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(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (------) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)

To save the day, Pepper's going to have to be patient, resist temptation, and collaborate with a secret admirer on Charlemagne's team.

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 6
~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~
(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

 The crystal lattice was terrifyingly beautiful. The half-centimeter-wide branches stretched out the visual spectrum into rainbows that glittered as I moved through them. Their slow transition from solid to retracting molasses-like liquid forced me to take the time to admire them. This also made the pleasure they were giving my sensitive parts linger longer than was ideal. Clenching my muscles while fostering a stubborn determination to keep moving helped a lot.

What wasn’t helping was that my body was still changing. My upper breasts were a bit heavier, my tail was at least a couple inches long, and my prick was over four inches. Thankfully, my balls hadn’t gotten any bigger. I was worried about what would happen when they’d be big enough to sway and bounce against my legs as I walked.

Over the intercom, Charlie said, “Commander Charlemagne speaking: All hands, report any electrical disturbances ASAP. We are experiencing brownouts in the med bay and believe this is not a localized problem.”

“Alphonse here: There’s some flickering lights, but nothing too alarming at shield site three,” he said. “I’ve taken pictures of the weird shit going on with the emitters here and am about to head back.”

“Tritonia here: My charging station is getting a very dirty AC signal, but is still operational. Kirkii reports sensing some odd electrical activity above the crystal growth. She believes the pulses are similar to radar.”

“Tsubumi here: The crystal is determined to get into the main power conduit and even an army with PIKL units wouldn’t be able to stop it.”

“Tsubumi and Abrams, report to the med bay,” Charlemagne said.

“Roger, wilco,” Boom said.

The comm was silent after that.

“Librarian, which way to the crystal NPO thing?” I asked.

“Take the left fork and then travel thirty-one meters, four bulkhead doors from the intersection on the right side,” she said.

“Whoa, since when were you so helpful?” I asked.

“I have always been helpful,” she replied.

“No, no you haven’t. I think you’re just being nice because you’re scared.” I smiled, feeling like I finally had her where I wanted her.

“Fear is not one of my functions. You just asked a much better formulated question than normal.”

“Bullshit! I said crystal thing and you didn’t ask me to define crystal or thing,” I said.

“There are no bulls in the vicinity,” she said. “Please define this usage of ‘bullshit,’” she said.

“It means--hey! I’m not going to play this game with you right now.”

“I do not play games.”

“Bullshit!” I was getting close to the door she gave me directions to. It was wide open and twisted from the crystal growing through it.

“You still have not defined that usage of ‘bullshit.’”

“You’re smart enough to get it from context,” I said. “I know you’re no less smart than Helja, or me.”

“Define smart, it is a very vague term.”


An electronic wail came through the intercom system and I put my hands over my ears. Then the lights flickered and I heard the crackling of an open electric arc. It was so loud, I ducked.

The Librarian’s growly feminine voice rang throughout the base. “An uncatalogued NPO in section A493 has breached containment. Active restraint systems are non-functional.”

“All hands, arm yourselves and stay vigilant. Abrams and Pesephone, follow search pattern omega. Tsubumi, grab Tritonia and bring her to the med bay and then join Abrams and Persephone,” Charlie said.

It felt really silly to be rock hard when all this was going on, but I couldn’t help it. Every time I started to soften, I got pleasure from the crystal tendrils or more changes in my body.

But then I saw something moving, something I could only see because of the way the crystal branches were being interrupted by it. A chill ran down my spine as I felt something touch my leg, like a claw?

The more I stared at where it was, the more my eyes strained. I could see light refracting through it ever so slightly, but it was impossible to tell what shape it was because the outline kept shifting. I didn’t dare follow it because it was easily nine feet tall and moving away from the source of our crystal problem.

After making sure it wasn’t moving toward me, I went through the door to find a four-meter-wide-sphere completely devoid of the crystal lattice. At the center of the sphere was what looked like a six-foot-tall corn silo with four-inch-wide translucent dark blue and gray panels randomly covering its surface. The lights flickered as I studied an oval-shaped recess in the front, which had something that looked like an ATM screen and keypad. Only, the keypad was bigger and had alien curly letters on it. Coming out of the bottom of the silo were thick tree-trunk-like crystals and coming out of the top was a shitload of vein-like cables and tubes that linked up to the walls.

A bunch of NPO lockers were on the wall behind it.

“Librarian, give me all the information you can about this NPO, how do we stop--”

The lights went out for a good six seconds. 

Just after they came back on, Charlie said, “All hands, prepare to evacuate the Repository. Life support has gone offline. I repeat, all hands prepare to evacuate the Repository, we’ve lost life support.”

We were out of time. 

I went to a locker to the right of the crystal generator at chest height. It had a foot-wide bulkhead door. “Librarian, I’d like to check out this NPO.”

“You don’t know what it is, I think that would be unwise,” she said.

“Is it heavy and made of a sturdy material?” I asked, hoping she wouldn’t figure out what I was thinking.

“No, it’s very fragile.”

I tapped the locker next to it, “How about this one?”

“What are you planning to do?”

“Please, for once in your life, existence, whatever, just trust me. I want to help you, everyone on the base, and I need you to just open these doors until I find what I need.”

The three clamps holding the door shut opened.

Inside was a forest green rounded nine-inch-wide cube with swirls of black in it. When I went to grab it, my fingers slipped off of it without any friction. I tried several times to get a hold of it and I couldn’t. “So weird! Okay, is there anything in this area where we can actually open doors that I can grab that is sturdy and weighs over ten pounds?”

“Yes, there are two options.” A locker just above my head clicked and one to the left side of the crystal generator thing opened.

Since the first one was a climb, I went to the second. It was a large metal makeup storage box. The moment I tried to lift it, I jumped back and screamed, “EWW!”

The metal somehow had the texture of thoroughly-chewed bubblegum!

I put my foot on the top of one of the locker doors and climbed to get the other one that she’d opened. It was a fishing reel, one for a deep sea fishing vessel. The thing was over ten pounds and built like a tank. I grabbed it with one hand and found it easier to lift than I expected. I know I’d been working out, but this was odd. It clearly had a lot of mass, I was just that strong for some reason.

Turning to look at the silo, I held the reel above my head. Then I jumped off the wall, grabbing the reel with both hands as I slammed it into the top of the silo just under where the wires were connected. The top dented in and the metal shell split before the reel flew out of my hands and clattered to the floor. I landed on my side, hard.

The crystal generator wailed like a police siren and then there was a bright green flash with a deafening electrical pop, and a plume of smoke. A high-frequency zapping sound was accompanied by the crystals heating up dramatically. Fuck! If I let this thing start a fire, I was going to be in the middle of it. I picked up the reel and bashed the generator again right above the keyboard and screen. Feeling my muscles burn from the effort, I bashed it over and over and over. The crystals started melting when I’d gotten the casing to cave in six inches.

After the eighth hit, there was a loud bang when a ball of plasma blinded me and knocked me on my ass. I landed right on my four-inch-long tail and groaned in pain. I could smell singed hair, but no blood.

My ears were ringing and my entire vision was an angry violet afterimage. The smoke smelled like hot metal shavings and acid, but at least the generator was dead.

Hugging my legs, I waited for my senses to recover. As my vision came back, everything had a purple tint to it. Two-centimeter-long, half-centimeter-wide, bits of melted crystal tubing now littered the floor, sitting in the clear goop that must have been used to make them. The goop was very viscous and slowly hardening.

There were announcements over the intercom that I couldn’t hear over the ringing in my ears. The Librarian said something a couple times, but I had to tell her I needed time for my ears to recover.

A minute later, my ears were still ringing, but I managed to hear Charlie say, “All the reports are in. The crystal network is deactivated,there are no power disruptions, and there is no evidence of an escaped NPO. Life support is in need of repairs, but is operable. Evacuation order is rescinded, but be prepared to have it reinstated at a moment’s notice. Stay vigilant and report any irregularities ASAP.”

“Fuck yeah! I’m awesome!” I cheered to myself.

The Librarian said, “Simple solution, but effective.”

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” The afterimage was finally clearing up.

“Had your behavior warranted compliments in the past, I would have offered them.”

“I hate you,” I said.

“That’s confusing, because I don’t hate you,” the Librarian said.

“That’s actually a bit comforting.”

“I don’t hate anyone, I do not have the capacity to hate.”

“That’s less comforting.”

“I apologize,” she said.

“Apology accepted,” I said.

“Your appearance has changed over the last forty minutes, do you have an explanation for this?”

“Define appearance,” I said. I finally had her!

“You are far more versed in speaking your native language than I am. I’m certain your definition of that word is better than mine,” she said. “Why do you look different?”

“If you admit Helja’s an alien, I’ll tell you.”

“Helja is indeed of extraterrestrial origin,” she said.

“See!? You knew what ‘alien’ meant all along!” I pointed at the wall, not sure where her voice was coming from.

“Someone else provided a satisfying definition in the time since you last asked that question.”

“Bullshit,” I said.

“You have yet to define that term,” she said.

“I’ll just let someone else do it because you don’t like my definitions.”

“Given your past difficulties, that is an efficient strategy.”

Someday, I was going to pop open the Librarian’s case and punch her brain! “I hate you.”

“I don’t hate you.”

“You’re so frustrating!” I growled, actually growled. My eyes went wide as my breath caught in my throat. Just how many other things about me had changed without me noticing?

* * * * 

The crystal bits weren’t sharp, but they were still like pebbles and were making my bare feet ache as I went back to get my clothes. After about a hundred meters of walking, I decided my feet weren’t just aching from the debris on the floor and looked at the sole of my right foot.

Paw pads! Pink paw pads were forming with fine fur between them. Biting my lip, I touched the big paw pad in the middle of my right foot and felt its nice rubbery texture. As my feet tingled, the fur grew in thicker and my toenails became claws. My prick throbbed and my pussy clenched while I felt my changing footpaw with my fingers. A fetish for hybrid features and transforming into one didn’t mix well with my ADHD.

Gasping at the sudden sound of Boom and Abram’s voices, I let go of my footpaw.

Why did they have to show up now? All I wanted to do was just lean against a wall and stroke myself until I came in my own mouth. My nose was filled with my new key lime and ginger-tinged scent. If I tasted as good as Helja, that would make a nice meal. I licked my lips. Fuck, I was hungry for food too. What I wouldn’t have given for a T-bone steak or a bucket full of sushi.

Boom was saying, “I want to scoop up all these crystal bits and put them in a fish tank or something. They’re just so gorgeous!”

“They nearly killed us,” Abrams said.

“That’s in the past, now they’re just pretty rainbow pebbles.”

“Fair. I honestly want some too.”

As they spoke, I ran over to my clothes. Putting them on was stupid because my top was not made for three pairs of tits and my panties and leggings weren’t made for a bulge. And my socks and shoes, I couldn't get them on because they were getting caught on my clawed feet. Even at a distance, just about anyone would know I looked different.

“I’m gonna volunteer to be part of the cleanup effort so I can collect them,” Boom said, her voice very close now.

I dashed down the hallway, as quietly as I could, nearly slipping on crystal bits. Then I ducked around a corner at the last possible second before being seen. My back and neck were aching from all the tension.

“Me too,” Abrams said. “Huh, some of them are stuck in this epoxy stuff.”

I kept moving down the corridor, hoping they wouldn’t hear me and look in my direction.

“It’s not epoxy, I think it’s the solution that formed the crystals, so it’s gotta be a ceramic precursor of some sort.”

“Huh, it’s gonna be very hard to remove this, then.”

“Yeah...” Boom paused. “Very hard.”

Finally out of earshot, I started assessing my situation. There was nowhere to go, I had to sleep and eat and live my life. The only way I could think of to protect Helja was to lie. And lying to protect her was already a habit: all those times I told Percy or Charlemagne that I’d been reading in the entryway or I was going for a late night walk or that I had some task I needed to do in the base. I’d even lied to Persephone last night about having Helja’s cum all over me when just coming clean and telling her the truth might’ve been the better option. I needed some time to really think about this and figure out what to do.

Maybe, if I could get to Percy and my quarters, I could put on some baggy clothes and delay having to explain stuff till later. Nope, she’d want to have sex with me and do other girlfriend stuff and I’d have to lie about why I couldn’t. Same went for Charlie because I’d been distant from both of them lately.

Unf! Charlie’s horse pussy always looked like it needed a dick in it. I stroked my length through my leggings.

My balls felt heavier and there was some pressure behind them. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was me being a kinky girl, but I desperately needed to stick my cock in something and that need was intensifying with each change to my body.

As I pressed myself up against the curved wall in front of me and jacked off, I growled in frustration. Even though it felt amazing to thrust into my hand, it was risky to be out in the open like this. I needed a safe place to masturbate. No, I needed to figure out what to do next. Taking my hand off my prick, I focused on figuring out how to get to Septimus’s lab without being seen. Hiding in there wouldn’t do me much good, but talking to him might. That was if he was willing to even see me. The last time I saw him I’d made a fool of myself. Had I misread the situation when I’d touched his crotch?

Maybe he’d just been playing with me and didn’t intend it to get that sexual?

When I got to his door, I looked down because it still felt tight in my pants. Damnit, there was no way he’d miss the tent and the sexy bulge under it.

Looking around, I found a first aid kit on the wall and grabbed a big box of gauze pads out of it. Holding that in front of my crotch, I opened Septimus’s door and said, “Hello?”


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (------) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)



Pepper saved the Repository, but at the cost of her life changing forever. I am looking forward to what she turns into, because "canine" is quite undefined.


So far Pepper has luck in that nobody is looking for her. ..Yet

Arkona Kothe

Another excellent part!


Yus! She's gonna have a lot to deal with. Next chapter reveals a good part of what she's turning into. ^_^


There's always time for some fun Librarian banter. Loved Pepper's low-tech solution to the problem too, simple yet effective 😆 Also, I want to squeeze Pepper's new toe beans 😜 Great chapter!


The Librarian is my favorite unlikeable character. XD Pepper's toe beans will get love eventually.