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Thanks to each and every one of you. I'm writing two stories this month and making them as deluxe as I can to make sure each of you knows how much I appreciate you.

I wouldn't be writing, stories, novels, and collaborating with Tili on awesome TF art without you.

The plan was to have "Of Taurs and Energy Drinks" come out today as part of this event, but I've been sick with con crud and don't want to rush my editors too much since they're also sick with con crud. We went to the same con and got the same crud. XD

"Of Taurs and Energy Drinks" should be out tomorrow and it'll be around the length of "Identical Orca Twins" and is stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey with TF and sexy times.

Hope y'all are having an amazing November and I can't thank you enough for being here.

If you have a favorite story I've written, name it in the comments! If you can't decide, name your top two or three. I've been wondering what you guys have liked the most so far and figured I'd just ask.



Your latest short story "Identical Orca Twins" just might be my favorite one yet. Something about twincest and reluctant TFs topped with it being an orca TF is just so hot. Thanks for doing what you do!

Merv DeGriff

Raven Against All Odds was mine... I need to dig through the rest. The naga story set was good too. I have to admit I'm partial to eggs and avians.

Navajo Demar

I would have a hard time choosing a top three but my SO did love 'Tails of Graduation', 'Tritonia's Gift', and 'Super Blood Wolf Centaur'.

Rensis Coren

My favorites are, in no particular order: The Long Gift, Core's Opportunity, Naga Porn series, Tails of Graduation, Tritonia's Gift.