many muffs over the years and I knew what it felt like to have a velvety wet passage spread for my digits. But sticking a cock in one was incomparably better. I could feel so many details and all of them gave me pleasure. His muscles twitched whenever I hilted myself in him, his pussy was rougher along the back than the sides and front, and there were little folds of his insides that stimulated me in unexpected ways.

Now that I was longer, he was popping up higher and, from what I could see of my shaft, I knew it had to be six inches long. This only made me more desperate and I started pulling him down so I could stuff him harder. He squealed, overwhelmed by the increased pleasure.

Then my knot was popping in and out. It made me wince, in a good way. It was so dang sensitive and feeling his snatch spread for it was making all eight inches of my tail curl.

Knowing I was close, I shooed his hand away from his clit and started stroking it at blinding speed between my paw pads.

"Guh! Pepper! I'm--AYYIIIEEEE!" he cried out as his pussy trembled and his hips went crazy.

I knotted him while he was cumming, stuffing it in and letting it expand inside him. Then I whined as a strange sensation, a pleasurable burn, traveled up my shaft. My nipples and pussy panged with sympathetic bliss as I erupted inside him.

It felt like my shaft was being massaged from the inside out, like back-flipping off a cliff, like FUCK! I couldn't describe it! It felt so good and so impossible at the same time. I barked and yowled so loud it echoed throughout the lab while his squeaks punctuated every one of my noises.

We were far too busy cumming our brains out to notice someone opening the door to the lab. But a sharp, startled gasp got me to crane my neck toward the door. Standing there was Persephone, her body frozen in shock.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (------) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)



Oh no, that ending. Things are going to get more complicated than it already has. I am pretty sure everything is going to work out in the end though.

Arkona Kothe

I just made a realization during this part. Is Helja's race the Maociq from The Long Gift? They seem to share the genetic hybridization part for sure!


This is a fantastic question and I'm thinking about it. I should have made the connection when I was writing about her and I'm thinking it might make sense for some parallel universe shenanigans since her race is so close to the Maociq. I haven't actually said the name of her race and it might be interesting to have them be the same. Albeit a parallel universe version of that race. The world of The Long Gift has no NPOs and the Maociq are far more established there. Makes me think about an alternate history for the NPO universe.


WOW! 😮 This chapter's sex scene was hot as hell!! 👀💦💦 Definitely a new favorite of mine! If I had to pick a favorite moment of this whole sequence it would have to be when Septimus got right in there and started sniffing and licking, oh my goodness 🥴 A close second would be the final moments of the knot 💜 Like I said, definitely a new favorite of mine. I'll be coming back to this one a lot! And it turns out my hunch regarding what Septimus was packing was right and I love it 😁 Pepper and Septimus are great together, though things definitely got a lot more complicated. But Helja is gonna love Pepper 2.0! Great chapter Ezzie! I very much enjoyed it 💜


I had a feeling you'd fall for this chapter. ^_^ It has one of my all-time favorite sex scenes too. I just love how things came together for it.